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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

DRAD - Nu med overskud

66854 fillandkill 4/11 2013 10:17

Efter det bedste kvartal nogensinde, poster Digirad et overskud på 2,5mio$.
og det hænger jo pænt sammen med det enorme insiderkøb der har været på det sidste,
selvom man næsten kunne regne ud at de kom ud med overskud, pga. det frasalg de annoncerede tidligere i kvartalet.

Kan se i regnskabet at der fortsat er 6,2mio$ tilbage af aktietilbagekøbet pr. 31. Juli, og her ejer DRAD 2.588.484 aktier, udaf ialt 18.1 mio, så de ejer altså 14,30% egne aktier, og med det resterende beløb, kan det nærme sig 23-24% egne aktier, i dette kursniveau, trods stigningen i sidste uge.

Kursen er pt. 3,72, og Mcap er 67mio$, og de har netop annonceret den første dividende udbetaling, for aktionærer on record d. 12 Nov. på 5 cent.

And our next question comes from the line of Aaron Kennon with Clear Harbor.
Aaron Kennon

Just a quick question on your dividend announcement. It's not clear, both in you stated remarks as well as the release, whether or not you anticipate this dividend to ebb and flow over time, to serve as a onetime, could you perhaps talk a bit about your dividend philosophy going forward?

Jeffry R. Keyes - Chief Financial Officer

Yes. Well, this is certainly not a special dividend. This is a first dividend and our goal, as a company, is going to be to use this dividend as a means to return Value to our shareholders. So, we intend this to be very continual process. We will, of course, assess every quarter, what our dividend looks like. But for the foreseeable future, we feel like the $0.05 a quarter is definitely within our means and our abilities, given the size and scope of our business and our operation. So, $0.20 a year is definitely our goal at this point. And we will obviously allow our -- especially, right now, given the past history of our business, by doing this first dividend in 2013, we feel like it will also offer some special tax benefits to our current shareholders, as of November 12, and so we are very excited by that. But no, this is not a special dividend, this will be a continued process, and at this point, we're targeting $0.20 a year, in the terms of our amount per shareholder.

Det må siges at være ret flot at udbetale 20 cent årligt, med en aktiepris pt. på 3,72, så giver det en tilbagebetalingsprocent på 5,4%