Tosset aften - fald på alle tank på trods af uændret stærke rater på råtank

"Changing oil market due to IMO2020, supply fundamentals are real reasons behind 6 months surge in oil tanker earnings. Sanctions are a bonus. Q4 and Q1 will be the best quarters in decades for many firms".

Enig - jeg tror at en god part af 1 kvt er booket til de gode rater samt at der også er gang i bookingen til 2 kvt.

"This chart shows rates peaked around 200k in both 2004 and 2007. So that would be another ~40% upside from here"? Calvinfroedge på Twitter

Previous Tanker Bull Markets, didn't hit $300K/day.
Also Previous Tanker Bull Markets, Were Not Sustained for Many Quarters Like This 1 Will Be for Many Reasons.
* IMO2020
* 95% Fleet Utilization
* Very Few New Builds, Ship Building Companies have been Mowed Down & Built Condo's
Miles Taylor
@MilesTaylor47 on Twitter
Also Previous Tanker Bull Markets, Were Not Sustained for Many Quarters Like This 1 Will Be for Many Reasons.
* IMO2020
* 95% Fleet Utilization
* Very Few New Builds, Ship Building Companies have been Mowed Down & Built Condo's
Miles Taylor
@MilesTaylor47 on Twitter

Kl 18.00 på onsdag har International Seaways, investor dag, jeg ser frem til at lytte og høre deres kommentar. Dette rederi har fået en prisen for at være meget informativ. Samtidig er de i samme pulje med deres 13 VLCC med Frontline og Euronav, dvs vi får indikationer på dem også.
Euronav har meddelt at de udbetaler 80% af deres overskud før gevinster på salg af skibe hver kvt..
Klart signal om overskud konverteres til udlodning
Euronav har meddelt at de udbetaler 80% af deres overskud før gevinster på salg af skibe hver kvt..
Klart signal om overskud konverteres til udlodning

Tank: En super god podcast som forklarer tankmarkedet og de nye miljøregler.

Shipping Weekly 2/2020
Dry Bulk Shipping: Dry Bulk spot rates tumbled further last week, as expected. Capes found some support towards the end of this week, but we see limited respite for owners on average in 1H20E. The first cyclone of the season impacted the iron ore rich Pilbara region of Australia this week, and another cyclone is now heading into the region. Chinese New Year is closing in at 25 January, and activity should remain slow over the next two weeks.
Oil Tankers: As we highlighted last week, the ample tonnage list of VLCCs in the AG pushed spot rates downwards. The positive is a tight tonnage list in the Altantic, thus average earnings are close to unchanged w/w. Recent S&P indicates that we will soon revise up our asset prices, as we indicated in our November report. Suezmaxes saw a busy market in all areas, with spot rates +13% w/w on average.
LNG Carriers: Spot rates were slightly down this week, with MEGI/XDF -6% w/w to $96k/d, TFDE -1% to $86k/d and ST -1% to 59k/d. We expect spot rates to fall further in 1H20E before rebounding strongly in 2H20E.
LPG Carriers: VLGC spot rates are unch w/w, with strong activity reported ex-US. With limited scrubber saturation, the major brunt of the HSFO/VLSFO switch is being carried by the average VLGC vessel, with TCE spot rates -42% m/m.
Dry Bulk Shipping: Dry Bulk spot rates tumbled further last week, as expected. Capes found some support towards the end of this week, but we see limited respite for owners on average in 1H20E. The first cyclone of the season impacted the iron ore rich Pilbara region of Australia this week, and another cyclone is now heading into the region. Chinese New Year is closing in at 25 January, and activity should remain slow over the next two weeks.
Oil Tankers: As we highlighted last week, the ample tonnage list of VLCCs in the AG pushed spot rates downwards. The positive is a tight tonnage list in the Altantic, thus average earnings are close to unchanged w/w. Recent S&P indicates that we will soon revise up our asset prices, as we indicated in our November report. Suezmaxes saw a busy market in all areas, with spot rates +13% w/w on average.
LNG Carriers: Spot rates were slightly down this week, with MEGI/XDF -6% w/w to $96k/d, TFDE -1% to $86k/d and ST -1% to 59k/d. We expect spot rates to fall further in 1H20E before rebounding strongly in 2H20E.
LPG Carriers: VLGC spot rates are unch w/w, with strong activity reported ex-US. With limited scrubber saturation, the major brunt of the HSFO/VLSFO switch is being carried by the average VLGC vessel, with TCE spot rates -42% m/m.

Tank 2020 - podcast fra Pareto.: