AMSC er American Superconductor Corp. Selvom deres økonomi sejler, er det næppe dem, du mener :o)

Welcome to American Shipping Company American Shipping Company is the new name of the company formerly known as Aker American Shipping.
Fra deres 2013-Q1 rapport:
"On 14 November 2012, Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries (collectively "OSG"), which has all of AMSC's vessels on bareboat charter, filed a petition with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. In addition to holding leases that represent AMSC's entire backlog of USD 584 million as of the end of Q1 2013, OSG also owes AMSC USD 24.6 million of long-term receivables related to the Deferred Principal Obligation (DPO). As debtor under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, OSG continues to operate its business while it pursues its options for reorganization. So far OSG has continued to make all of its charter payments to AMSC on time. On 9 January 2013, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved OSG's motion to continue to perform all of its obligations under the bareboat charters and attendant agreements with AMSC."
Tja, nok ikke den mest optimale situation, sådan at have leaset alle sine skibe til et selskab under chapter 11. OSG overholder da stadig deres forpligtelser, hvilket vel er moderat positivt.
"On 14 November 2012, Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries (collectively "OSG"), which has all of AMSC's vessels on bareboat charter, filed a petition with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. In addition to holding leases that represent AMSC's entire backlog of USD 584 million as of the end of Q1 2013, OSG also owes AMSC USD 24.6 million of long-term receivables related to the Deferred Principal Obligation (DPO). As debtor under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, OSG continues to operate its business while it pursues its options for reorganization. So far OSG has continued to make all of its charter payments to AMSC on time. On 9 January 2013, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved OSG's motion to continue to perform all of its obligations under the bareboat charters and attendant agreements with AMSC."
Tja, nok ikke den mest optimale situation, sådan at have leaset alle sine skibe til et selskab under chapter 11. OSG overholder da stadig deres forpligtelser, hvilket vel er moderat positivt.

Jeg har ingen anelse om, hvad du snakker om. Hverken American Shipping Company eller Overseas Shipholding Group er i kurs 10. Og selvom de var, ville en oplysning om at kursen var 10 ikke kunne bruges til noget, med mindre man kiggede på, hvad man fik for sine 10 (NOK/USD/???).

Jo, aktierne er udstedt til 10 NOK... Hvorfor det så har relevans er et godt spørgsmål. De ligger pt i kurs 25-30 ca efter en stor stigning. Måske Camel kan fortælle os hvorfor...?

14.6.13 16:31 - Vi merker oss også at American Shipping Company gikk nye 5,2 prosent til 40,30 kroner i relativt tung handel. Aksjen er dermed opp 2.005 prosent så langt i år. Siste måned er oppgangen på 180 prosent.