BAKKAFROST: Operational EBIT of DKK 303 Million for the Third Quarter of 2019
The Bakkafrost Group delivered a total operational EBIT of DKK 303.4 million in
Q3 2019. Harvested volumes were 12.9 thousand tonnes gutted weight. The combined
farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 257.3 million. The
farming segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 231.5 million. The salmon spot
prices decreased significantly in Q3 2019, compared to the previous quarter. The
price decrease had a negative effect on the operational EBIT in the farming
segment, while it had a positive effect on the operational EBIT in the VAP
segment. The VAP segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 25.9 million. The
EBITDA for the FOF segment was DKK 94.5 million.
(Figures in parenthesis refer to the same period last year unless otherwise
The Group made a profit for Q3 2019 of DKK 180.9 million (DKK 355.9 million).
For the first nine months of 2019, the profit was DKK 582.4 million (DKK 966.9
Commenting on the result, CEO Regin Jacobsen said:
"Despite 10% lower salmon spot prices during the third quarter for 2019,
compared to the same quarter last year, Bakkafrost has delivered strong
operational results this quarter. The average size of the harvested salmon has
been exceptionally high, which has put us in a very good position to withstand
the difficult market situation. The biological performance has been very good
with high growth rates for the salmon. Sea lice and mortality rates have been
amongst the lowest for many years. This is a result of committed and skilled
employees and a strong effort on a continuous improvement of the biology and the
welfare of the salmon."
The total volumes harvested in Q3 2019 were 12,938 tonnes gutted weight (7,217
tgw). Total harvested volumes in the first nine months of 2019 were 39,254
tonnes gutted weight (32,356 tgw). The guidance for harvest in 2019 is
maintained at 54,500 tonnes gutted weight.
2.4 million (3.3 million) smolts were transferred during Q3 2019. During the
first nine months of 2019, 7.7 million (9.2 million) smolts were transferred.
0.8 million smolts - out of the 13.5 million smolts, which were expected to be
released in 2019 - will be postponed for release in Q1 2020 in order to reduce
the risk associated with smolt release during the coldest weeks of the year.
Thus, the new expected smolt release for 2019 is 12.7 million smolts.
he combined farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 257.3
million (DKK 142.4 million) in Q3 2019. The operational EBIT per kg in Q3 2018
was DKK 19.89 (DKK 19.73), which corresponds to NOK 26.25 (NOK 25.34) for the
combined farming and VAP segments. For the first nine months of 2019, the
combined farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 791.8 million
(DKK 735.5 million).
The farming segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 231.5 million (DKK 139.6
million) in Q3 2019. The harvested volumes were higher, but the achieved prices
were lower in Q3 2019, compared to Q3 2018. For the first nine months of 2019,
the operational EBIT was DKK 764.7 million (DKK 761.3 million).
The VAP segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 25.9 million (DKK 2.8 million)
for Q3 2019. For the first nine months of 2019, the operational EBIT was DKK
27.1 million (DKK -25.8 million).
The FOF segment (fishmeal, oil and feed) made an EBITDA of DKK 94.5 million (DKK
41.4 million) for Q3 2019, and the EBITDA margin was 19.5% (11.7%). The EBITDA
was DKK 218.1 million for the first nine months of 2019 (DKK 193.9 million),
corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 20.8% (19.8%).
During Q3 2019, Havsbrún sourced 17,845 tonnes (7,496 tonnes) of raw material,
and for the first nine months of 2019, Havsbrún sourced 243,484 tonnes (255,987
tonnes) of raw material.
On 25 September 2019, Bakkafrost signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire
68.6% of the outstanding shares in the Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) from
Northern Link Ltd. The closing date is 8 October 2019. Following the signing of
the Share Purchase Agreement Bakkafrost acquired additional 9.2% of the shares
in SSC in Q3 2019.
SSC is a fully integrated salmon farming business operating exclusively in
Scotland with 60 sites across the West Coast and Hebridean Islands. The company
is engaged in nearly all stages of the value chain ensuring full traceability
and total supply chain integrity. The current annual production capacity is
50,000 tonnes. SSC produced 29,913 tonnes gutted weight in 2018 and exported to
26 countries with a focus on North America and the Far East. SSC has developed a
range of strong flagship brands, including Native Hebridean Salmon, Tartan
Salmon Label Rouge and Lochlander Salmon. The company has over 600 employees.
Bakkafrost has chosen to increase the company's share capital for the
acquisition of SSC. The acquisition is therefore carried out without substantial
increase in Bakkafrost's external financing.
The net interest-bearing debt amounted to DKK -1,271.5 million, and thus
positive, at the end of Q3 2019 (DKK 495.5 million at year-end 2018). Undrawn
credit facilities amounted to DKK 1,481.0 million at the end of Q3 2019.
The equity ratio was 68% at 30 September 2019, compared to 70% at the end of
According to the latest estimate from Kontali Analyse the global supply of
Atlantic salmon in Q3 2019 increased around 13%, compared to Q3 2018. The global
harvest of Atlantic salmon in Q4 2019 is expected to increase 3%, compared to Q4
2018. The estimated global supply of Atlantic salmon for 2019 is an increase of
around 7%, compared to 2018.
The supply of Atlantic salmon will be tight in 2020, as global supply in 2020 is
estimated to increase around 4%, compared to estimated supply in 2019.
Bakkafrost operates in the main salmon markets, Europe, USA, the Far East and
Russia. Variation in sales distribution between the different markets is driven
by the change in demand from quarter to quarter in the different regions.
Bakkafrost, however, aims to have a balanced market diversification to reduce
market risk.
The outlook for the farming segment is good. The estimates for harvest volumes
and smolt releases are dependent on the biological development.
Bakkafrost focuses on reducing biological risk continuously and has made several
new investments and procedures to diminish this risk. Bakkafrost focuses on
using non-medical methods in treatments against sea lice and has invested in new
technology to follow this strategy.
The biological performance in 2019 has been strong with good growth and low
mortality rates. There are clear signs that the large smolt and non-medical
delousing strategies are working successfully.
Bakkafrost's guidance for harvest in 2019 is maintained at 54,500 tonnes gutted
weight. In 2020, Bakkafrost expects to harvest 57,000 tonnes gutted weight,
excluding the harvest from The Scottish Salmon Company.
Bakkafrost expects to release 12.7 million smolts in 2019, compared to 12.6
million smolts in 2018 and 9.9 million smolts in 2017. This is 0.8 million
smolts less than previously expected and is caused by the decision to postpone
the release of 0.8 million smolts to Q1 2020 hereby reducing the risk associated
with releasing smolt during the coldest weeks of the year. This is made possible
by the increased smolt capacity on land from the Strond hatchery. Bakkafrost
expects to release 15.0 million smolts in 2020, excluding the smolt release in
The Scottish Salmon Company. The number of smolts released is a key element of
predicting Bakkafrost's future production.
VAP (Value Added Products)
Bakkafrost has signed contracts covering around 40% for the expected harvested
volumes in Q4 2019 and 26% for the harvest volume of 2020. Bakkafrost's long
-term strategy is to sell around 40-50% of the harvested volumes of salmon as
VAP products at fixed price contracts.
The VAP contracts are at fixed prices, based on the salmon forward prices at the
time they are agreed and the expectations for the salmon spot price for the
contract period. The contracts last for 6 to 12 months.
FOF (Fishmeal, Oil and Feed)
The outlook for the production of fishmeal and fish oil is dependent on the
availability of raw material. The ICES 2019 recommendation for blue whiting is
1,143 thousand tonnes, which corresponds to a decrease of 18%, compared to
ICES's recommendation for 2018. The ICES 2020 recommendation for blue whiting is
1,162 thousand tonnes.
Bakkafrost expects a decrease in production volumes of fishmeal and fish oil in
2019, compared to 2018. Havsbrún has increased the expectation for sales of fish
feed in 2019 to be at 98,000 tonnes, depending on external sales. Havsbrún's
sales of fish feed for 2020 is expected to be 110,000 tonnes.
The major market for Havsbrún´s fish feed is the local Faroese market including
Bakkafrost's internal use of fish feed.
Bakkafrost's investment program for the period from 2019 to 2022, excluding
investments in The Scottish Salmon Company, will amount to DKK 2.5 billion,
including maintenance capex, and will reinforce Bakkafrost's integrated business
model and ensure a capacity across the value chain to be able to produce 100,000
tonnes gutted weight of salmon. The aim of the investment program is to minimize
the biological risk, increase efficiency and create sustainable organic growth.
Bakkafrost's focus on producing larger smolts plays a key role in achieving this
Favourable market balances in the world market for salmon products and cost
-conscious production will likely maintain the financial flexibility going
A high equity ratio together with Bakkafrost's bank financing, makes
Bakkafrost's financial situation strong. This enables Bakkafrost to carry out
its investment plans to further focus on strengthening the Group, M&A's, organic
growth opportunities and to fulfil its dividend policy in the future, which is
unchanged although a new investment program is announced.
During Q3 2019, Bakkafrost increased the company's share capital for the
acquisition of SSC. The acquisition was therefore carried out without
substantial increase in Bakkafrost's external financing.
In Q3 2019, Bakkafrost signed a binding Share Purchase Agreement to acquire
68.6% of The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) to be closed in Q4 2019. This was
followed by an acquisition of additional 9.2% of the shares in SSC in Q3 2019.
Bakkafrost intends to acquire the remaining shares of SSC during Q4 2019.
Bakkafrost will do this through a mandatory offer for the remaining shares in
SSC, followed by a compulsory offer for the last 10% of the shares in case more
than 90% ownership is reached by the mandatory offer.
At the time of publication of this report (5 Nov 2019), Bakkafrost has acquired
additional shares in SSC and holds a total of 80.77% of the shares.
The acquisition of SSC is financed by issuing new shares in Bakkafrost, and
Bakkafrost intends to delist SSC from Oslo Børs if 100% ownership of the company
is obtained.
More information about the acquisition of SSC, including the strategic rationale
behind the acquisition, can be found in Note 9 in the Company's Q3 2019 report.
Please find the Company's Q3 2019 report and the Q3 2019 presentation enclosed.
· Regin Jacobsen, CEO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 235001 (mobile)
· Høgni Dahl Jakobsen, CFO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 235060 (mobile)
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
About Bakkafrost
Bakkafrost is the largest salmon farmer in the Faroe Islands. The Group is fully
integrated from feed production to smolt, farming, VAP and sales. The Group has
production of fishmeal, fish oil and salmon feed in Fuglafjørður. The Group has
primary processing in Glyvrar and Vágur, and secondary processing (VAP) in
Glyvrar. The Group operates sea farming in Norðoyggjar, Eysturoy, Streymoy and
Suðuroy. The Group has broodstock operations in Streymoy and Sandoy and is
building a biogas plant in Streymoy. The headquarter is located in Glyvrar, and
the company has 1.055 employees.
In Q3 2019 the Group signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire 68,6% of the
shares in The Scottish Salmon Company.
This press release does not constitute or form part of an offer or solicitation
to purchase or subscribe for securities. The securities referred to herein may
not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption
from registration as provided in the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Copies of this announcement are not being made and may not be distributed or
sent into the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.
The Bakkafrost Group delivered a total operational EBIT of DKK 303.4 million in
Q3 2019. Harvested volumes were 12.9 thousand tonnes gutted weight. The combined
farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 257.3 million. The
farming segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 231.5 million. The salmon spot
prices decreased significantly in Q3 2019, compared to the previous quarter. The
price decrease had a negative effect on the operational EBIT in the farming
segment, while it had a positive effect on the operational EBIT in the VAP
segment. The VAP segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 25.9 million. The
EBITDA for the FOF segment was DKK 94.5 million.
(Figures in parenthesis refer to the same period last year unless otherwise
The Group made a profit for Q3 2019 of DKK 180.9 million (DKK 355.9 million).
For the first nine months of 2019, the profit was DKK 582.4 million (DKK 966.9
Commenting on the result, CEO Regin Jacobsen said:
"Despite 10% lower salmon spot prices during the third quarter for 2019,
compared to the same quarter last year, Bakkafrost has delivered strong
operational results this quarter. The average size of the harvested salmon has
been exceptionally high, which has put us in a very good position to withstand
the difficult market situation. The biological performance has been very good
with high growth rates for the salmon. Sea lice and mortality rates have been
amongst the lowest for many years. This is a result of committed and skilled
employees and a strong effort on a continuous improvement of the biology and the
welfare of the salmon."
The total volumes harvested in Q3 2019 were 12,938 tonnes gutted weight (7,217
tgw). Total harvested volumes in the first nine months of 2019 were 39,254
tonnes gutted weight (32,356 tgw). The guidance for harvest in 2019 is
maintained at 54,500 tonnes gutted weight.
2.4 million (3.3 million) smolts were transferred during Q3 2019. During the
first nine months of 2019, 7.7 million (9.2 million) smolts were transferred.
0.8 million smolts - out of the 13.5 million smolts, which were expected to be
released in 2019 - will be postponed for release in Q1 2020 in order to reduce
the risk associated with smolt release during the coldest weeks of the year.
Thus, the new expected smolt release for 2019 is 12.7 million smolts.
he combined farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 257.3
million (DKK 142.4 million) in Q3 2019. The operational EBIT per kg in Q3 2018
was DKK 19.89 (DKK 19.73), which corresponds to NOK 26.25 (NOK 25.34) for the
combined farming and VAP segments. For the first nine months of 2019, the
combined farming and VAP segments made an operational EBIT of DKK 791.8 million
(DKK 735.5 million).
The farming segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 231.5 million (DKK 139.6
million) in Q3 2019. The harvested volumes were higher, but the achieved prices
were lower in Q3 2019, compared to Q3 2018. For the first nine months of 2019,
the operational EBIT was DKK 764.7 million (DKK 761.3 million).
The VAP segment made an operational EBIT of DKK 25.9 million (DKK 2.8 million)
for Q3 2019. For the first nine months of 2019, the operational EBIT was DKK
27.1 million (DKK -25.8 million).
The FOF segment (fishmeal, oil and feed) made an EBITDA of DKK 94.5 million (DKK
41.4 million) for Q3 2019, and the EBITDA margin was 19.5% (11.7%). The EBITDA
was DKK 218.1 million for the first nine months of 2019 (DKK 193.9 million),
corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 20.8% (19.8%).
During Q3 2019, Havsbrún sourced 17,845 tonnes (7,496 tonnes) of raw material,
and for the first nine months of 2019, Havsbrún sourced 243,484 tonnes (255,987
tonnes) of raw material.
On 25 September 2019, Bakkafrost signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire
68.6% of the outstanding shares in the Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) from
Northern Link Ltd. The closing date is 8 October 2019. Following the signing of
the Share Purchase Agreement Bakkafrost acquired additional 9.2% of the shares
in SSC in Q3 2019.
SSC is a fully integrated salmon farming business operating exclusively in
Scotland with 60 sites across the West Coast and Hebridean Islands. The company
is engaged in nearly all stages of the value chain ensuring full traceability
and total supply chain integrity. The current annual production capacity is
50,000 tonnes. SSC produced 29,913 tonnes gutted weight in 2018 and exported to
26 countries with a focus on North America and the Far East. SSC has developed a
range of strong flagship brands, including Native Hebridean Salmon, Tartan
Salmon Label Rouge and Lochlander Salmon. The company has over 600 employees.
Bakkafrost has chosen to increase the company's share capital for the
acquisition of SSC. The acquisition is therefore carried out without substantial
increase in Bakkafrost's external financing.
The net interest-bearing debt amounted to DKK -1,271.5 million, and thus
positive, at the end of Q3 2019 (DKK 495.5 million at year-end 2018). Undrawn
credit facilities amounted to DKK 1,481.0 million at the end of Q3 2019.
The equity ratio was 68% at 30 September 2019, compared to 70% at the end of
According to the latest estimate from Kontali Analyse the global supply of
Atlantic salmon in Q3 2019 increased around 13%, compared to Q3 2018. The global
harvest of Atlantic salmon in Q4 2019 is expected to increase 3%, compared to Q4
2018. The estimated global supply of Atlantic salmon for 2019 is an increase of
around 7%, compared to 2018.
The supply of Atlantic salmon will be tight in 2020, as global supply in 2020 is
estimated to increase around 4%, compared to estimated supply in 2019.
Bakkafrost operates in the main salmon markets, Europe, USA, the Far East and
Russia. Variation in sales distribution between the different markets is driven
by the change in demand from quarter to quarter in the different regions.
Bakkafrost, however, aims to have a balanced market diversification to reduce
market risk.
The outlook for the farming segment is good. The estimates for harvest volumes
and smolt releases are dependent on the biological development.
Bakkafrost focuses on reducing biological risk continuously and has made several
new investments and procedures to diminish this risk. Bakkafrost focuses on
using non-medical methods in treatments against sea lice and has invested in new
technology to follow this strategy.
The biological performance in 2019 has been strong with good growth and low
mortality rates. There are clear signs that the large smolt and non-medical
delousing strategies are working successfully.
Bakkafrost's guidance for harvest in 2019 is maintained at 54,500 tonnes gutted
weight. In 2020, Bakkafrost expects to harvest 57,000 tonnes gutted weight,
excluding the harvest from The Scottish Salmon Company.
Bakkafrost expects to release 12.7 million smolts in 2019, compared to 12.6
million smolts in 2018 and 9.9 million smolts in 2017. This is 0.8 million
smolts less than previously expected and is caused by the decision to postpone
the release of 0.8 million smolts to Q1 2020 hereby reducing the risk associated
with releasing smolt during the coldest weeks of the year. This is made possible
by the increased smolt capacity on land from the Strond hatchery. Bakkafrost
expects to release 15.0 million smolts in 2020, excluding the smolt release in
The Scottish Salmon Company. The number of smolts released is a key element of
predicting Bakkafrost's future production.
VAP (Value Added Products)
Bakkafrost has signed contracts covering around 40% for the expected harvested
volumes in Q4 2019 and 26% for the harvest volume of 2020. Bakkafrost's long
-term strategy is to sell around 40-50% of the harvested volumes of salmon as
VAP products at fixed price contracts.
The VAP contracts are at fixed prices, based on the salmon forward prices at the
time they are agreed and the expectations for the salmon spot price for the
contract period. The contracts last for 6 to 12 months.
FOF (Fishmeal, Oil and Feed)
The outlook for the production of fishmeal and fish oil is dependent on the
availability of raw material. The ICES 2019 recommendation for blue whiting is
1,143 thousand tonnes, which corresponds to a decrease of 18%, compared to
ICES's recommendation for 2018. The ICES 2020 recommendation for blue whiting is
1,162 thousand tonnes.
Bakkafrost expects a decrease in production volumes of fishmeal and fish oil in
2019, compared to 2018. Havsbrún has increased the expectation for sales of fish
feed in 2019 to be at 98,000 tonnes, depending on external sales. Havsbrún's
sales of fish feed for 2020 is expected to be 110,000 tonnes.
The major market for Havsbrún´s fish feed is the local Faroese market including
Bakkafrost's internal use of fish feed.
Bakkafrost's investment program for the period from 2019 to 2022, excluding
investments in The Scottish Salmon Company, will amount to DKK 2.5 billion,
including maintenance capex, and will reinforce Bakkafrost's integrated business
model and ensure a capacity across the value chain to be able to produce 100,000
tonnes gutted weight of salmon. The aim of the investment program is to minimize
the biological risk, increase efficiency and create sustainable organic growth.
Bakkafrost's focus on producing larger smolts plays a key role in achieving this
Favourable market balances in the world market for salmon products and cost
-conscious production will likely maintain the financial flexibility going
A high equity ratio together with Bakkafrost's bank financing, makes
Bakkafrost's financial situation strong. This enables Bakkafrost to carry out
its investment plans to further focus on strengthening the Group, M&A's, organic
growth opportunities and to fulfil its dividend policy in the future, which is
unchanged although a new investment program is announced.
During Q3 2019, Bakkafrost increased the company's share capital for the
acquisition of SSC. The acquisition was therefore carried out without
substantial increase in Bakkafrost's external financing.
In Q3 2019, Bakkafrost signed a binding Share Purchase Agreement to acquire
68.6% of The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) to be closed in Q4 2019. This was
followed by an acquisition of additional 9.2% of the shares in SSC in Q3 2019.
Bakkafrost intends to acquire the remaining shares of SSC during Q4 2019.
Bakkafrost will do this through a mandatory offer for the remaining shares in
SSC, followed by a compulsory offer for the last 10% of the shares in case more
than 90% ownership is reached by the mandatory offer.
At the time of publication of this report (5 Nov 2019), Bakkafrost has acquired
additional shares in SSC and holds a total of 80.77% of the shares.
The acquisition of SSC is financed by issuing new shares in Bakkafrost, and
Bakkafrost intends to delist SSC from Oslo Børs if 100% ownership of the company
is obtained.
More information about the acquisition of SSC, including the strategic rationale
behind the acquisition, can be found in Note 9 in the Company's Q3 2019 report.
Please find the Company's Q3 2019 report and the Q3 2019 presentation enclosed.
· Regin Jacobsen, CEO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 235001 (mobile)
· Høgni Dahl Jakobsen, CFO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 235060 (mobile)
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
About Bakkafrost
Bakkafrost is the largest salmon farmer in the Faroe Islands. The Group is fully
integrated from feed production to smolt, farming, VAP and sales. The Group has
production of fishmeal, fish oil and salmon feed in Fuglafjørður. The Group has
primary processing in Glyvrar and Vágur, and secondary processing (VAP) in
Glyvrar. The Group operates sea farming in Norðoyggjar, Eysturoy, Streymoy and
Suðuroy. The Group has broodstock operations in Streymoy and Sandoy and is
building a biogas plant in Streymoy. The headquarter is located in Glyvrar, and
the company has 1.055 employees.
In Q3 2019 the Group signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire 68,6% of the
shares in The Scottish Salmon Company.
This press release does not constitute or form part of an offer or solicitation
to purchase or subscribe for securities. The securities referred to herein may
not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption
from registration as provided in the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Copies of this announcement are not being made and may not be distributed or
sent into the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.

Sterk biologisk ytelse kompenserte for tungt prisfall
Aslak Berge -
5 november 2019
Bakkafrost leverte et driftsresultat på 303,4 millioner kroner i årets tredje kvartal.
Slaktevolumet var 12.938 tonn laks, sløyd vekt.
«Lakseprisene falt betydelig i Q3 2019, sammenlignet med tidligere kvartal. Prisøkningen hadde en negativ efffekt på den operasjonelle EBIT i oppdrettssegmentet, mens den hadde en positiv effekt på den operasjonelle EBIT i foredlingssegmentet,» skriver Bakkafrost i en børsmelding tirsdag morgen.
Konsernsjef Regin Jacobsen er tilfreds med resultatet.
- Til tross for ti prosent lavere spotpris i løpet av tredje kvartal for 2019, sammenlignet med samme kvartal i fjor, har Bakkafrost levert sterke driftsresultater dette kvartalet. Den gjennomsnittlige størrelsen på den høstede laksen har vært eksepsjonelt høy, noe som har satt oss i en veldig god posisjon til å motstå den vanskelige markedssituasjonen. Den biologiske ytelsen har vært veldig bra med høye vekstrater for laksen. Luselus og dødelighet har vært blant de laveste på mange år, sier han.
- Dette er et resultat av engasjert og dyktig ansatte og en sterk innsats for en kontinuerlig forbedring av biologien og laksens velferd, legger Jacobsen til.
Den største begivenheten i kvartalet var likevel oppkjøpet av the Scottish Salmon Company (SSC). Helintegrerte SSC kontrollerer 60 oppdrettslokaliteter på den skotske vestkysten og Hebridene. Per 5. november kontrollerer Bakkafrost 80,77 prosent av aksjene i SSC.
Ledergruppen i Bakkafrost forventer en tilbudsvekst for laks på syv prosent i 2019. Vekttakten ventes å falle til rundt fire prosent i 2020.
Selskapet forventer videre et slaktevolum på 54.500 tonn i år, økende til 57.000 tonn neste år - ekskludert slaktevolumene fra SSC.
Sterk biologisk ytelse kompenserte for tungt prisfall
Aslak Berge -
5 november 2019
Bakkafrost leverte et driftsresultat på 303,4 millioner kroner i årets tredje kvartal.
Slaktevolumet var 12.938 tonn laks, sløyd vekt.
«Lakseprisene falt betydelig i Q3 2019, sammenlignet med tidligere kvartal. Prisøkningen hadde en negativ efffekt på den operasjonelle EBIT i oppdrettssegmentet, mens den hadde en positiv effekt på den operasjonelle EBIT i foredlingssegmentet,» skriver Bakkafrost i en børsmelding tirsdag morgen.
Konsernsjef Regin Jacobsen er tilfreds med resultatet.
- Til tross for ti prosent lavere spotpris i løpet av tredje kvartal for 2019, sammenlignet med samme kvartal i fjor, har Bakkafrost levert sterke driftsresultater dette kvartalet. Den gjennomsnittlige størrelsen på den høstede laksen har vært eksepsjonelt høy, noe som har satt oss i en veldig god posisjon til å motstå den vanskelige markedssituasjonen. Den biologiske ytelsen har vært veldig bra med høye vekstrater for laksen. Luselus og dødelighet har vært blant de laveste på mange år, sier han.
- Dette er et resultat av engasjert og dyktig ansatte og en sterk innsats for en kontinuerlig forbedring av biologien og laksens velferd, legger Jacobsen til.
Den største begivenheten i kvartalet var likevel oppkjøpet av the Scottish Salmon Company (SSC). Helintegrerte SSC kontrollerer 60 oppdrettslokaliteter på den skotske vestkysten og Hebridene. Per 5. november kontrollerer Bakkafrost 80,77 prosent av aksjene i SSC.
Ledergruppen i Bakkafrost forventer en tilbudsvekst for laks på syv prosent i 2019. Vekttakten ventes å falle til rundt fire prosent i 2020.
Selskapet forventer videre et slaktevolum på 54.500 tonn i år, økende til 57.000 tonn neste år - ekskludert slaktevolumene fra SSC.

Analytikerne er uenig om Bakkafrost