valueringen er ensbetydende med et target på cirka 18 dollar.... den handles pt omkring 5 (fem) dollar. Og det er ikke et target på 1 års sigt, men derimod et bud på værdien efter 3. kvartal i år (under forudsætning af at Fase III forsøget igangsættes som forventet af selskabet)
ekstraktet siger:
We are estimating an enterprise valuation of 171 million dollars, compared to the current market cap of 38 million dollars. However in order to unlock the enterprise value upside, DanDrit needs to execute on its objectives during the coming months by getting its pivotal phase III 174 patients trial underway in Italy and begin enrolling patients. We are very confident this will happen during the current quarter. Secondly the myTomorrows Compassionate Use program needs to begin enrolling patients in Europe, also during this quarter. We are also confident in this taking place.
det er stadigvæk ikke vildt let at handle aktien - men det kan dog gøres via Nordnets dealer-bord...
ekstraktet siger:
We are estimating an enterprise valuation of 171 million dollars, compared to the current market cap of 38 million dollars. However in order to unlock the enterprise value upside, DanDrit needs to execute on its objectives during the coming months by getting its pivotal phase III 174 patients trial underway in Italy and begin enrolling patients. We are very confident this will happen during the current quarter. Secondly the myTomorrows Compassionate Use program needs to begin enrolling patients in Europe, also during this quarter. We are also confident in this taking place.
det er stadigvæk ikke vildt let at handle aktien - men det kan dog gøres via Nordnets dealer-bord...

Hej Henrik,
Er det opgivet at faa den til at blive handlet direkte i Nordnet uden om dealer bord? Er lidt lun paa at komme til at handle den
Er det opgivet at faa den til at blive handlet direkte i Nordnet uden om dealer bord? Er lidt lun paa at komme til at handle den