Det viser at der tjenes meget store penge i tank - herudover har International Seaways meddelt de har investordag den 15/1
Return to shareholders guidance
Return to shareholders policy targeting 80% of net income
As from first quarter 2020 results, dividends will be paid quarterly
80% target return will already apply to the 2019 final results
ANTWERP, Belgium, 9th January 2020 - Euronav NV (NYSE: EURN & Euronext: EURN) ("Euronav" or the "Company") today announces guidance to its return to shareholders policy to be applied to the 2019 final results and to the quarterly results as from 2020 onwards.
Guidance on how current policy will be applied
The following guidance on the current policy will be applicable as of the first quarter results 2020:
Each quarter Euronav will target to return 80% of net income (including the fixed element of USD 3c per quarter) to shareholders
This return to shareholders will primarily be in the form of a cash dividend and the Company will always look at stock repurchase as an alternative if it believes more value can be created for shareholders
The Company retains the right to return more than 80% should the circumstances allow it
In line with the current policy, the calculation will not include capital gains (reserved for fleet renewal) but will include capital losses and the policy will at all times be subject to freight market outlook, company balance sheet and cyclicality along with other factors and regulatory requirements.
Euronav believes this approach has the flexibility to manage the Company through the cycle, retaining sufficient capital for fleet renewal whilst simultaneously rewarding our shareholders.
Indicative timetable for 2020 results and dividends*
Quarterly distributions will allow better alignment between operational performance of the business and return to shareholders.
Q1 Dividend First week May
Q2 Dividend Mid August
Q3 Dividend First week November
Q4 Dividend First week February
*dates subject to change; XD and payment timings to remain as befor
Return to shareholders guidance
Return to shareholders policy targeting 80% of net income
As from first quarter 2020 results, dividends will be paid quarterly
80% target return will already apply to the 2019 final results
ANTWERP, Belgium, 9th January 2020 - Euronav NV (NYSE: EURN & Euronext: EURN) ("Euronav" or the "Company") today announces guidance to its return to shareholders policy to be applied to the 2019 final results and to the quarterly results as from 2020 onwards.
Guidance on how current policy will be applied
The following guidance on the current policy will be applicable as of the first quarter results 2020:
Each quarter Euronav will target to return 80% of net income (including the fixed element of USD 3c per quarter) to shareholders
This return to shareholders will primarily be in the form of a cash dividend and the Company will always look at stock repurchase as an alternative if it believes more value can be created for shareholders
The Company retains the right to return more than 80% should the circumstances allow it
In line with the current policy, the calculation will not include capital gains (reserved for fleet renewal) but will include capital losses and the policy will at all times be subject to freight market outlook, company balance sheet and cyclicality along with other factors and regulatory requirements.
Euronav believes this approach has the flexibility to manage the Company through the cycle, retaining sufficient capital for fleet renewal whilst simultaneously rewarding our shareholders.
Indicative timetable for 2020 results and dividends*
Quarterly distributions will allow better alignment between operational performance of the business and return to shareholders.
Q1 Dividend First week May
Q2 Dividend Mid August
Q3 Dividend First week November
Q4 Dividend First week February
*dates subject to change; XD and payment timings to remain as befor

Danske Bank har hævet kursmålet på Torm til 90 fra 80:
The expected positive rate effect from IMO 2020 sulphur demand has been stronger than expected and seems to have lasted into 2020. Therefore, we lift our spot rate estimate, which increases our earnings estimates. We raise our 12M price target from DKK80 per share to DKK90 per share, reflecting a higher NAV at end-2020, and reiterate our Buy recommendation.
The expected positive rate effect from IMO 2020 sulphur demand has been stronger than expected and seems to have lasted into 2020. Therefore, we lift our spot rate estimate, which increases our earnings estimates. We raise our 12M price target from DKK80 per share to DKK90 per share, reflecting a higher NAV at end-2020, and reiterate our Buy recommendation.

"Euronav lines up big dividend payouts as tanker cash rolls in
Belgian owner ready to hand over 80% of profit to investors as Deutsche Bank predicts significant payments from May",
Belgian owner ready to hand over 80% of profit to investors as Deutsche Bank predicts significant payments from May",

Det er børsmeddelsen som er lagt ind øverst - problemet med udbytte dernede fra er der tages 30% i skat samt for meget skat er ekstrem svært at få retur.

Jeg ved godt det er børsmeddelelsen. Artiklen er med kommentarer fra Deutche Bank.
Det med udbytte og skat er ikke lige nemt fra mange lande.
Det med udbytte og skat er ikke lige nemt fra mange lande.

Tank er rigtig godt - på nær denne ligger de næsten alle i skattely lande og dermed ikke udbytteskat men alene afregning til Danmark

Prøv at kik på Rig - når markedet vender kommer det til at gå stærk opad på dem som overlever.
Laks er jo mere eller mindre = Norge
Laks er jo mere eller mindre = Norge

Enig omkring rig Der er altid nogen som rejser sig som Fugl Fønix.
Min største position i laks er Bakkafrost. På Færøerne hænger de også i bremsen med udbytteskatten.
Min største position i laks er Bakkafrost. På Færøerne hænger de også i bremsen med udbytteskatten.