så som tingene står lige nu, kan du sagtens nå at købe et lille frimærke til en long position.
der er mange shorts som skal under 7 for at gå even
den kom på naked short listen den 13 april som dag 1.
der er optionsudløb den 17 april og 9 maj - hvor utroligt mange ligger til store tab
der kommer margincalls de næste dage
der kommer en konference den 28 april hvor resultaterne offentliggøres mere specifikt
der afventes FDA reaktioner - og om de godkender provenge til salg
så der er mange triggere forsat
og jeg ku nævne ord som blockbuster præparat, 1 præparat af sin art, partneraftale for europa asien osv osv
endelig så håber jeg jo at der evt kunne opstå "the mother of al shortsqueese"
og min taktik er fortsat at ligge long med en lille portion aktier, så jeg hele tiden er inde, samtidig med at jeg swingtrader i aktien og nupper gevinster hen af vejen.
Nu håber jeg så lidt på at disse resultater vil få de amerikanske politikere til at se lidt nærmere på hvad det var der egentlig foregik af ulovligheder i 2007
både hos FDA - som underkendte en klar anbefaling fra deres expert komite's panel meeting.
og de 2 læger fra panel meeting afstemningen der så aktivt modarbejdede godkendelsen, fordi de havde økonomiske interesser i stråle/kemo branchen,
samt ikke mindst på Børsen - hvor aktien blev manipuleret på det groveste af hegdefonde, banker og aktieguruer.
der er mange shorts som skal under 7 for at gå even
den kom på naked short listen den 13 april som dag 1.
der er optionsudløb den 17 april og 9 maj - hvor utroligt mange ligger til store tab
der kommer margincalls de næste dage
der kommer en konference den 28 april hvor resultaterne offentliggøres mere specifikt
der afventes FDA reaktioner - og om de godkender provenge til salg
så der er mange triggere forsat
og jeg ku nævne ord som blockbuster præparat, 1 præparat af sin art, partneraftale for europa asien osv osv
endelig så håber jeg jo at der evt kunne opstå "the mother of al shortsqueese"
og min taktik er fortsat at ligge long med en lille portion aktier, så jeg hele tiden er inde, samtidig med at jeg swingtrader i aktien og nupper gevinster hen af vejen.
Nu håber jeg så lidt på at disse resultater vil få de amerikanske politikere til at se lidt nærmere på hvad det var der egentlig foregik af ulovligheder i 2007
både hos FDA - som underkendte en klar anbefaling fra deres expert komite's panel meeting.
og de 2 læger fra panel meeting afstemningen der så aktivt modarbejdede godkendelsen, fordi de havde økonomiske interesser i stråle/kemo branchen,
samt ikke mindst på Børsen - hvor aktien blev manipuleret på det groveste af hegdefonde, banker og aktieguruer.

Jeg kunne squ da ikke vide, at den "gamle" kone var her - anede intet om dette forum, men det taler vel også for min aktie interesse pt -

Faldt lige over denne her artikel. Det lader til at det er en ganske be-
sværlig metode at benytte Provenge medikamentet.
Dendreon (DNDN) is a company not unknown for hype. Today’s hype was that the Provenge prostate cancer immunotherapy met the Phase 3 survival goals of reducing death by 22% and extending life by 4.5 months for men with advanced prostate cancer who no longer responded to hormone therapy. While the company claims the results are consistent with previous studies, detailed results will not be presented until the American Urological Association's Annual Meeting in Chicago on Tuesday, April 28 at 2:20 pm CT.
I won’t pass judgment as to whether the product is clinically effective. The investor risk is greater with the clinical procedure. The procedure involves three cycles of blood extraction, antigen loading and reinfusion over four weeks. The extraction and reinfusion take place in the doctor’s office, while the customized antigen loading is done for each patient in Dendreon’s manufacturing facilities.
Given the difficulty of this procedure for patients and physicians, the actual clinical results will have to be significantly better and more cost effective than oral or infusion-only products. I had a bad stock investment experience with Trimeris’ (TRMS). Trimeris' Fuzeon HIV treatment showed clinical superiority, but the twice daily injections proved too cumbersome and painful for its target audience. Fuzeon showed only limited commercial success. Likewise, I believe that Provenge’s cumbersome procedure will inhibit its success, even if you believe management on the trial results.
In addition to patient and physician acceptance, Dendreon has a series of manufacturing and logistical problems to overcome. In its unique process, it has to become both the Intel (INTC) and Federal Express (FDX) of the pharmaceutical industry.
Shorting this stock carries a lot of risk and the puts are priced for very high volatility. If you believe the product will be approved by the FDA, but have limited commercial success, wait for the implied volatility to wane. This should happen after the detailed results are on April 28 are released. Betting on the urological conference is too expensive, whereas betting against the long-term success of Provenge should be quite inexpensive.
sværlig metode at benytte Provenge medikamentet.
Dendreon (DNDN) is a company not unknown for hype. Today’s hype was that the Provenge prostate cancer immunotherapy met the Phase 3 survival goals of reducing death by 22% and extending life by 4.5 months for men with advanced prostate cancer who no longer responded to hormone therapy. While the company claims the results are consistent with previous studies, detailed results will not be presented until the American Urological Association's Annual Meeting in Chicago on Tuesday, April 28 at 2:20 pm CT.
I won’t pass judgment as to whether the product is clinically effective. The investor risk is greater with the clinical procedure. The procedure involves three cycles of blood extraction, antigen loading and reinfusion over four weeks. The extraction and reinfusion take place in the doctor’s office, while the customized antigen loading is done for each patient in Dendreon’s manufacturing facilities.
Given the difficulty of this procedure for patients and physicians, the actual clinical results will have to be significantly better and more cost effective than oral or infusion-only products. I had a bad stock investment experience with Trimeris’ (TRMS). Trimeris' Fuzeon HIV treatment showed clinical superiority, but the twice daily injections proved too cumbersome and painful for its target audience. Fuzeon showed only limited commercial success. Likewise, I believe that Provenge’s cumbersome procedure will inhibit its success, even if you believe management on the trial results.
In addition to patient and physician acceptance, Dendreon has a series of manufacturing and logistical problems to overcome. In its unique process, it has to become both the Intel (INTC) and Federal Express (FDX) of the pharmaceutical industry.
Shorting this stock carries a lot of risk and the puts are priced for very high volatility. If you believe the product will be approved by the FDA, but have limited commercial success, wait for the implied volatility to wane. This should happen after the detailed results are on April 28 are released. Betting on the urological conference is too expensive, whereas betting against the long-term success of Provenge should be quite inexpensive.

Samt denne også informative artikel.
Dendreon (DNDN) came out with positive data Tuesday morning regarding its prostate cancer treatment Provenge trials using immunotherapy. This is really the first possible successful cancer vaccine treatment as everything up until this point has failed using this method.
"Cancer immunotherapy attempts to stimulate the immune system to reject and destroy tumors."
Before you get too over-hyped, Dendreon plans to file the new data with the FDA by the fourth quarter, which could lead to a decision six months later --- so there is plenty of time before the finish line is reached absent a buyout.
That being said, new analyst targets are ranging from the mid to upper twenties using conservative estimates IF (that's a big if) the drug is endorsed by the FDA and Phase IV goes well.
There were and are still many doubters on this name and the short interest was huge going into this news, but this data really is a smack to the face for many of them.
Still the details so far are very short on substance and in the company conference call scheduled for the 28th of this month the company has said it will release the granular details of this latest trial's stats.
I think the shares will probably trade back to twenty before this meeting takes place given the momentum and short fuel fire that this one has.
Dendreon (DNDN) came out with positive data Tuesday morning regarding its prostate cancer treatment Provenge trials using immunotherapy. This is really the first possible successful cancer vaccine treatment as everything up until this point has failed using this method.
"Cancer immunotherapy attempts to stimulate the immune system to reject and destroy tumors."
Before you get too over-hyped, Dendreon plans to file the new data with the FDA by the fourth quarter, which could lead to a decision six months later --- so there is plenty of time before the finish line is reached absent a buyout.
That being said, new analyst targets are ranging from the mid to upper twenties using conservative estimates IF (that's a big if) the drug is endorsed by the FDA and Phase IV goes well.
There were and are still many doubters on this name and the short interest was huge going into this news, but this data really is a smack to the face for many of them.
Still the details so far are very short on substance and in the company conference call scheduled for the 28th of this month the company has said it will release the granular details of this latest trial's stats.
I think the shares will probably trade back to twenty before this meeting takes place given the momentum and short fuel fire that this one has.