Lidt bedre rater på råtank - når normaliseringen indetræder tro jeg på meget kraftige stigninger - har forøget i denne uge.
Produkttank uændret ikke godt
Produkttank uændret ikke godt
14/2 2020 14:48 Enkommentar1 381709
Teekay tankers
Når produkttank begynder ar rør på sig:
Scorpio tankers
Teekay tankers
Når produkttank begynder ar rør på sig:
Scorpio tankers
14/2 2020 15:47 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 181714
Kinesiske raffinaderier på indkøb i billig råolie:
15/2 2020 09:29 Enkommentar1 081724
Det kan måske være årsagen til stigninger på Suezmax og Alfamax - begge disse skibstyper tjener nu gode penge ved disse rater.
Jeg synes det er længe siden vi har hørt fra delfin. Han havde mange gode insights omkring shipping. Hvad er der blevet af ham?
14/2 2020 18:08 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 081722
Kan se, at han liker indlæg vedrørende shipping m.m. Mon ikke han finder tid til at skrive igen?
Mine klare favoritter i er NOrden og Frontline. Er begyndt at købe op og vil fortsætte med dette i rum tid endnu.
Dette er en gylden mulighed for at købe super billigt. Norden har indre værdi på 140 og kommer med godt udbytte snart.
Dette er en gylden mulighed for at købe super billigt. Norden har indre værdi på 140 og kommer med godt udbytte snart.
17/2 2020 14:59 Stockwatch1 081797
Fra Citi:
Many families have stopped receiving income and dug into their limited savings for daily needs during the quarantines. Contrary to some beliefs that the return to work would be slow, Citi analysts think that once the quarantines are eased, there may be a flood of workers seeking jobs. The backlogs in the global manufacturing supply chain could provide many of those jobs.
• Similarly, demand for social gatherings and consumption associated with travel and tourism may also see a potentially strong rebound. In 2003, total visitors to Macau fell 43% from February to May, but rebounded 117% from May to July to higher than the pre-SARS level.
Many families have stopped receiving income and dug into their limited savings for daily needs during the quarantines. Contrary to some beliefs that the return to work would be slow, Citi analysts think that once the quarantines are eased, there may be a flood of workers seeking jobs. The backlogs in the global manufacturing supply chain could provide many of those jobs.
• Similarly, demand for social gatherings and consumption associated with travel and tourism may also see a potentially strong rebound. In 2003, total visitors to Macau fell 43% from February to May, but rebounded 117% from May to July to higher than the pre-SARS level.