q4 omsætn 36 mia (forecast 34), EPS 8,67 USD (forecast 7,7) = pænt, men de vokser langsommere nu.
Års EPS 44,2 USD. Ved kurs 600 er bagud PE nu 13,6. Ved kurs 442 er PE 10
Års EPS 44,2 USD. Ved kurs 600 er bagud PE nu 13,6. Ved kurs 442 er PE 10
ca. 120 mia USD i kontanter. Knap 1 mia aktier. Det lægger en bund.
Fra Apples earnings call: http://blogs.marketwatch.com/specialreport/2012/10/25/live-blog-of-apples-earnings-call/
First question asks why the guidance implies the first December-quarter earnings drop in company's history. Oppenheimer notes an extra week in the comparable period, but also says the "prolific period of product launches" also compresses margins. Apple has never launched so many new form-factors in such a short period of time, Oppenheimer said, adding that the company "is at the height of the cost curve" on manufacturing them.
First question asks why the guidance implies the first December-quarter earnings drop in company's history. Oppenheimer notes an extra week in the comparable period, but also says the "prolific period of product launches" also compresses margins. Apple has never launched so many new form-factors in such a short period of time, Oppenheimer said, adding that the company "is at the height of the cost curve" on manufacturing them.

Problemer med IPhone trademarket i Mexico:
Aside from rumors of iPad mini sales being below estimates, the chatter this afternoon is surrounding Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL)'s loss of a key trademark in a Mexican court (18th District Appellate) concerning its "iPhone" brand. The court's official ruling was that the name of Apple's smartphone is exactly the same - phonetically speaking - as iFone, a telecom company with operations in Mexico and much of Latin America, in addition to Spain.
Interestingly, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) did not own the iPhone trademark in the country when it released the smartphone in 2007, nearly four years after iFone received its trademark. The news comes as a pleasant surprise for iFone, which was originally sued by Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) in 2009, despite the fact that it held the trademark first. The victor's legal team said that Apple owed iFone "sanctions up to the amount of 20,000 days of minimum wage," and "no less than 40% of the sales of iPhone services in Mexico."
Aside from rumors of iPad mini sales being below estimates, the chatter this afternoon is surrounding Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL)'s loss of a key trademark in a Mexican court (18th District Appellate) concerning its "iPhone" brand. The court's official ruling was that the name of Apple's smartphone is exactly the same - phonetically speaking - as iFone, a telecom company with operations in Mexico and much of Latin America, in addition to Spain.
Interestingly, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) did not own the iPhone trademark in the country when it released the smartphone in 2007, nearly four years after iFone received its trademark. The news comes as a pleasant surprise for iFone, which was originally sued by Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) in 2009, despite the fact that it held the trademark first. The victor's legal team said that Apple owed iFone "sanctions up to the amount of 20,000 days of minimum wage," and "no less than 40% of the sales of iPhone services in Mexico."

Det er i hvert fald en glimrende mulighed at købe på nuværende tidspunkt. Det er svært at sige hvor bunden ligger, de fleste tekniske signaler er brudt, men fundamentalt er jeg tryg ved at sætte flere penge i Apple nu.
P/E minus cash på 7... hvad mere behøver vi vide?
P/E minus cash på 7... hvad mere behøver vi vide?