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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her

Det amerikanske aktiemarked er grotesk uretfærdig

69323 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 24/6 2014 08:08

Bogen "Flashboy" om højfrekvenshandel bliver gysende sommerlæsning for mange som handler amerikanske aktier:

"Hovedbudskapet i boken er at det amerikanske aksjemarkedet er rigget og grotesk urettferdig, at det gir systematiske fordeler til noen deltagere på bekostning av andre i så stor grad at enkelte aktører kan handle hver dag i tusen dager uten noen gang å tape penger. Når du kommer med slike anklager mot verdens største marked, i en kultur som er så besatt av penger, så må du kanskje anta at det kommer reaksjoner, sier Lewis til avisen".

24/6 2014 08:41 369324

Conflicts of Interest, Investor Loss of Confidence, and High Speed Trading in U.S. Stock Markets:


24/6 2014 12:48 mlama 169326

debat hvor begge sider giver deres synspunkt (bl.a. Michael Lewis):

Jeg ved godt, hvilken side jeg hører de bedste argumenter fra.

24/6 2014 14:16 069327

BATS Admits CEO Lied About HFT On CNBC
It is now quite clear why BATS CEO Bill O'Brien was so agitated during the Tuesday's screamfest on CNBC. As The Wall Street Journal's Scott Patterson reports, under pressure from the NYAG, BATS has hurriedly issued a statement correcting the CEO's false comments during the exchange with IEX's Brad Katsuyama. After Katsuyama said "you wanna do this, let's do this" clearly giving him an out, O'Brien stated that BATS priced its trades off 'high-speed' data feeds when in fact they price their trades off a much slower feed (and therefore 'enable' the exact HFT-front-running that is in question).
The exchange in question...
"What do you use to price trades in your matching engine on Direct Edge?" Mr. Katsuyama asked Mr. O'Brien.
"We use the direct feeds," Mr. O'Brien said.
Mr. Katsuyama, whose IEX dark pool markets itself as a haven for investors against high-speed traders, later brought up the issue again. "You use the SIP to price trades on Direct Edge," he said.
"That is not true," Mr. O'Brien said.
But as The Wall Street Journal reports, it was true
Full BATS Statement below:
Clarification Regarding Market Data Usage

April 03, 2014
BATS Global Markets wishes to clarify the market data usage of its exchanges. With respect to routing, EDGA & EDGX use direct depth-of-book data feeds for all major exchanges, and data from the relevant securities information processor (SIP) for certain smaller exchanges. With respect to the matching engine, EDGA & EDGX currently use the SIP, but will be transitioning to direct feeds from all major exchanges in January 2015. BATS BZX and BYX exchanges currently use direct feeds for both routing and its matching engine from all major exchanges, and SIP data from certain smaller exchanges.

22/7 2014 17:56 mlama 069537