How Tesla Could Smash the Index Fund Debate Wide Open
88767 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 22/11 2020 19:06
Nu hvor Tesla er indlemmet i S&P500 kan det anbefales at se denne video.
"Josh here - I asked my friend Larry McDonald to come on ahead of Tesla's Q2 earnings report because this could be the quarter that makes the stock's S&P 500 inclusion inevitable. Tesla's current market value is approaching $300 billion, which would make it one of the largest weightings in the index instantly should it be included. According to research from Larry's firm, The Bear Traps Report, at current valuations Tesla could become almost 1% of the index, with implied buying from index-tracking funds of as much as $30 billion".
"Josh here - I asked my friend Larry McDonald to come on ahead of Tesla's Q2 earnings report because this could be the quarter that makes the stock's S&P 500 inclusion inevitable. Tesla's current market value is approaching $300 billion, which would make it one of the largest weightings in the index instantly should it be included. According to research from Larry's firm, The Bear Traps Report, at current valuations Tesla could become almost 1% of the index, with implied buying from index-tracking funds of as much as $30 billion".

Jeg maa indroemme, at jeg aldrig selv har troet paa teorien. Volumen er cirka 56 millioner aktier om dagen, hvilket svarer til cirka 30 milliarder dollar om dagen. Det burde vaere muligt at koebe en del af disse aktier, og saa er det ogsaa vaerd at holde in mente, at Vanguard og andre allerede ejede store procentdele af Tesla, men dog ikke via deres S&P500 ETFer.
Cirka 6-7% af Tesla "ejes" af ETFer:
Disclaimer: Jeg er short Tesla og er nu i minus som foelge af kurs-stigningerne de seneste par dage.
Cirka 6-7% af Tesla "ejes" af ETFer:
Disclaimer: Jeg er short Tesla og er nu i minus som foelge af kurs-stigningerne de seneste par dage.