Hej MAP, Frontline og andre tankers er steget voldsomt som resultat af at det, pga. den lave oliepris, er blevet attraktivt at benytte tankers som flydende lager. Spotpriser er derfor steget voldsomt. Når der er udsigt til at olieprisen stiger er der en forventning om at tankraterne vil falde igen og dermed også indtjeningspotentialet for Frontline og andre tankers. Jeg tror personligt på at olieprisen forbliver relativt lav over en længere periode og at det derfor fortsat vil være attraktivt at benytte tankers from flydende lager .... men det er ren spekulation.

Fra Tradewinds :
Giveans said despite the oil price rally, the six-month spread between oil prices now and oil prices later is still $6.50 per barrel, implying a $65,000 per day implied VLCC storage rate, moderating to $50,000 per day on a 12-month basis.
"This is the new floor, not ceiling," he said.
Jefferies analyst Randy Giveans
Giveans said despite the oil price rally, the six-month spread between oil prices now and oil prices later is still $6.50 per barrel, implying a $65,000 per day implied VLCC storage rate, moderating to $50,000 per day on a 12-month basis.
"This is the new floor, not ceiling," he said.
Jefferies analyst Randy Giveans