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vaekst-hastighed i forskellige aartier

84593 tommycarstensen 9/6 2020 17:05

Hej alle,

Jeg har et spoergsmaal.

Jeg plottede lige vaekst-hastigheden for omsaetning og drifts-indtjening for virksomheder i Russell 3000 for de seneste 10 aar; jeg har fjernet outliers. Medianen er i begge tilfaelde cirka 5,5%.

Mit spoergsmaal er, om der er nogen, der har vaekst-hastigheder for andre aartier og/eller perioder paa ti aar? Meget gerne 1980erne og 1970erne, hvor inflationen var noget hoejere.

Jeg spoerger, fordi Lynch havde foelgende kategorier, som jeg ikke er sikker paa giver mening i dag:
'One Up on Wall Street': Peter Lynch's 6 Categories of Stocks

Slow growers (sluggards)
"Often, they are companies in an industry that has lost momentum, and their charts resemble the topographical map of Delaware: simply flat."

Medium growers (stalwarts)
"He also expected annual earnings growth of 10% to 12%"

Fast growers
"small, aggressive new enterprises that grow at 20 to 25 percent a year."

Til dem, der ikke kender Peter Lynch, saa er her et udklip fra Wikipedia:

In 1977, Lynch was named head of the then obscure Magellan Fund which had $18 million in assets. By the time Lynch resigned as a fund manager in 1990, the fund had grown to more than $14 billion in assets with more than 1,000 individual stock positions.[15] Taking over when Magellan was a small fund, Lynch had no restrictions on what assets he could buy (other than laws, such as an SEC-enforced federal law that prohibits investment company funds that are registered as "diversified" from holding more than 5% of total portfolio assets in a single company at time of purchase ).[16] He focused on individual companies rather than any overarching strategy, starting with large US companies and gradually shifting emphasis to smaller and international stocks.[16]

From 1977 until 1990, the Magellan fund averaged a 29.2% annual return and as of 2003 had the best 20-year return of any mutual fund ever.[4][17] Lynch's achieved dollar successes in a range of stocks including (by order of profit achieved - source is Beating the Street): Fannie Mae, Ford, Philip Morris, MCI, Volvo, General Electric, General Public Utilities, Student Loan Marketing, Kemper, and Lowe's.

Paa forhaand tak.

Mvh Tommy

Lynch, Peter Lynch, Russell 3000

Lynch, Peter Lynch, Russell 3000

Lynch, Peter Lynch, Russell 3000

9/6 2020 17:07 tommycarstensen 284594

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Lynch, Peter Lynch, Russell 3000

Lynch, Peter Lynch, Russell 3000