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Saxo Bank Market Insights: Batteri revolutionen

86274 B.Andersen 26/8 2020 15:02

Super god artikel fra Saxo Banks Per Garnry om batteri-industrien:

Batteries will prove a high growth industry as green transformation accelerates

"Summary: The lithium-ion battery and energy storage industry is a fast growing industry driven by high growth in adoption of electric vehicles and energy storage systems to absorb excess energy from renewable energy. In this research note we provide a list of companies with exposure to this multi-decade theme and also lay out the demand drivers for the industry. This is a core theme of the future less carbon-intensive economy and something most investors should contemplate to add to the long-term portfolio.

The last 15 years have catapulted the battery industry into a technology race as batteries are being deployed into more and more products from smartphones, electric vehicles, tablets, bicycles, and industrial applications. The old battery industry came from a focus on lead-acid batteries used in cars, industrial applications, households etc. towards Lithium-ion batteries that are now at the forefront of the mobile electrification trend.

Electric vehicles and green energy are driving the battery revolution

The two main drivers of the adoption of lithium-ion batteries are electric vehicles and energy storage for capturing excess energy from renewable energy sources. Until recently, the demand for lithium-ion batteries came from consumer electronics such as laptops, cameras, smartphones and other devices but these applications require less energy density and thus the demand function has only slowly pushed down costs of lithium-ion batteries. However, the revolution in electric vehicles started by Tesla has accelerated demand for higher density and volume of lithium-ion batteries driving down costs through economics of scale.....

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