Det er morsomt at ØU har udgivet en dugfrisk analyse af min favorit aktie.
De kommer med foreløbigt kursmål på 40 NOK. Sluttede fredag 20. jan. i 21 efter en stigning på knap 19%.
De kommer med foreløbigt kursmål på 40 NOK. Sluttede fredag 20. jan. i 21 efter en stigning på knap 19%.

Ligger også tungt lastet efter emi. Mon ikke snart vi ser en ODD US. Det minder jo lidt om Genmab inden himmelflugten 

Hvor ser du noget morsomt ??
Hvis du kender til PCIB vil du vide at den er steget
meget fra lige før emi. For mit vedkommende har køb af emi aktier og løst trade medført 80% gevinst indtil videre på en måned og kursstigningen er kun lige begyndt. Mine PCIB beholder jeg. Genmab var jeg ligeledes med på fra starten. Derfor en glad smiley
Hvis du kender til PCIB vil du vide at den er steget
meget fra lige før emi. For mit vedkommende har køb af emi aktier og løst trade medført 80% gevinst indtil videre på en måned og kursstigningen er kun lige begyndt. Mine PCIB beholder jeg. Genmab var jeg ligeledes med på fra starten. Derfor en glad smiley

Kunne nok have formuleret det bedre - men der findes ikke nogen norsk analyse af PCIB - og det er da bemærkelsesværdigt at ØU har fattet interesse for dette lille selskab oppe i Norge.

PCIB analysen bliver kyndigt diskuteret på "Hegnar"

Hvis du forstod trådstrukturen på sitet, ville du kunne se, at mit indlæg var et spørgsmål til ARM, som skrev 'Det er morsomt at ØU har udgivet en dugfrisk analyse...'. Jeg kan ikke umiddelbart se det morsomme, derfor mit spørgsmål.

PCIB modtager kæmpe anerkendelse:
"PCI Biotech awarded NOK 13.8 million from The Research Council of Norway to further development of PCI for use in vaccination
Oslo, Norway, January 27, 2017 PCI Biotech (OSE:PCIB), a clinical-stage company developing innovative therapeutics that address significant unmet medical needs, today announced that it has been awarded NOK 13.8 million in a BIA grant from The Research Council of Norway to the project "Photochemical vaccination - novel immunotherapy concept for treatment of cancer and infectious diseases".
The main goal of the project is to document in a proof-of-principle clinical study in cancer patients that PCI Biotech's photochemical internalization (PCI) technology can be used to improve the efficacy of a therapeutic cancer vaccine. Other important aspects of the project is to develop the PCI technology for use in vaccination against certain types of viral and bacterial infections, and to explore the technology for use with mRNA-based vaccination.
'This grant supports further development of the promising fimaVacc technology, as well as the important vaccination application of the fimaNAc technology. Both of these applications are well suited for the development of new types of immunotherapy against cancer, and also for the prevention and treatment of some types of infectious diseases, including certain types of chronic virus infections. We are very pleased to see that the expert evaluators and the Research Council share our view on the potential of these technologies.' says CEO in PCI Biotech, Per Walday.
The project will be initiated in Q3 2017 and run for three and a half years. The grant will cover up to 35% of the project costs and the project will be implemented in the company's current plans. The grant is subject to final contract negotiations.FimaVass
"PCI Biotech awarded NOK 13.8 million from The Research Council of Norway to further development of PCI for use in vaccination
Oslo, Norway, January 27, 2017 PCI Biotech (OSE:PCIB), a clinical-stage company developing innovative therapeutics that address significant unmet medical needs, today announced that it has been awarded NOK 13.8 million in a BIA grant from The Research Council of Norway to the project "Photochemical vaccination - novel immunotherapy concept for treatment of cancer and infectious diseases".
The main goal of the project is to document in a proof-of-principle clinical study in cancer patients that PCI Biotech's photochemical internalization (PCI) technology can be used to improve the efficacy of a therapeutic cancer vaccine. Other important aspects of the project is to develop the PCI technology for use in vaccination against certain types of viral and bacterial infections, and to explore the technology for use with mRNA-based vaccination.
'This grant supports further development of the promising fimaVacc technology, as well as the important vaccination application of the fimaNAc technology. Both of these applications are well suited for the development of new types of immunotherapy against cancer, and also for the prevention and treatment of some types of infectious diseases, including certain types of chronic virus infections. We are very pleased to see that the expert evaluators and the Research Council share our view on the potential of these technologies.' says CEO in PCI Biotech, Per Walday.
The project will be initiated in Q3 2017 and run for three and a half years. The grant will cover up to 35% of the project costs and the project will be implemented in the company's current plans. The grant is subject to final contract negotiations.FimaVass