Net Insight Wins significant contract in Deal with Austria's national public service broadcaster ORS
28 August, 2012
Net Insight to offer highly scalable and efficient solution that uses ORS's underlying IP infrastructure to distribute DVB-T2 signals nationwide throughout Austria
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Net Insight, a leading provider of efficient and scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, today announces a contract with ORS (Austrian Broadcasting Services GmbH & Co KG), to distribute DVB-T2 signals across Austria. ORS is solely responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the terrestrial transmitter network, digital satellite transmission and is the only company in Austria in charge of the country's national DTT distribution.
The agreement, sealed through Net Insight's partner TV-Connect Broadcast Systems GmbH, will offer a highly scalable and efficient solution that will use ORS's underlying IP infrastructure to distribute DVB-T2 signals nationwide. The network will deliver multi-services such as HD-content as well as audio/radio signals over the same platform. Net Insight's Nimbra 680 high-capacity MSR will enable efficient and secure multicast through out the network.
"Prior to our decision we have performed tests of the Nimbra platform in our test environment", says Mr Jezek, project manager at ORS. "The test result showed that the Nimbra platform, thanks to its QoS and service integrity features, improves the performance of the underlying IP infrastructure"
The first phase of the rollout is based on more than 40 Nimbra 680 nodes and will begin in the third quarter of 2012. The roll-out of the DVB-T2 network will continue during 2013 and 2014.
"We are delighted that ORS has chosen Net Insight's solution to distribute DVB-T2 signals across Austria," says Fredrik Trägårdh, CEO of Net Insight. "As the only company in Austria responsible for national DTT distribution, ORS's choice of our products is a real quality stamp and proves that Net Insight maintains a leading position in the DTT-market."
Net Insight AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on August 28, 2012 at 15.00 CET.
Ordervärde sannolikt ett gott och väl 9-siffrigt belopp.
28 August, 2012
Net Insight to offer highly scalable and efficient solution that uses ORS's underlying IP infrastructure to distribute DVB-T2 signals nationwide throughout Austria
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Net Insight, a leading provider of efficient and scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, today announces a contract with ORS (Austrian Broadcasting Services GmbH & Co KG), to distribute DVB-T2 signals across Austria. ORS is solely responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the terrestrial transmitter network, digital satellite transmission and is the only company in Austria in charge of the country's national DTT distribution.
The agreement, sealed through Net Insight's partner TV-Connect Broadcast Systems GmbH, will offer a highly scalable and efficient solution that will use ORS's underlying IP infrastructure to distribute DVB-T2 signals nationwide. The network will deliver multi-services such as HD-content as well as audio/radio signals over the same platform. Net Insight's Nimbra 680 high-capacity MSR will enable efficient and secure multicast through out the network.
"Prior to our decision we have performed tests of the Nimbra platform in our test environment", says Mr Jezek, project manager at ORS. "The test result showed that the Nimbra platform, thanks to its QoS and service integrity features, improves the performance of the underlying IP infrastructure"
The first phase of the rollout is based on more than 40 Nimbra 680 nodes and will begin in the third quarter of 2012. The roll-out of the DVB-T2 network will continue during 2013 and 2014.
"We are delighted that ORS has chosen Net Insight's solution to distribute DVB-T2 signals across Austria," says Fredrik Trägårdh, CEO of Net Insight. "As the only company in Austria responsible for national DTT distribution, ORS's choice of our products is a real quality stamp and proves that Net Insight maintains a leading position in the DTT-market."
Net Insight AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on August 28, 2012 at 15.00 CET.
Ordervärde sannolikt ett gott och väl 9-siffrigt belopp.

Sammantaget handlar det om 450 sändarstationer!!!

Igår fick vi vad jag tror är den enskilt största ordern i NETI's historia. Möjligen är det i konkurrens med Norge-ordern, men jag tror att denna är större. 40 noder ut i ett första skede med början innevarande kvartal. Slutligen, under 2014, kommer 450 sändarstationer vara nimbrabestyckade: . Vi talar alltså om ett frikostigt tilltaget 9-siffrigt belopp! Det vi fått här är alltså en riktigt kraftig injektion av tillväxthormon i NETI-kursen framöver. Helt klart är att marknaden inte ännu riktigt fattat hur stor gårdagens order faktiskt är och vad den betyder. NETI har här fått en stabil ekonomisk bas i botten på all annan verksamhet framöver fram till 2015! Men marknaden kommer att fatta. Ni som var med när Norge-ordern kom vet att det gick flera månader innan marknaden reagerade, men sedan gick aktien plötsligt i raketfart från nivåer liknande dagens till drygt 9 kronor. Idag är marknaden bättre insatt. Fördröjningen kommer inte att bli lika lång. Redan de närmaste dagarna kommer vi att se en stabil uppgång, och även om vi inte på kort sikt når 9 kronor, så är en rejäl uppgradering att vänta fram till Q3 rapporten - ty den lär bli något alldeles extra. Man skall också ha i minnet att en volymökning är en närmast exponentiell kraft i NETI's kurs eftersom man har en bruttomarginal på över 60%. Jag repeterar - 60%!!! Som någon skrev en gång: Det är väl bara porrbranchen som kan visa upp något liknande. 
Troligtvis kommer nog dessutom bruttomarginalen att börja stiga igen för på DTT-nät är antagligen marginalerna ännu bättre.
Bruttomarginalen är dessutom 72 % exklusive avskrivningar. Eftersom dessa sker enligt plan så ger en omsättningsökning på 10 miljoner en bruttovinstökning på 7,2 miljoner. Redan nu vet vi att Q3 slår rekord i både omsättning och resultat trots att en månad återstår av kvartalet.

Troligtvis kommer nog dessutom bruttomarginalen att börja stiga igen för på DTT-nät är antagligen marginalerna ännu bättre.
Bruttomarginalen är dessutom 72 % exklusive avskrivningar. Eftersom dessa sker enligt plan så ger en omsättningsökning på 10 miljoner en bruttovinstökning på 7,2 miljoner. Redan nu vet vi att Q3 slår rekord i både omsättning och resultat trots att en månad återstår av kvartalet.

Ny knock på konkurrenterna:
"Net Insight to Launch New Time Transfer Over-IP Solution at IBC 2012
29 August, 2012
Net insight's unique Time Transfer Over-IP, the world's most scalable and commercially proven network time transfer solution
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Net Insight, a leading provider of efficient and scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, will launch its new Time Transfer Over-IP (TToIP) solution at this year's IBC 2012 event in Amsterdam. The company will discuss how its TToIP system, the world's only commercially proven network time transfer solution for wide area networks, addresses the challenges facing broadcasters and service providers using Single Frequency (SFN) Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Networks.
TToIP is a way of providing synchronization of DTT SFN's without the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and is achieved through Net Insight's award winning Nimbra MSR platform. The solution offers a secure and convenient way to provide accurate, absolute time synchronization using the same network infrastructure used for video transport.
Net Insight's solution eliminates the multiple points of failure and removes the need for GPS units, lowering capital costs, and offering faster and easier troubleshooting of system problems. The solution also provides easy management with automatic configuration and reconfiguration functions.
Until recently, most broadcasters were convinced that GPS was the only solution for synchronization of DTT SFN's. However, relying on GPS for synchronization of nationwide DTT networks introduces a number of operational risks as GPS signals are easily jammed or spoofed. Since the availability of the GPS system is controlled by foreign military, Net Insight's TToIP solution enables sovereign control and national independence of digital terrestrial TV distribution.
GPS based synchronization also relies on GPS receivers co-located with every transmitter. Although this system works, it proves be very expensive in terms of requiring numerous additional points of failure, as well as capital costs related to having to buy the GPS equipment. And, from an operational perspective, an additional system needs to be delployed just to distribute the clock signals.
"Our Nimbra MSR platform's Time Transfer capabilities allow for the reduction of capital and operating costs by integrating highly accurate, extremely stable, time signal distribution into the same network used for media traffic," says Per Lindgren, VP business development and co-founder of Net Insight. "Our platform has a built-in network-based time distribution system that helps improve the reliability of networks and at the same time reduces costs."
To find out more and speak with company executives please visit Net Insight's booth located at B40 in Hall 1 at IBC 2012 from September 7-11."
"Net Insight to Launch New Time Transfer Over-IP Solution at IBC 2012
29 August, 2012
Net insight's unique Time Transfer Over-IP, the world's most scalable and commercially proven network time transfer solution
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Net Insight, a leading provider of efficient and scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, will launch its new Time Transfer Over-IP (TToIP) solution at this year's IBC 2012 event in Amsterdam. The company will discuss how its TToIP system, the world's only commercially proven network time transfer solution for wide area networks, addresses the challenges facing broadcasters and service providers using Single Frequency (SFN) Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Networks.
TToIP is a way of providing synchronization of DTT SFN's without the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and is achieved through Net Insight's award winning Nimbra MSR platform. The solution offers a secure and convenient way to provide accurate, absolute time synchronization using the same network infrastructure used for video transport.
Net Insight's solution eliminates the multiple points of failure and removes the need for GPS units, lowering capital costs, and offering faster and easier troubleshooting of system problems. The solution also provides easy management with automatic configuration and reconfiguration functions.
Until recently, most broadcasters were convinced that GPS was the only solution for synchronization of DTT SFN's. However, relying on GPS for synchronization of nationwide DTT networks introduces a number of operational risks as GPS signals are easily jammed or spoofed. Since the availability of the GPS system is controlled by foreign military, Net Insight's TToIP solution enables sovereign control and national independence of digital terrestrial TV distribution.
GPS based synchronization also relies on GPS receivers co-located with every transmitter. Although this system works, it proves be very expensive in terms of requiring numerous additional points of failure, as well as capital costs related to having to buy the GPS equipment. And, from an operational perspective, an additional system needs to be delployed just to distribute the clock signals.
"Our Nimbra MSR platform's Time Transfer capabilities allow for the reduction of capital and operating costs by integrating highly accurate, extremely stable, time signal distribution into the same network used for media traffic," says Per Lindgren, VP business development and co-founder of Net Insight. "Our platform has a built-in network-based time distribution system that helps improve the reliability of networks and at the same time reduces costs."
To find out more and speak with company executives please visit Net Insight's booth located at B40 in Hall 1 at IBC 2012 from September 7-11."

Jag noterade häromdagen en färsk rysk artikel med titeln "Net Insight strengthens its position in Russia". Efter att med anledning av dagens/ovanstående release av GPS-fri (=USA-fri) IP ha kollat upp lite om den ryska marknaden idag har jag funnit att denna artikel är verkligt intressant om man jämför den med en nyhet som kom i våras från det ryska kommunikationsdepartementet:
"Russia's communications ministry is scrapping plans to develop DVB-H mobile TV services in the country and will redirect RUB2.1 billion (€54 million) earmarked for the project towards advancing DVB-T2 services.
The country had planned to launch DVB-H services this year, but the government has rejected the standard on the grounds of a lack of compatible handsets and the development of cheaper mobile data services, including 3G, LTE and WiFi. Funds that were intended to develop DVB-H services will now be spent on the development of DVB-T2, which could be used to deliver video to mobile devices."
Notera sista meningen!
Läser vi nu googleöversättningen av artikeln igen står det i det närmaste klart att denna nya infrastruktur - en enorm upphandling kommer att byggas av Nimbror!
"Net Insight укрепляет позиции в России" "Net Insight strengthens its position in Russia
Company Net Insight, specializing
converging in the sulfur-effective, scaled-
emyh transport solutions for media,
broadcast networks and data transmission
GOVERNMENTAL, entered into a partnership with a system-
E integrators Russia. As part of this
Net Insight will provide cooperation
platform Nimbra MSR and other Uslu-
Gee, that will allow future customers
ensure the integrity of network data transfer
GOVERNMENTAL with 100% guaranteed quality,
which is important for broadcasting DVB-T/T2, mezhstu-
diynogo exchange 3G/HD/SD-SDI, IPTV,
Internet TV (OTT), etc.
As a result of partnerships
with the companies' circuit-M "," window-TV "
SEC RTV systems and services Net Insight
will provide users of
service to a new level.
Unique technology
Net Insight is individual
rated approach to each media service in
part of the data network, which ensures,
pechivaet constant monitoring and a full-
ring of each service and its protection
specifications and quality.
"The new partnership with the com-
panies "Contour-M", "window-TV" and STC
PTB plays a very important role in an expanding
rhenium company's actions in this market
and, in addition to the existing
show that with our presence in
Russia and the CIS should be "- says
Yuri Sergeants, Regional Director
torus Net Insight sales in Russia and
Storage systems Qsan Technology"
"Russia's communications ministry is scrapping plans to develop DVB-H mobile TV services in the country and will redirect RUB2.1 billion (€54 million) earmarked for the project towards advancing DVB-T2 services.
The country had planned to launch DVB-H services this year, but the government has rejected the standard on the grounds of a lack of compatible handsets and the development of cheaper mobile data services, including 3G, LTE and WiFi. Funds that were intended to develop DVB-H services will now be spent on the development of DVB-T2, which could be used to deliver video to mobile devices."
Notera sista meningen!
Läser vi nu googleöversättningen av artikeln igen står det i det närmaste klart att denna nya infrastruktur - en enorm upphandling kommer att byggas av Nimbror!
"Net Insight укрепляет позиции в России" "Net Insight strengthens its position in Russia
Company Net Insight, specializing
converging in the sulfur-effective, scaled-
emyh transport solutions for media,
broadcast networks and data transmission
GOVERNMENTAL, entered into a partnership with a system-
E integrators Russia. As part of this
Net Insight will provide cooperation
platform Nimbra MSR and other Uslu-
Gee, that will allow future customers
ensure the integrity of network data transfer
GOVERNMENTAL with 100% guaranteed quality,
which is important for broadcasting DVB-T/T2, mezhstu-
diynogo exchange 3G/HD/SD-SDI, IPTV,
Internet TV (OTT), etc.
As a result of partnerships
with the companies' circuit-M "," window-TV "
SEC RTV systems and services Net Insight
will provide users of
service to a new level.
Unique technology
Net Insight is individual
rated approach to each media service in
part of the data network, which ensures,
pechivaet constant monitoring and a full-
ring of each service and its protection
specifications and quality.
"The new partnership with the com-
panies "Contour-M", "window-TV" and STC
PTB plays a very important role in an expanding
rhenium company's actions in this market
and, in addition to the existing
show that with our presence in
Russia and the CIS should be "- says
Yuri Sergeants, Regional Director
torus Net Insight sales in Russia and
Storage systems Qsan Technology"

Facebook väljer Nimbra!
När den stora österrikiska ordern kom häromdagen kom även en annan nyhet som dock drunknade i mullret av den förra. Hibernia Atlantic köper TeliaSonera International Carrier (=TSIC). Därmed uppstår världens största medienätverk rustat för 100% tjänstekvalitet.
"Both TSIC and Hibernia Media have based their media networks on the same NetInsight NIMBRA MSR platform, allowing for a seamless and smooth integration. This will enable Hibernia Media to offer mass scalability, instantly creating a footprint across Europe and North America.",c9296637
Nu hör det till saken att Facebook inför sin etablering i Europa har valt TeliaSonera International Carrier och Nimbratekniken:
"Facebook har valt TeliaSonera International Carrier för att bygga och driva deras nya paneuropeiska optiska nätverk. Nätet med multiterabitkapacitet implementeras via TeliaSonera International Carriers fiberoptiska infrastruktur och skalas från en inledande kapacitet på 500 Gbit/s till flera Tbit/s.
Med denna kapacitet skulle man kunna ladda ner all data som Hubble Space Telescope har samlat under sina första 20 år på 90 sekunder. Världens största bibliotek, US Library of Congress, innehåller 32 miljoner böcker, 61 miljoner manuskript och 14 miljoner bilder, vilket i digital form motsvarar ca 295 Tb data. Med en kapacitet på 500 Gbit/s skulle man kunna ladda ner hela biblioteket på knappt tio minuter.
TeliaSonera International Carrier har erfarenhet av att driva ett av världens största fibernät och har goda möjligheter att skapa och tillhandahålla enastående nätverksinfrastruktur och tjänster, vilket ger enskilda personer, företag och samhällen möjlighet att utföra sina viktigaste aktiviteter.",c9259550
Man kan alltså med denna teknik ladda ner världens största bibliotek på mindre än 10 minuter - var som helst på jorden där du har en Nimbra och en uppkoppling mot detta nät. Ja, det är faktiskt till och med närmare än man tror för världens största bibliotek har nämligen också valt Net Insights Nimbrateknik!
I oktober förra året vann NETI nämligen en oerhört strategisk upphandling för just detta bibliotek, The US Library of Congress. Mitt på Cisco's backyard plockade man hem den mest prestigefyllda order och nyheten spred sig som ett reklamblad genom nyhetsmedierna:
För att få en uppfattning om vad detta innebär på ett mer konkret plan kan man kolla följande instruktioner till bibliotekets/arkivets avnämare, vilket inte bara är andra bibliotek och arkiv utan även nyhetsbyråer och liknande:
Jag tror inte marknaden riktigt har förstått betydelsen av detta.
"General Requirements
Purchase 5 Nimbra 600 Series carrier-class network switches to support Congressional Video..."
Tiden är mogen. Välkommen till det nya internet 2.0!
När den stora österrikiska ordern kom häromdagen kom även en annan nyhet som dock drunknade i mullret av den förra. Hibernia Atlantic köper TeliaSonera International Carrier (=TSIC). Därmed uppstår världens största medienätverk rustat för 100% tjänstekvalitet.
"Both TSIC and Hibernia Media have based their media networks on the same NetInsight NIMBRA MSR platform, allowing for a seamless and smooth integration. This will enable Hibernia Media to offer mass scalability, instantly creating a footprint across Europe and North America.",c9296637
Nu hör det till saken att Facebook inför sin etablering i Europa har valt TeliaSonera International Carrier och Nimbratekniken:
"Facebook har valt TeliaSonera International Carrier för att bygga och driva deras nya paneuropeiska optiska nätverk. Nätet med multiterabitkapacitet implementeras via TeliaSonera International Carriers fiberoptiska infrastruktur och skalas från en inledande kapacitet på 500 Gbit/s till flera Tbit/s.
Med denna kapacitet skulle man kunna ladda ner all data som Hubble Space Telescope har samlat under sina första 20 år på 90 sekunder. Världens största bibliotek, US Library of Congress, innehåller 32 miljoner böcker, 61 miljoner manuskript och 14 miljoner bilder, vilket i digital form motsvarar ca 295 Tb data. Med en kapacitet på 500 Gbit/s skulle man kunna ladda ner hela biblioteket på knappt tio minuter.
TeliaSonera International Carrier har erfarenhet av att driva ett av världens största fibernät och har goda möjligheter att skapa och tillhandahålla enastående nätverksinfrastruktur och tjänster, vilket ger enskilda personer, företag och samhällen möjlighet att utföra sina viktigaste aktiviteter.",c9259550
Man kan alltså med denna teknik ladda ner världens största bibliotek på mindre än 10 minuter - var som helst på jorden där du har en Nimbra och en uppkoppling mot detta nät. Ja, det är faktiskt till och med närmare än man tror för världens största bibliotek har nämligen också valt Net Insights Nimbrateknik!
I oktober förra året vann NETI nämligen en oerhört strategisk upphandling för just detta bibliotek, The US Library of Congress. Mitt på Cisco's backyard plockade man hem den mest prestigefyllda order och nyheten spred sig som ett reklamblad genom nyhetsmedierna:
För att få en uppfattning om vad detta innebär på ett mer konkret plan kan man kolla följande instruktioner till bibliotekets/arkivets avnämare, vilket inte bara är andra bibliotek och arkiv utan även nyhetsbyråer och liknande:
Jag tror inte marknaden riktigt har förstått betydelsen av detta.
"General Requirements
Purchase 5 Nimbra 600 Series carrier-class network switches to support Congressional Video..."
Tiden är mogen. Välkommen till det nya internet 2.0!