Jim Cramer: S&P peaker d. 27. juli. Nyd det indtil da.
85217 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 18/7 2020 18:29
"Bulls, enjoy the next couple of weeks.
"Why? Well, according to "renowned trading expert" Larry Williams and his reading of this chart, the end of the month could also mean the end of the rally.
Williams focuses on seasonal patterns of the market to chart his course, noting that July tends to be a bullish month for stocks. So far, it's living up to its historical billing.
CNBC's Jim Cramer highlighted the chart during his "Mad Money" show on Tuesday.
"The charts, as interpreted by the legendary Larry Williams, suggest the S&P could climb another 4% or 5% over the next two weeks, but come July 28, he expects the market to start rolling over," he said. "Given that the expanded unemployment insurance benefits from Washington expire at the end of the month, well, I wouldn't be surprised" if his call turns out to be correct".
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"Why? Well, according to "renowned trading expert" Larry Williams and his reading of this chart, the end of the month could also mean the end of the rally.
Williams focuses on seasonal patterns of the market to chart his course, noting that July tends to be a bullish month for stocks. So far, it's living up to its historical billing.
CNBC's Jim Cramer highlighted the chart during his "Mad Money" show on Tuesday.
"The charts, as interpreted by the legendary Larry Williams, suggest the S&P could climb another 4% or 5% over the next two weeks, but come July 28, he expects the market to start rolling over," he said. "Given that the expanded unemployment insurance benefits from Washington expire at the end of the month, well, I wouldn't be surprised" if his call turns out to be correct".
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Ja, Om det bliver i slut Juli eller inden for de næste 3 mdr. må gudernevidere. Reducerede og trak mig fra i torsdags fra de største IT i USA, for at søge ned i laver "højder" i US / Norden og flere kontanter. Agter at forsætte med denne strategi. Har tjent rigelig de sidste 3 mdr. (-: Følger de 3 vise-mænd anbefaling fra mio. klubbens. https://www.euroinvestor.dk/podcast/millionaerklubben-tendenser-og-trends-i-aktiemarkedet

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