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FOM Technologies wins tender to supply SDU with Slot Die coating equipment
Investor News no. 4 - 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark - 19th of August 2020
FOM Technologies A/S' win SDU's (Syddansk Universitet) tender for Slot Die coating equipment for R/D of future solar power technology.
FOM Technologies wins the tender for delivering of Slot Die coating equipment to SDU (Syddansk Universitet) for R/D of future solar power technology. The SDU contract marks a milestone for the company, as this is our first Danish customer and thereby an era of being a "true born global company" has ended.
But for CEO Michael Stadi, the team is thrilled about the new customer. "We have been joking about this for years, and wondered when we got our first national customer, and who the customer would be. The contract is a seal of approval of our long-term effort to provide high technology equipment to enable clean energy material research. As with all our customers, we'll make sure that the science team of SDU will get all our support and insight into our technology to create a long-term relationship."
Noget tyder på, at FOM's teknologier er unikke, og at selskabet er værd at kigge på som investor. Jeg købte en pæn portion, da pressemeddelelse dukkede op, for det er ikke en hvem som helst, FOM her har fået som ny kunde.
FOM Technologies wins tender to supply SDU with Slot Die coating equipment
Investor News no. 4 - 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark - 19th of August 2020
FOM Technologies A/S' win SDU's (Syddansk Universitet) tender for Slot Die coating equipment for R/D of future solar power technology.
FOM Technologies wins the tender for delivering of Slot Die coating equipment to SDU (Syddansk Universitet) for R/D of future solar power technology. The SDU contract marks a milestone for the company, as this is our first Danish customer and thereby an era of being a "true born global company" has ended.
But for CEO Michael Stadi, the team is thrilled about the new customer. "We have been joking about this for years, and wondered when we got our first national customer, and who the customer would be. The contract is a seal of approval of our long-term effort to provide high technology equipment to enable clean energy material research. As with all our customers, we'll make sure that the science team of SDU will get all our support and insight into our technology to create a long-term relationship."
Noget tyder på, at FOM's teknologier er unikke, og at selskabet er værd at kigge på som investor. Jeg købte en pæn portion, da pressemeddelelse dukkede op, for det er ikke en hvem som helst, FOM her har fået som ny kunde.

14.10.2021 07.00 · MarketWire
FOM Technologies: FOM Technologies i kraftig vækst og opjusterer guidance til omsætning og EBITDA. Målet er nu en 3-dobling af sidste års omsætning.
FOM Technologies: FOM Technologies i kraftig vækst og opjusterer guidance til omsætning og EBITDA. Målet er nu en 3-dobling af sidste års omsætning.