Der kom i torsdags en research rapport om Globo fra en amerikansk hedgefund.
Rapporten var ekstremt god og veldokumenteret og det virker til Globo har manipuleret deres regnskaber. Der er dog ingen der ved hvor meget.
Jeg har som en respons skrevet følgende.
Rapporten var ekstremt god og veldokumenteret og det virker til Globo har manipuleret deres regnskaber. Der er dog ingen der ved hvor meget.
Jeg har som en respons skrevet følgende.

Ser rigtig slemt ud.
CEOen har oven i solgt ud uden det er rapporteret nu
("Globo" or "the Group")
Company Statement
Globo plc issues the following statement:
On Friday 23 October 2015 the Board of Directors of the Group became aware of a report published by Quintessential Capital Management ("QCM").
Following the announcement by the Company on the morning of Friday 23 October 2015, an emergency Board meeting was convened as soon as practicable for Saturday 24 October 2015 to discuss the allegations in the report and to ascertain the actions that would be required to resolve the matter. It was intended that an appropriate independent forensic accounting team be appointed to investigate the claims.
However, at the Board meeting, Costis Papadimitrakopoulos the CEO of the Group brought to the attention of the Board certain matters regarding the falsification of data and the misrepresentation of the Company's financial situation, and offered his resignation, as did Dimitris Gryparis the CFO of the Group.
Following the meeting and receipt of legal advice, a committee of the board was set up, comprising the non-executive Directors only (the "Committee"). The Committee has accepted the resignations of Costis Papadimitrakopoulos and Dimitris Gryparis from the Company with immediate effect. Gerasimos (Makis) Bonanos (the COO) has been suspended from his duties with the Company also with immediate effect, pending the outcome of appropriate investigations. All of the executive directors have agreed to make themselves available and fully co-operate with any investigations.
The Committee has initiated discussions with appropriate advisers in relation to the next steps and to ascertain the true financial position of the Company. In addition, the Committee has asked the Company's lawyers to notify the matter to the appropriate authorities and the Committee has informed the Company's principal bankers.
Further announcements will be made in due course. In the meantime the Company's shares will remain suspended from trading as per the dealing notice on Friday 23 October 2015.
For further information please contact:
GLOBO plc ("the Company")
Director share dealings
Globo plc (LSE-AIM: GBO), the international provider of enterprise mobility management solutions and software as a service, announces the following changes to a director's holding of ordinary shares in the Company.
The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos advised the Company on 25 October 2015 that up to 22 October 2015 he has:
• sold 42,049,655 shares of Globo Plc; and
• pledged 10,000,000 shares of Globo Plc under a personal loan agreement with Lantau Holdings Limited. The loan will default at close of business today because of two consecutive days of the suspension of the Company's shares from trading.
The number of shares (and voting rights) which Mr Papadimitrakopoulos now holds is 27,734,542 (including the pledged shares) representing 7.42% of the issued share capital. His previously notified holding was 69,784,147 shares (and voting rights) which represented 18.67% of the issued share capital.
This notification by the director to the company was made under DTR5.
The Company has requested additional details about these dealings and does not yet possess all relevant information about their timing and nature. A further announcement will be made once this information is received.
For further information please contact:
Globo plc
+44 20-7378-8828
Mike Jeremy
RBC Capital Markets
+44 20-7653-4000
(Nominated Adviser & Broker)
Pierre Schreuder or Ema Jakasovic
Brunswick Group +44 20-7404-5959
(Advisor to the independent Committee of the board)
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
CEOen har oven i solgt ud uden det er rapporteret nu
("Globo" or "the Group")
Company Statement
Globo plc issues the following statement:
On Friday 23 October 2015 the Board of Directors of the Group became aware of a report published by Quintessential Capital Management ("QCM").
Following the announcement by the Company on the morning of Friday 23 October 2015, an emergency Board meeting was convened as soon as practicable for Saturday 24 October 2015 to discuss the allegations in the report and to ascertain the actions that would be required to resolve the matter. It was intended that an appropriate independent forensic accounting team be appointed to investigate the claims.
However, at the Board meeting, Costis Papadimitrakopoulos the CEO of the Group brought to the attention of the Board certain matters regarding the falsification of data and the misrepresentation of the Company's financial situation, and offered his resignation, as did Dimitris Gryparis the CFO of the Group.
Following the meeting and receipt of legal advice, a committee of the board was set up, comprising the non-executive Directors only (the "Committee"). The Committee has accepted the resignations of Costis Papadimitrakopoulos and Dimitris Gryparis from the Company with immediate effect. Gerasimos (Makis) Bonanos (the COO) has been suspended from his duties with the Company also with immediate effect, pending the outcome of appropriate investigations. All of the executive directors have agreed to make themselves available and fully co-operate with any investigations.
The Committee has initiated discussions with appropriate advisers in relation to the next steps and to ascertain the true financial position of the Company. In addition, the Committee has asked the Company's lawyers to notify the matter to the appropriate authorities and the Committee has informed the Company's principal bankers.
Further announcements will be made in due course. In the meantime the Company's shares will remain suspended from trading as per the dealing notice on Friday 23 October 2015.
For further information please contact:
GLOBO plc ("the Company")
Director share dealings
Globo plc (LSE-AIM: GBO), the international provider of enterprise mobility management solutions and software as a service, announces the following changes to a director's holding of ordinary shares in the Company.
The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos advised the Company on 25 October 2015 that up to 22 October 2015 he has:
• sold 42,049,655 shares of Globo Plc; and
• pledged 10,000,000 shares of Globo Plc under a personal loan agreement with Lantau Holdings Limited. The loan will default at close of business today because of two consecutive days of the suspension of the Company's shares from trading.
The number of shares (and voting rights) which Mr Papadimitrakopoulos now holds is 27,734,542 (including the pledged shares) representing 7.42% of the issued share capital. His previously notified holding was 69,784,147 shares (and voting rights) which represented 18.67% of the issued share capital.
This notification by the director to the company was made under DTR5.
The Company has requested additional details about these dealings and does not yet possess all relevant information about their timing and nature. A further announcement will be made once this information is received.
For further information please contact:
Globo plc
+44 20-7378-8828
Mike Jeremy
RBC Capital Markets
+44 20-7653-4000
(Nominated Adviser & Broker)
Pierre Schreuder or Ema Jakasovic
Brunswick Group +44 20-7404-5959
(Advisor to the independent Committee of the board)
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Ja læste det godt. Fy for helvede for en omgang.
Som jeg skrev i analysen - har de også forfalsket deres Cash position er det slut - så er aktien tæt på værdiløs.
Tror dog som minimum vi kan forvente suspension af aktien i meget lang tid. Det vil tage tid at gå igennem alle deres finansielle rapporter, rette dem til etc. Det store spørgsmål er selvfølgelig om der er værdi tilbage. Altså er der nogen der vil købe selskabet, produktet etc. Det virker ikke til at produktet er dårligt siden Gartner, Ovum, IDC etc. har givet det gode analyser.
Det virker mere som om man har valgt at bruge regnskabssvindel for løbende at kunne tiltrække kapital.
Time will tell. Har dog "afskrevet" den portion aktier jeg har nu - da man nok ikke kan forvente nogen væsentlig værdi.
Det er svært at gøre noget ved svindel af sådan omfang. Jeg vidste der var risiko i denne aktie og har positioneret aktien som en lille del af porteføljen på baggrund heraf - dog stadig irriterende. Har mødt ledelsen - deres CFO kiggede mig i øjnene og svarede på en masse spørgsmål uden at blinke - de er gode svindlere de Grækere :)
Som jeg skrev i analysen - har de også forfalsket deres Cash position er det slut - så er aktien tæt på værdiløs.
Tror dog som minimum vi kan forvente suspension af aktien i meget lang tid. Det vil tage tid at gå igennem alle deres finansielle rapporter, rette dem til etc. Det store spørgsmål er selvfølgelig om der er værdi tilbage. Altså er der nogen der vil købe selskabet, produktet etc. Det virker ikke til at produktet er dårligt siden Gartner, Ovum, IDC etc. har givet det gode analyser.
Det virker mere som om man har valgt at bruge regnskabssvindel for løbende at kunne tiltrække kapital.
Time will tell. Har dog "afskrevet" den portion aktier jeg har nu - da man nok ikke kan forvente nogen væsentlig værdi.
Det er svært at gøre noget ved svindel af sådan omfang. Jeg vidste der var risiko i denne aktie og har positioneret aktien som en lille del af porteføljen på baggrund heraf - dog stadig irriterende. Har mødt ledelsen - deres CFO kiggede mig i øjnene og svarede på en masse spørgsmål uden at blinke - de er gode svindlere de Grækere :)
Har selv proevet det med andre aktier. Naar der er fiflet med tallene mv, saa er det svaert at gardere sig.