Den grønne omstilling er blevet big business. I afsnit 44 af Investeringspodcasten med Hansen og Larsen tager vi en sidste investeringssamtale om den grønne omstilling i 2020; om hvad der har gjort den store forskel. Vi taler også om Tesla og indlemmelsen i S&P 500 den 21/12 og hvad det betyder kortsigtet og hvad investorerne kan forvente
Selskaber: Vestas, Tesla
00:00 - 04:43 om den grønne kurskatalysator i 2020
04:43 - 07:51 om Vestas og indtjening
07:51 - 10:25 om opkøb af Færch Gruppen
10:25 - 14:03 om investorernes syn på grønne aktier vs. ESG
14:03 - 25:34 om Tesla i S&P500
Selskaber: Vestas, Tesla
00:00 - 04:43 om den grønne kurskatalysator i 2020
04:43 - 07:51 om Vestas og indtjening
07:51 - 10:25 om opkøb af Færch Gruppen
10:25 - 14:03 om investorernes syn på grønne aktier vs. ESG
14:03 - 25:34 om Tesla i S&P500

Constructing ESG-tilted equity portfolios
"However, this strong and quickly rising demand can create inconsistency and noise, making it difficult to discern a quality sustainable investment from a greenwashed one. Ultimately, there is little consensus on how ESG issues should be systematically incorporated into equity portfolios, causing confusion in an already rapidly changing environment. Our research seeks to bring clarity and discipline to this discussion by highlighting the useful tools that systematically identify incidental risk exposures from ESG exposures.
Equinor er en af de virksomheder, der beskyldes for greenwashing:
Equinor buys 49% stake in Russian oil venture from Rosneft
"However, this strong and quickly rising demand can create inconsistency and noise, making it difficult to discern a quality sustainable investment from a greenwashed one. Ultimately, there is little consensus on how ESG issues should be systematically incorporated into equity portfolios, causing confusion in an already rapidly changing environment. Our research seeks to bring clarity and discipline to this discussion by highlighting the useful tools that systematically identify incidental risk exposures from ESG exposures.
Equinor er en af de virksomheder, der beskyldes for greenwashing:
Equinor buys 49% stake in Russian oil venture from Rosneft