Vil hele covid-19 krisen skabe et nyt 2008 ?

@stockstiger ProPublica er et lille men meget anerkendt medie. De laver ogsaa nogle gode videoer og dokumentarer (i samarbejde med PBS), der er tilgaengelige paa YouTube. Men jeg er ikke enig i, at det er 2008 om igen. Problemstillingen her er en anden og paa mindre skala.
Whistleblower: Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds
Icahn is shorting the commercial real estate market, which he says is going to 'blow up'
How Quickly Hospitals Could Fill Up if We Don't Slow Coronavirus Down
Unmasking California's New White Supremacists
Indiana Police Officers Charged After Punching Handcuffed Man
Documenting Hate: Charlottesville (full film) ' FRONTLINE
Whistleblower: Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds
Icahn is shorting the commercial real estate market, which he says is going to 'blow up'
How Quickly Hospitals Could Fill Up if We Don't Slow Coronavirus Down
Unmasking California's New White Supremacists
Indiana Police Officers Charged After Punching Handcuffed Man
Documenting Hate: Charlottesville (full film) ' FRONTLINE