Jeg må sige at det er med stor spænding at jeg følger nokia´s Q2 regnskab i morgen. Det er dystre udsigter hvis man skal tro på bloomberg news. Lumina 900 kan ikke opgraderes til windows phone 8 software og man har sænket prisen kraftigt.
Aktien er faldet 70% på 6 måneder. Jeg har selv store forventninger til 808 pureview, men med det store fald i aktiekursen er det måske nærmere et spørgsmål om de overlever året ud.
Er der nogle bud på regnskabet i morgen og Nokia´s fremtidsudsigter såfremt de leverer et regnskab med rød bundlinie.
Jeg sidder også på stikkerne for at se om man skal ind i Nokia igen. Om det bliver Lumia der skal hive dem tilbage i kampen er jeg usikker på. Men alt er rimeligt åbent men vi kan jo begynde at se konturerne af salget for dem.
Uanset om de kommer med dårligt regnskab, så må der stadig være temmeligt mange der kan være interesserede i dem og her tænker jeg både på Microsoft, Google eller Amazon.
En af deres store konkurrenter, RIMM, har det heller ikke for muntert. Men vi er klogere i morgen.
Uanset om de kommer med dårligt regnskab, så må der stadig være temmeligt mange der kan være interesserede i dem og her tænker jeg både på Microsoft, Google eller Amazon.
En af deres store konkurrenter, RIMM, har det heller ikke for muntert. Men vi er klogere i morgen.
Nå jeg er all in gange 3.33 gearing hos nordnet. Købte i dag i 11.45 og er ikke spor nervøs. Hvordan folk kan snakke om Nokia overlever er mig en gåde....De har en mega pengetank...(jaja...den bliver mindre for hvert sekund) og de har patenter som er næsten ligeså meget værd som hele Nokia koncernen....Far er som sagt med når Nokia stiger 20+% idag...Så er kursen stadig mindre end for lidt over en uge siden....Alle har solgt ud med tab for vi er jo i all time low plus minus få øre...Med andre ord: Alle vi andre der er gået ind de sidste par dage, ja det bliver os der griner hele vejen til banken...Skal tilføje at planen er at supplere hele vejen op...For så er jeg som sagt med helt fra bunden af....Kurs 30 inden Jul...

For fanden boriz64..........hvordan tør du?
Men man må sige at du har "boller".
Om det er fornuftigt med alle dine "all in" vil jeg nu være tvivlende over for.
Men underholdningsværdien er høj.
Helle og lykke med din gambling.
Det viser også tydeligt hvor forskellig tilgang "folk" har til investeringer.
Jeg vil jo kalde det du foretager dig for gambling, uden at du skal tage det fortrydeligt op, for det er ikke en kritik, blot en konstatering af, vores forskellige tilgang til investeringer.
Men man må sige at du har "boller".
Om det er fornuftigt med alle dine "all in" vil jeg nu være tvivlende over for.
Men underholdningsværdien er høj.
Helle og lykke med din gambling.
Det viser også tydeligt hvor forskellig tilgang "folk" har til investeringer.
Jeg vil jo kalde det du foretager dig for gambling, uden at du skal tage det fortrydeligt op, for det er ikke en kritik, blot en konstatering af, vores forskellige tilgang til investeringer.
Her deres sidste kvartal og forventninger til næste...
Nokia lowers Devices & Services first quarter 2012 outlook and provides second quarter 2012 outlook
Difficult financial performance reflects company in transition
Positive early momentum in Lumia smartphone strategy
Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
April 11, 2012 at 15.00 (CET+1)
Espoo, Finland - Nokia today provided preliminary information on certain aspects of its first quarter 2012 financial performance, including a lowered first quarter 2012 outlook for Devices & Services. During the first quarter 2012, multiple factors negatively affected Nokia's Devices & Services business to a greater extent than previously expected. These factors included:
- Competitive industry dynamics, which negatively affected net sales in the Mobile Phones and Smart Devices business units, particularly in India, the Middle East and Africa and China; and
- Gross Margin declines, particularly in the Smart Devices business unit.
The impact of these factors on the non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the first quarter 2012 was partially offset by a significant benefit from lower warranty costs.
Updated outlook for Devices & Services for the first quarter 2012:
Nokia currently estimates that its non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the first quarter 2012 was approximately negative 3 percent, compared to the previously expected range of "around breakeven, ranging either above or below by approximately 2 percentage points" primarily due to the factors noted above.
Outlook for Devices & Services for the second quarter 2012:
Nokia expects its non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the second quarter 2012 to be similar to or below the first quarter 2012 level. This outlook reflects that the first quarter 2012 benefit related to lower warranty costs is expected to be non-recurring, as well as expectations regarding a number of factors including:
- competitive industry dynamics continuing to negatively affect the Smart Devices and Mobile Phones business units;
- timing, ramp-up, and consumer demand related to new products; and
- the macroeconomic environment.
"Our disappointing Devices & Services first quarter 2012 financial results and outlook for the second quarter 2012 illustrates that our Devices & Services business continues to be in the midst of transition," said Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Nokia. "Within our Smart Devices business unit, we have established early momentum with Lumia, and we are increasing our investments in Lumia to achieve market success. Our operator and distributor partners are providing solid support for Windows Phone as a third ecosystem, as evidenced most recently by the launch of the Lumia 900 by AT&T in the United States."
Additional commentary on the first quarter 2012 for Devices & Services and Nokia:
Nokia currently estimates that Devices & Services net sales in the first quarter 2012 were EUR 4.2 billion, comprised of Mobile Phones net sales of EUR 2.3 billion (71 million units), Smart Devices net sales of EUR 1.7 billion (12 million units), and Devices & Services Other net sales of EUR 0.2 billion. Based on the preliminary view, Nokia ended the first quarter 2012 around the high end of our normal 4 to 6 week channel inventory range, but on an absolute unit basis, channel inventories declined sequentially.
Nokia currently estimates that Devices & Services gross Margin (including Devices & Services Other) for the first quarter 2012 was approximately 25%, with Mobile Phones gross Margin of approximately 26% and Smart Devices gross Margin of approximately 16%.
In the first quarter 2012, Nokia sold more than 2 million Lumia devices at an average selling price of approximately EUR 220 (reported within the Smart Devices business unit). Furthermore, Nokia has seen sequential growth in Lumia device activations every month since starting sales of Lumia devices in November 2011. Lumia has gained market share with both distribution partners and consumers. The Windows Phone ecosystem is also attracting developers and has expanded rapidly with more than 80,000 applications available.
Nokia currently estimates that at the end of the first quarter 2012, the company's gross cash and other liquid assets were approximately EUR 9.8 billion, and Nokia's net cash and other liquid assets were approximately EUR 4.9 billion. The sequential decline in net cash and other liquid assets was driven by Devices & Services, which experienced unfavorable and mostly non-recurring net working capital changes as well as operating losses. Nokia Siemens Networks contributed positively to Nokia's cash flow in the first quarter 2012 due to net working capital improvements. This was despite Nokia Siemens Networks having a preliminarily estimated non-IFRS operating Margin of approximately negative 5 percent in the first quarter 2012, in line with the previously provided outlook.
Actions to Address Competitive Industry Dynamics Affecting Devices & Services
Nokia is quickly taking action. Nokia will continue to increase its focus on accelerating Lumia sales, as well as on lowering the company's cost structure, improving cash flow and maintaining a strong financial position.
- In the Smart Devices business unit, Nokia is increasing investments in Lumia to bring more products to more consumers in more markets.
- In the Mobile Phones business unit, Nokia is taking tactical pricing actions in the near term and plans to bring new products to market in the second quarter 2012.
- Nokia will accelerate planned cost reductions and will pursue additional significant structural actions if and when necessary.
"We are continuing to increase the clock speed of the company," said Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Nokia. "The change is tangible, and we are proud of the way Nokia employees are quickly responding to the needs of consumers and partners."
Nokia will provide full first quarter results and more details when it reports its first quarter 2012 results on April 19, 2012.
Nokia lowers Devices & Services first quarter 2012 outlook and provides second quarter 2012 outlook
Difficult financial performance reflects company in transition
Positive early momentum in Lumia smartphone strategy
Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
April 11, 2012 at 15.00 (CET+1)
Espoo, Finland - Nokia today provided preliminary information on certain aspects of its first quarter 2012 financial performance, including a lowered first quarter 2012 outlook for Devices & Services. During the first quarter 2012, multiple factors negatively affected Nokia's Devices & Services business to a greater extent than previously expected. These factors included:
- Competitive industry dynamics, which negatively affected net sales in the Mobile Phones and Smart Devices business units, particularly in India, the Middle East and Africa and China; and
- Gross Margin declines, particularly in the Smart Devices business unit.
The impact of these factors on the non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the first quarter 2012 was partially offset by a significant benefit from lower warranty costs.
Updated outlook for Devices & Services for the first quarter 2012:
Nokia currently estimates that its non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the first quarter 2012 was approximately negative 3 percent, compared to the previously expected range of "around breakeven, ranging either above or below by approximately 2 percentage points" primarily due to the factors noted above.
Outlook for Devices & Services for the second quarter 2012:
Nokia expects its non-IFRS Devices & Services operating Margin in the second quarter 2012 to be similar to or below the first quarter 2012 level. This outlook reflects that the first quarter 2012 benefit related to lower warranty costs is expected to be non-recurring, as well as expectations regarding a number of factors including:
- competitive industry dynamics continuing to negatively affect the Smart Devices and Mobile Phones business units;
- timing, ramp-up, and consumer demand related to new products; and
- the macroeconomic environment.
"Our disappointing Devices & Services first quarter 2012 financial results and outlook for the second quarter 2012 illustrates that our Devices & Services business continues to be in the midst of transition," said Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Nokia. "Within our Smart Devices business unit, we have established early momentum with Lumia, and we are increasing our investments in Lumia to achieve market success. Our operator and distributor partners are providing solid support for Windows Phone as a third ecosystem, as evidenced most recently by the launch of the Lumia 900 by AT&T in the United States."
Additional commentary on the first quarter 2012 for Devices & Services and Nokia:
Nokia currently estimates that Devices & Services net sales in the first quarter 2012 were EUR 4.2 billion, comprised of Mobile Phones net sales of EUR 2.3 billion (71 million units), Smart Devices net sales of EUR 1.7 billion (12 million units), and Devices & Services Other net sales of EUR 0.2 billion. Based on the preliminary view, Nokia ended the first quarter 2012 around the high end of our normal 4 to 6 week channel inventory range, but on an absolute unit basis, channel inventories declined sequentially.
Nokia currently estimates that Devices & Services gross Margin (including Devices & Services Other) for the first quarter 2012 was approximately 25%, with Mobile Phones gross Margin of approximately 26% and Smart Devices gross Margin of approximately 16%.
In the first quarter 2012, Nokia sold more than 2 million Lumia devices at an average selling price of approximately EUR 220 (reported within the Smart Devices business unit). Furthermore, Nokia has seen sequential growth in Lumia device activations every month since starting sales of Lumia devices in November 2011. Lumia has gained market share with both distribution partners and consumers. The Windows Phone ecosystem is also attracting developers and has expanded rapidly with more than 80,000 applications available.
Nokia currently estimates that at the end of the first quarter 2012, the company's gross cash and other liquid assets were approximately EUR 9.8 billion, and Nokia's net cash and other liquid assets were approximately EUR 4.9 billion. The sequential decline in net cash and other liquid assets was driven by Devices & Services, which experienced unfavorable and mostly non-recurring net working capital changes as well as operating losses. Nokia Siemens Networks contributed positively to Nokia's cash flow in the first quarter 2012 due to net working capital improvements. This was despite Nokia Siemens Networks having a preliminarily estimated non-IFRS operating Margin of approximately negative 5 percent in the first quarter 2012, in line with the previously provided outlook.
Actions to Address Competitive Industry Dynamics Affecting Devices & Services
Nokia is quickly taking action. Nokia will continue to increase its focus on accelerating Lumia sales, as well as on lowering the company's cost structure, improving cash flow and maintaining a strong financial position.
- In the Smart Devices business unit, Nokia is increasing investments in Lumia to bring more products to more consumers in more markets.
- In the Mobile Phones business unit, Nokia is taking tactical pricing actions in the near term and plans to bring new products to market in the second quarter 2012.
- Nokia will accelerate planned cost reductions and will pursue additional significant structural actions if and when necessary.
"We are continuing to increase the clock speed of the company," said Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Nokia. "The change is tangible, and we are proud of the way Nokia employees are quickly responding to the needs of consumers and partners."
Nokia will provide full first quarter results and more details when it reports its first quarter 2012 results on April 19, 2012.
Nokia Corporation Q2 2012 Interim Report
Nokia net sales in Q2 2012 were EUR 7.5 billion, up from EUR 7.4 billion in Q1 2012
- Nokia Devices & Services Q2 net sales decreased 5% quarter-on-quarter.
- Lumia Q2 volumes increased quarter-on-quarter to 4 million units.
- Mobile Phones Q2 volumes increased quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year to 73 million units.
Nokia non-IFRS EPS in Q2 2012 of EUR -0.08, level with Q1 2012; reported EPS EUR -0.38
- Reported EPS adversely affected by non-cash valuation allowances related to deferred tax assets* of EUR 800 million, inventory-related allowances, and restructuring related charges.
- Devices & Services Q2 non-IFRS operating Margin negative 9.1%, adversely affected by EUR 220 million of inventory-related allowances for our Lumia, Symbian and MeeGo devices. Smart Devices Q2 gross Margin and contribution adversely affected by the inventory-related allowances. Q3 expected to be a challenging quarter in Smart Devices due to product transitions.
- Nokia Siemens Networks returned to non-IFRS operating profitability in Q2; restructuring progressing well and company seeing continued progress against new strategy that focuses on key markets and product segments.
Both gross and net cash higher year-on-year
- Nokia ended Q2 with gross cash of EUR 9.4 billion and net cash of EUR 4.2 billion.
- Net cash lower quarter-on-quarter, after EUR 742 million annual dividend payment to shareholders.
- Nokia Q2 net cash from operating activities of positive EUR 102 million, including receipt of EUR 400 million pre-payments from existing IPR licenses.
Nokia net sales in Q2 2012 were EUR 7.5 billion, up from EUR 7.4 billion in Q1 2012
- Nokia Devices & Services Q2 net sales decreased 5% quarter-on-quarter.
- Lumia Q2 volumes increased quarter-on-quarter to 4 million units.
- Mobile Phones Q2 volumes increased quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year to 73 million units.
Nokia non-IFRS EPS in Q2 2012 of EUR -0.08, level with Q1 2012; reported EPS EUR -0.38
- Reported EPS adversely affected by non-cash valuation allowances related to deferred tax assets* of EUR 800 million, inventory-related allowances, and restructuring related charges.
- Devices & Services Q2 non-IFRS operating Margin negative 9.1%, adversely affected by EUR 220 million of inventory-related allowances for our Lumia, Symbian and MeeGo devices. Smart Devices Q2 gross Margin and contribution adversely affected by the inventory-related allowances. Q3 expected to be a challenging quarter in Smart Devices due to product transitions.
- Nokia Siemens Networks returned to non-IFRS operating profitability in Q2; restructuring progressing well and company seeing continued progress against new strategy that focuses on key markets and product segments.
Both gross and net cash higher year-on-year
- Nokia ended Q2 with gross cash of EUR 9.4 billion and net cash of EUR 4.2 billion.
- Net cash lower quarter-on-quarter, after EUR 742 million annual dividend payment to shareholders.
- Nokia Q2 net cash from operating activities of positive EUR 102 million, including receipt of EUR 400 million pre-payments from existing IPR licenses.

Nokia har haft problemer med, at indrette sig efter de nye trends. Gammel stolthed har måske vist sig nu, at have en bagside.
Dog gøres der da forsøg med, at få teknologien op på de nye standarder trods, at det kikser lidt.
2012 bliver muligvis ikke et godt år for Nokia, men hvis de så har lært lektien, mon så ikke, at de kommer lidt mere frem i skoene i 2013? Eller før? Et så stort brand kan da ikke bare dø og jeg er enig i, at der bestemt må være interesse i Nokia fra eks. Microsoft, som kun vil høste bonus af, at få deres operativsystem på en kvalitetstelefon, som så kan konkurrere med de aktuelle Andriod telefoner fra Apple og Samsung.
Det er jo en uhørt spændende teknologi, så Nokia skal nok komme sig. Og små positive spjæt(kommercielle osv.) fra Nokia kan sikkert få kursen i god uptrend.
Dog gøres der da forsøg med, at få teknologien op på de nye standarder trods, at det kikser lidt.
2012 bliver muligvis ikke et godt år for Nokia, men hvis de så har lært lektien, mon så ikke, at de kommer lidt mere frem i skoene i 2013? Eller før? Et så stort brand kan da ikke bare dø og jeg er enig i, at der bestemt må være interesse i Nokia fra eks. Microsoft, som kun vil høste bonus af, at få deres operativsystem på en kvalitetstelefon, som så kan konkurrere med de aktuelle Andriod telefoner fra Apple og Samsung.
Det er jo en uhørt spændende teknologi, så Nokia skal nok komme sig. Og små positive spjæt(kommercielle osv.) fra Nokia kan sikkert få kursen i god uptrend.