Så kom meddelelsen om CE-mærkningen for selskabets sårsalve. Nu må vi så se om denne giver krudt nok til at min nytårsraket fra "Millionærklubben" d. 3. januar endelig letter fra jorden.
26/03-2014 19:58:54: (BIOTEC) MHRA has finalized the review of Woulgan® Biogel
Biotec BetaGlucans AS has today been informed that MHRA, the UK
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, has finalized the
review of the medicinal part of the Woulgan® Biogel dossier, and that
their Decision Notification Report has been forwarded to Presafe. MHRA
has been consulted as Competent Authority by the Notified Body, Presafe,
to assess and approve the quality and role of SBG in Woulgan® Biogel.
The final issuance of a CE-certificate for Woulgan® Biogel can now be
finalized by the Notified Body. It is expected that Presafe will have
the formal approval ready within soon.
For more information, please contact:
CEO Svein W. F. Lien, tel +47 922 89 323
About Biotec BetaGlucans AS:
Biotec BetaGlucans is a wholly owned subsidiary of Biotec Pharmacon ASA.
Biotec BetaGlucans develops and manufactures novel immunomodulating
products. The newly developed Woulgan® Biogel, for use in wound healing,
contains the company's proprietary substance SBG® (soluble beta-glucan),
which supports the wound healing process. When receiving CE-mark for the
product the company is ready to start an evaluation study in regular
clinical use together with the wound care world leader Smith & Nephew.
More information on www.biotec.no/beta-glucans/
Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=349116
Med venlig hilsen
Helge Larsen
26/03-2014 19:58:54: (BIOTEC) MHRA has finalized the review of Woulgan® Biogel
Biotec BetaGlucans AS has today been informed that MHRA, the UK
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, has finalized the
review of the medicinal part of the Woulgan® Biogel dossier, and that
their Decision Notification Report has been forwarded to Presafe. MHRA
has been consulted as Competent Authority by the Notified Body, Presafe,
to assess and approve the quality and role of SBG in Woulgan® Biogel.
The final issuance of a CE-certificate for Woulgan® Biogel can now be
finalized by the Notified Body. It is expected that Presafe will have
the formal approval ready within soon.
For more information, please contact:
CEO Svein W. F. Lien, tel +47 922 89 323
About Biotec BetaGlucans AS:
Biotec BetaGlucans is a wholly owned subsidiary of Biotec Pharmacon ASA.
Biotec BetaGlucans develops and manufactures novel immunomodulating
products. The newly developed Woulgan® Biogel, for use in wound healing,
contains the company's proprietary substance SBG® (soluble beta-glucan),
which supports the wound healing process. When receiving CE-mark for the
product the company is ready to start an evaluation study in regular
clinical use together with the wound care world leader Smith & Nephew.
More information on www.biotec.no/beta-glucans/
Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=349116
Med venlig hilsen
Helge Larsen

BIOTEC - Massiv opjustering fra Carnegie

Historien om BIOTEC og sårsalven
Helt ny og opdateret præsentation. Bemærk side 9 at alle 'claims' er godkendt, dvs. alle de positive udsagn om SBG er godkendt af MHRA
Helt ny og opdateret præsentation. Bemærk side 9 at alle 'claims' er godkendt, dvs. alle de positive udsagn om SBG er godkendt af MHRA

BIOTEC - Sådan som jeg kender de norske aktieinvestorer, så vil de købe på meddelelsen om, at selskabet rent faktisk har modtaget CE-mærkningen med posten. Derfor reducerer jeg ikke i min beholdning pt. CE-mærkningen forventes at være fremme sidst i næste uge.
Jeg fortæller om dette i udsendelsen i går efter 35 min.
Jeg fortæller om dette i udsendelsen i går efter 35 min.

Det er super godt spottet Helge.
Jeg tillod mig at købe et "frimærke" et par dage efter dit interview i Millionærklubben i januar.
Og tillod mig endda at udvide positionen lidt med den gode meddelse i sidste uge:)
Nu kom CE-mærkningen så til middag og aktien hopper også pænt.
Den bliver helt sikkert spændende at følge i de næste par uger/måneder:)
Tak for tippet.
Jeg tillod mig at købe et "frimærke" et par dage efter dit interview i Millionærklubben i januar.
Og tillod mig endda at udvide positionen lidt med den gode meddelse i sidste uge:)
Nu kom CE-mærkningen så til middag og aktien hopper også pænt.
Den bliver helt sikkert spændende at følge i de næste par uger/måneder:)
Tak for tippet.

Tak for rosen. Blind høne finder jo også korn.
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