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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her


72439 Clydesdale 19/5 2015 17:36

- Det absolut nok allervigtigste nøgletal der findes i et lands økonomi.
- fordi det er den enkelte post, der fylder allermest i en families budget.

Jeg købte lidt KB Homes, som jeg har haft før. -

Byggematerialer, træ, tegn, cement, møbler, transport, køkkenudstyr...masser af jobs.

19/5 2015 18:49 Clydesdale 172441

Der er åbnet op for stigninger i index.

Steen Jakobsen og co får klø.

19/5 2015 22:14 nfø 072442

19/5 2015 22:24 Occam 272443

Og Mario sætter tempoet op.

"The euro fell hard against the U.S. dollar Tuesday, while European stocks and bonds surged on the prospect of the European Central Bank ramping up its asset-purchase program in May and June."

24/1 2023 13:52 tommycarstensen 0109774

KB Home er kommet med flot regnskab. Deres guidance for omsaetningen i 2023 er nogenlunde konservativt sat, hvis der ikke sker den helt store implosion, som vi saa det ifm finanskrisen. Jeg koebte diverse home builders som en kortsigtet investering forrige aar, fordi mange kunne faas til en fremadrettet P/E under 5, men $NVR er den eneste jeg har tilbage i portefoeljen. Det er en langsigtet investering, og den saelger jeg ikke.

KB Home Reports 2022 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

Fourth Quarter Total Revenues Up 16% to $1.94 Billion; Diluted Earnings Per Share Up 29% to $2.47
Book Value Per Share of $43.59 Up 27%; Full-Year Return on Equity Increased 470 Basis Points to 24.6%


The Company is providing the following guidance for its 2023 first quarter:

Housing revenues in the range of $1.25 billion to $1.40 billion.
Average selling price in the range of $490,000 to $500,000.
Homebuilding operating income as a percentage of revenues in the range of 9.5% to 10.5%, assuming no inventory-related charges.
Housing gross profit margin in the range of 20.0% to 21.0%, assuming no inventory-related charges.
Selling, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of housing revenues anticipated to be approximately 10.3% to 10.8%.
Effective tax rate of approximately 23%.
Average community count up in the range of 15% to 20%.
Due to significant uncertainty and limited forward visibility regarding 2023 housing market, macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions, which are anticipated to be challenging compared to prior periods, the Company is providing guidance as to the full fiscal year only for the following:

Housing revenues in the range of $5.00 billion to $6.00 billion.