Jeg er ny i Aktie gamet - så er der nogen der kan hjælpe med tolkning af Transeuro efter nyheden her:
August 27, 2012
Calgary: - Transeuro Energy Corp. ("Transeuro") announces the news released by Aleator Energy Ltd ("Aleator") regarding the significant resource upgrade and that a drilling rig has been secured for the Povorotnoye gas field in Ukraine. Transeuro has a 10.8% interest in the Joint Activity Agreement to develop the Povorontoye gas field. Aleator was previously named Golden State Resources.
The following is an extract from the Aleator announcement on 27th August and the full text can be viewed at:
"Significant Resource Upgrade and Drilling Rig Secured"
• Povorotnoye Gas Field Prospective Resources increased significantly to 256 Bcf GIP (P50)
• Drilling rig secured and available for drilling in September 2012
• Commercial production could commence mid-2013 if the initial well is successful
Resource Upgrade to 256 Bcf GIP
Aleator Energy (ASX: AWD, the "Company") is please to announce a significant increase in Resources in the Povorotnoye Gas Field (the "Field"), located in the Crimea, Ukraine.
Geological and Engineering consultants AWT International ("AWT") has independently estimated a P50 gas in place (GIP) resource of 256 Bcf in three gas reservoirs in the Field: M-3 (Upper and Lower) and M-4.
The is a very significant increase in Resources from the earlier estimated GIP of 61 Bcf in the Company's ASX release of 6th February 2012.
Drilling Rig Secured
The Company has also secured an option on a drilling rig which will be available to begin drilling a well on the Field in September 2012.
If the initial well is successful, commercial production from the field could commence in mid 2013. A gas plant with spare capacity and connections to a nearby gas main line is located 10km from the Field.
Transeuro is involved in the acquisition of petroleum and natural gas rights, the exploration for, and development and production of crude oil, condensate and natural gas. The Company owns 100% of a gas producing property located in British Columbia, Canada and has interest in gas exploration and appraisal developments in Crimea, Ukraine.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Aage Thoen, Chairman
For further information contact:
Darren Moulds, IR, +1 403 705 1919
Karen Jenssen, IR, +47 91729787
August 27, 2012
Calgary: - Transeuro Energy Corp. ("Transeuro") announces the news released by Aleator Energy Ltd ("Aleator") regarding the significant resource upgrade and that a drilling rig has been secured for the Povorotnoye gas field in Ukraine. Transeuro has a 10.8% interest in the Joint Activity Agreement to develop the Povorontoye gas field. Aleator was previously named Golden State Resources.
The following is an extract from the Aleator announcement on 27th August and the full text can be viewed at:
"Significant Resource Upgrade and Drilling Rig Secured"
• Povorotnoye Gas Field Prospective Resources increased significantly to 256 Bcf GIP (P50)
• Drilling rig secured and available for drilling in September 2012
• Commercial production could commence mid-2013 if the initial well is successful
Resource Upgrade to 256 Bcf GIP
Aleator Energy (ASX: AWD, the "Company") is please to announce a significant increase in Resources in the Povorotnoye Gas Field (the "Field"), located in the Crimea, Ukraine.
Geological and Engineering consultants AWT International ("AWT") has independently estimated a P50 gas in place (GIP) resource of 256 Bcf in three gas reservoirs in the Field: M-3 (Upper and Lower) and M-4.
The is a very significant increase in Resources from the earlier estimated GIP of 61 Bcf in the Company's ASX release of 6th February 2012.
Drilling Rig Secured
The Company has also secured an option on a drilling rig which will be available to begin drilling a well on the Field in September 2012.
If the initial well is successful, commercial production from the field could commence in mid 2013. A gas plant with spare capacity and connections to a nearby gas main line is located 10km from the Field.
Transeuro is involved in the acquisition of petroleum and natural gas rights, the exploration for, and development and production of crude oil, condensate and natural gas. The Company owns 100% of a gas producing property located in British Columbia, Canada and has interest in gas exploration and appraisal developments in Crimea, Ukraine.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Aage Thoen, Chairman
For further information contact:
Darren Moulds, IR, +1 403 705 1919
Karen Jenssen, IR, +47 91729787
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Den ser lidt farlig ud herfra. De bløder cash bigtime. Hvordan ligger deres omsætning/indtjening over kvartalerne?
I forhold til dit spørgsmål, der virker rimeligt teknisk så ville jeg henvende mig til de analytikere der følger selskabet:
[email protected]
Magnus Smistad
+47 23 11 30 33
Fundamental Research Corp
[email protected]
Brian Tang, CFA
Håber det var en lille hjælp. Skriv gerne hvad de skrev tilbage.
I forhold til dit spørgsmål, der virker rimeligt teknisk så ville jeg henvende mig til de analytikere der følger selskabet:
[email protected]
Magnus Smistad
+47 23 11 30 33
Fundamental Research Corp
[email protected]
Brian Tang, CFA
Håber det var en lille hjælp. Skriv gerne hvad de skrev tilbage.
Der er også noget med obligationsejerne. Og læg mærke til at analytikeren er tilknyttet samme firma, som også er med til at udstede obligationerne:
Transeuro Energy Corp announced that it is proceeding with the issue of senior secured convertible bond of between NOK 60 million and NOK 90 million with maturity in May 2015. The Company is negotiating a second funding facility of approximately CAD 20 million. The main terms of the secured convertible bond are an annual interest rate at 12% and a conversion price at NOK 0.85. The minimum convertible bond size of NOK 60 million has already been subscribed for by a limited number of investors and the Company has extended the subscription period to 5 pm Norwegian time on May 2, 2012. The received subscriptions for the contemplated convertible bond financing are subject to another financing facility being negotiated with one other financial institution for approximately CAD 20 million, which is expected to be formally approved within one week. The proceeds are for general corporate purposes and to ensure the Company can develop up to seven of its existing wells through to production over the next 12 months, including three wells in Ukraine and up to four wells in Canada. The target is to increase production rates and sales revenues and to reduce the break even production cost in Canada. Following success the Company would anticipate the transfer of some discovered and contingent resources into reserves. Fondsfinans ASA of Norway has been appointed as sole manager of the contemplated bond issue
[27/08/12 21.32.39] Peter Hildebrandt: så de er i lommen på obligationsejerne
Transeuro Energy Corp announced that it is proceeding with the issue of senior secured convertible bond of between NOK 60 million and NOK 90 million with maturity in May 2015. The Company is negotiating a second funding facility of approximately CAD 20 million. The main terms of the secured convertible bond are an annual interest rate at 12% and a conversion price at NOK 0.85. The minimum convertible bond size of NOK 60 million has already been subscribed for by a limited number of investors and the Company has extended the subscription period to 5 pm Norwegian time on May 2, 2012. The received subscriptions for the contemplated convertible bond financing are subject to another financing facility being negotiated with one other financial institution for approximately CAD 20 million, which is expected to be formally approved within one week. The proceeds are for general corporate purposes and to ensure the Company can develop up to seven of its existing wells through to production over the next 12 months, including three wells in Ukraine and up to four wells in Canada. The target is to increase production rates and sales revenues and to reduce the break even production cost in Canada. Following success the Company would anticipate the transfer of some discovered and contingent resources into reserves. Fondsfinans ASA of Norway has been appointed as sole manager of the contemplated bond issue
[27/08/12 21.32.39] Peter Hildebrandt: så de er i lommen på obligationsejerne
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Tak for indlæggene - kan se at TE har lidt udfordringer - ikke kun med at hente olie og gas op.
Tror man må betragte den som en lotterikupon som - sålænge der er liv er der håb.
Tror man må betragte den som en lotterikupon som - sålænge der er liv er der håb.