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Trophy Games - Game- and Market update

94390 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 17/6 2021 14:54

Game- and Market Update

As part of our new IR-strategy we plan to give updates and more transparency about what is going on here at the Trophy Games HQ.

Our first update will be a status on our current business. We furthermore plan to give more insights on acquisitions and their integration and early progress, as well as we plan to give a future business update with info and status on projects and games under development.

If you have any suggestions for our upcoming investor updates or things you want to hear more about, please email

App Store Fees
We are seeing a significant cost reduction of app store transaction fees. Big Tech is being scrutinized for monopoly and are, as a result hereof, reducing their payment fees.
With current announcements to changes from the app stores we are expecting approx. 1,300,000 DKK saved in transaction expenses, compared to last year. We expect this downward pressure to continue, and the continuance of the lowered fee charge will increase our margins significantly.

Airline Manager 4
We have integrated our latest addition, Xombat, into Trophy Games rather fast for a first-time acquisition and have now commenced improving the game with the founder and developer who also joined our team. So far, we have doubled the organic (non-paid) installs for the game with our App Store Optimization team. Advertising is expanded from German speaking countries only, to global advertising with significantly improved creatives. Next up is developing features to balance the game economy, improving the monetization and then a new design. The game is just released on Steam but awaiting a 14-day approval process that was introduced after the initial approval.

We are seeing a lot of exciting things and in a few weeks, we will release more insights about our first acquisition, the initial process and the future potential.

Pro 11 & WSM
The new forum, the 3D Stadium feature and the upgraded player models are still in progress with expected release in H2 2021.

We are also working on making the game ready for publishing in China after we signed a publishing contract with CrazySports (holds rights to Chinese Football and NBA in China).

As expected, the IOS 14 release has made advertising targeted at Apple's App Store less effective and we have paused it while we are looking into the best way of targeting IOS users. We have however been able to compensate for the drop in budget of around 20% (200.000 DKK) monthly, by improving the Android campaigns and increasing their budgets with roughly the same amount.

Trophy Manager + FMU
Our two oldest games are, as expected, performing strongly. Our loyal users keep playing, securing a solid predictable long tail. We will keep developing smaller new features for our dedicated core users.

We still have a huge patch under development for this game. The impact of this patch will decide the future involvement in the game. The patch is expected in the second half year of 2021.

We are working hard on our upcoming game releases, and these two titles are where most of our developers spent their time.

Five remains in beta in 8 countries, but we expect a global release on Google Play within a couple of weeks.

Warhammer is looking fantastic, and we are eager to show it to the world - you can follow Soul Arena on (where you can sign up for the closed beta that will be released in a month's time) or social media.

A more in-depth update for investors on our future business will be published in July.

We have been able to hire the personnel we wanted and needed, and only have a few more positions left to fill this year. The IPO and our Warhammer title has definitely given us access to more talent in our recruitment process. Right now, we are having interviews for a continuance full time CFO to take over from our interim part time CFO. We have some very skilled candidates applying.

We are still evaluating and looking into the correct investor relations strategy. We have not been spending any money on it since the IPO but will be using a smaller budget starting soon. We also have focused on making Trophy Games more known in Sweden and have already had exciting meetings with different Swedish investors.

Contact Information
Søren Gleie, CEO at Trophy Games - Email:

OBS: Trophy Games har en aftale med om digital IR.

17/6 2021 16:00 B.Andersen 294394

Den opdatering kan mange First North selskaber lære en masse af.

Vildt spændende med "global release on Google Play within a couple of weeks".

20/6 2021 08:57 Stroka 294475

Spilaktier er lige som biotekaktier meget eventdrevet. Jeg købte derfor på opdateringen samt efter at have set denne video fra børsnoteringen.

18/6 2021 09:06 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 094417

Opdatering fra Thophy Games på dansk.

Spil- og markedsopdatering

Som en del af vores nye IR-strategi planlægger vi at give opdateringer og mere gennemsigtighed om, hvad der foregår her på Trophy Games HQ.

Vores første opdatering vil være en status for vores nuværende forretning. Vi planlægger desuden at give mere indsigt i opkøb og deres integration og tidlige fremskridt, samt vi planlægger at give en fremtidig forretningsopdatering med info og status på projekter og spil under udvikling.

Hvis du har forslag til vores kommende investoropdateringer eller ting, du vil høre mere om, bedes du sende en e-mail til

App Store-gebyrer
Vi ser en betydelig omkostningsreduktion af appbutikens transaktionsgebyrer. Big Tech undersøges for monopol og reducerer som følge heraf deres betalingsgebyrer.
Med aktuelle meddelelser om ændringer fra appbutikkerne forventer vi ca. 1.300.000 kr. Sparet i transaktionsomkostninger sammenlignet med sidste år. Vi forventer, at dette nedadgående pres vil fortsætte, og fortsættelsen af ​​det nedsatte gebyr vil øge vores margener markant.

Luftfartschef 4
Vi har integreret vores seneste tilføjelse, Xombat, i Trophy Games ret hurtigt til en første gangsovertagelse og er nu begyndt at forbedre spillet med grundlæggeren og udvikleren, der også sluttede sig til vores team. Indtil videre har vi fordoblet de organiske (ikke-betalte) installationer til spillet med vores App Store Optimization-team. Annoncering udvides kun fra tysktalende lande til global reklame med markant forbedrede reklamer . Næste er at udvikle funktioner til at afbalancere spiløkonomien, forbedre indtægtsgenerering og derefter et nyt design. Spillet er lige udgivet på Steam, men afventer en 14-dages godkendelsesproces, der blev introduceret efter den første godkendelse.

Vi ser en masse spændende ting, og om et par uger frigiver vi mere indsigt om vores første erhvervelse, den indledende proces og det fremtidige potentiale.
Pro 11 og WSM

Det nye forum, 3D Stadium-funktionen og de opgraderede afspillermodeller er stadig i gang med forventet frigivelse i H2 2021.

Vi arbejder også på at gøre spillet klar til udgivelse i Kina, efter at vi underskrev en udgivelseskontrakt med CrazySports (har rettigheder til kinesisk fodbold og NBA i Kina).

Som forventet har IOS 14-udgivelsen gjort annoncering målrettet mod Apples App Store mindre effektiv, og vi har sat den på pause, mens vi ser på den bedste måde at målrette mod IOS-brugere. Vi har dog været i stand til at kompensere for faldet i budgettet på omkring 20% ​​(200.000 kr.) Månedligt ved at forbedre Android-kampagnerne og øge deres budgetter med omtrent det samme beløb.

Trophy Manager + FMU
Vores to ældste spil fungerer som forventet stærkt. Vores loyale brugere fortsætter med at spille og sikre en solid forudsigelig lang hale. Vi vil fortsætte med at udvikle mindre nye funktioner til vores dedikerede kernebrugere .

Vi har stadig et stort program under udvikling til dette spil. Virkningen af ​​denne patch vil afgøre den fremtidige involvering i spillet. Plasteret forventes i andet halvår af 2021.
Fem + Warhammer

Vi arbejder hårdt på vores kommende spiludgivelser, og disse to titler er, hvor de fleste af vores udviklere brugte deres tid.
Fem er stadig i beta i 8 lande, men vi forventer en global frigivelse på Google Play inden for et par uger.

Warhammer ser fantastisk ud, og vi er ivrige efter at vise det til verden - du kan følge Soul Arena på (hvor du kan tilmelde dig den lukkede beta, der frigives om en måneds tid) eller sociale medier.
En mere detaljeret opdatering for investorer om vores fremtidige forretning vil blive offentliggjort i juli.
Vi har været i stand til at ansætte det personale, vi ønskede og havde brug for, og har kun nogle få stillinger tilbage til at besætte dette år. IPO'en og vores Warhammer-titel har bestemt givet os adgang til mere talent i vores rekrutteringsproces. Lige nu har vi interviews for en fortsættelse af CFO på fuld tid for at overtage vores midlertidige CFO. Vi har nogle meget dygtige kandidater, der ansøger.
Vi evaluerer og undersøger stadig den rigtige investor relations-strategi. Vi har ikke brugt nogen penge på det siden børsintroduktionen, men vil snart bruge et mindre budget. Vi har også fokuseret på at gøre Trophy Games mere kendt i Sverige og har allerede haft spændende møder med forskellige svenske investorer

28/6 2021 09:13 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 094713

Trophy Games - Company Announcement No. 7 -2021

Copenhagen, June 28, 2021

As part of our new IR-strategy we plan to give updates and more transparency about what is going on here at the Trophy Games HQ.

As promised, here is our second update - and our first about insights on acquisitions, their integration and early progress. Later we plan to give a future business update with info and status on projects and games under development, as well as another game- & market update in the Fall.

If you have any suggestions for our upcoming investor updates or things you want to hear more about, please email

Xombat / Airline Manager 4 (AM4)

The acquisition of Xombat ApS has been smooth and the potential and synergies are already starting to kick in.

Sigurd, the sole-founder of Xombat and developer of all it's games, is now a full-time part of our Trophy Games family and he's more motivated than ever to take his games to the next level. We are very happy to have him on board and have already hired the first developer to join the Xombat team on August 1st.

The first months since takeover April 27th 2021 has been used on analyzing every aspect of AM4, which is the main driver of nearly all Xombat revenue.

First up, was optimizing the App Store listings (ASO). This has already shown great results; with a 122% boost in organic (non-paid) signups ( - and still there's a few more percentages to tweak out if it with some more A/B testing.

Secondly, we focused on the marketing effort. Xombat historically used around 40,000 DKK per month on advertising AM4 focused on only German speaking countries.

We have optimized creatives and merged our ad accounts, giving Xombat access to our top Google account manager and tools. The budget for June has been increased to 290,000 DKK and with a global target audience, and the results are fantastic so far! We are seeing ROI's better than we have ever seen our best selling game Pro 11 perform and this could be a game changer for how far we can take AM4.

We are also going through the in-game shop and changing the product mix. The first iteration of improving the shop has increased conversion and monetization of new users with around 30%. We believe we still can almost double the revenue per paying user, by implementing predictive algorithms and a dynamic shop prioritizing products. A graphical overhaul of the shop, and the entire game, will also add a lot to this.

Game design-wise we were already aligned on the pipeline before the acquisition and mainly there are some late game issues to address regarding inflation in the in-game economy. This, and an improved tutorial, will be the team's main focus for the next 6 months. When those features are launched the Xombat team will start working on the Shipping Manager title. We believe that the potential for that game will be even greater than AM4. Shipping Manager is expected in H1 2022.

After a slightly delayed Steam release, AM4 was launched on Wednesday, June 23rd. We already got 1000 organic wishlists in 14 days and Steam should add a nice percent increase on revenue over time. The technical solution for the Steam release is currently done very cost effectively and is of mediocre quality, and we will upgrade it if it gains the traction we are hoping for. Then we will also be releasing AM4 on Windows Store and Epic store.

All in all, AM4s performance in the first few months positively surprised us, and we are looking into investing further in this pipeline. We both have a Shipping Manager game on its way, and the code framework can also be used for a Truck Manager, Train Manager and an Energy Manager game.

Long term we estimate that AM4 has the potential to reach the same numbers as Pro 11 if it all comes together. The same is expected for Shipping Manager.

Currently we are looking into revenue of around 4.5m DKK for AM4 this year, but it could be up to a few millions higher depending on how much we can advertise it and continue to improve the games performance.

AM4 is currently seeing 22.500 Daily Active Users (up 50% from when we bought it) and converting 4% of its monthly visitors to paying users. By comparison Pro 11 is seeing 37.000 DAU and a conversion rate of around 1.38%. The big difference in revenue is mainly because of the payment size and amount in Pro11 where paying users spend 60 USD per month compared to AM4 where they spend 18 USD per month. We believe we can apply some of our game design to AM4 to see an increase there of at least 50% in monthly average revenue per paying user.

CEO of Trophy Games Development, Søren Gleie, states: "We are extremely delighted with our first acquisition. Not only does it give us proof of concept, that we can apply our expertise and experience to games we acquire and make them grow and benefit from all the synergies we hoped for."

Other Acquisitions

We are very happy with how the first acquisition has gone and will be looking into more targets. We are not rushing into acquisiton, we want to find companies and people we really believe in. We have a few nice targets already, but it is still in the early stages. Therefore it's too early to say if we will be closing more deals this year, but we are actively seeking it. Our targets of interest range from titles still in development to mature cash generating titles.


TROPHY GAMES Development A/S

Søren Gleie, CEO
Office (+45) 7172 7573

TROPHY GAMES Development A/S

Højbro Pl. 10, DK-1200 Copenhagen, Denmark