Er der nogen paa forum ud over mig, der interesserer sig for Kraft Heinz? Jeg har langt om laenge faaet opdateret nogle figurer vedroerende gaelden efter de sendte disse presse-meddelelser ud tidligere paa aaret:
Kraft Heinz Announces Expiration and Expiration Time Results of Cash Tender Offer for Any and All of Certain of its Outstanding Notes
Kraft Heinz Announces Early Tender Participation Results of, and Election of Early Settlement for, Its Cash Tender Offer for Up to $1.0 Billion
De har faaet reduceret deres gaeld, der forfalder inden for de naeste 5 aar fra $10mia ultimo 2018 til $5mia ultimo 2020. De burde ifoelge mine beregninger kunne reducere deres rente-udgifter til $250mio i kvartalet inden for en overskuelig fremtid. Deres dyreste gaeld maalt i USD er den paa $3mia til 4,375% med udloeb i 2046, som koster lidt mere end $100mio om aaret. Deres dyreste gaeld procentvis er en gaeld paa knap $1mia til 7,125% med udloeb i 2039, som de forhaabentlig fortsaetter med at skaffe sig af med foer tid.
Nogle af pengene til at afbetale noget af gaelden kommer fra reduktion af udbyttet med 30% i 2019 og fra frasalget af noedder/Planters til Hormel tidligere i aar.
Kraft Heinz Completes Sale of Nuts Business
Kraft Heinz Announces Agreement to Sell Its Nuts Business to Hormel Foods
Fitch sendte denne presse-meddelelse ud 11. februar, der indikerer, at junk bond dagene maaske faar en ende inden for en overskuelig fremtid:
Fitch Revises Outlook on Kraft Heinz to Positive; Affirms IDR at 'BB+'
"We would upgrade KHC to 'BBB-' if it improves its operating trajectory relative to its pre-pandemic results profile and sustains gross debt/EBITDA at around 4.0x. This which would require the company to pay down around $7.0 billion in debt from cash on hand and asset proceeds, given our base-case EBITDA projection of $5.3 billion in 2022 following announced divestitures and a normalized consumer spending environment."
Der blev sagt foelgende om gaelden ift EBITDA ifm seneste Q2-tele-konference 4. august:
Carla Casella -- JPMorgan -- Analyst
Hi. You mentioned that you're maintaining your leverage target of below 4 times, and you're currently at 3 times. Would you ever think of changing that target to lower it? Or are you leaving that flexibility just given your outlook for either the business or other potential either M&A or shareholder-friendly activity?
Paulo Basilio -- Chief Financial Officer
We are -- thanks for the question. We are keeping -- we are not changing the target of leverage to be below 4 times in a consistent way. Let's remember also that this 3.1 times that we closed, there is -- that would go to 3.4 times if we adjust by the EBITDA that we lost -- that we're going to lose, right, the pro forma adjusted for the EBITDA of Nuts that was the of -- that we divested. But yes, the idea is to keep the same policy and to give us more flexibility to accelerate our strategy. And again, we are going to operate with flexibility going forward.
Kraft Heinz Announces Expiration and Expiration Time Results of Cash Tender Offer for Any and All of Certain of its Outstanding Notes
Kraft Heinz Announces Early Tender Participation Results of, and Election of Early Settlement for, Its Cash Tender Offer for Up to $1.0 Billion
De har faaet reduceret deres gaeld, der forfalder inden for de naeste 5 aar fra $10mia ultimo 2018 til $5mia ultimo 2020. De burde ifoelge mine beregninger kunne reducere deres rente-udgifter til $250mio i kvartalet inden for en overskuelig fremtid. Deres dyreste gaeld maalt i USD er den paa $3mia til 4,375% med udloeb i 2046, som koster lidt mere end $100mio om aaret. Deres dyreste gaeld procentvis er en gaeld paa knap $1mia til 7,125% med udloeb i 2039, som de forhaabentlig fortsaetter med at skaffe sig af med foer tid.
Nogle af pengene til at afbetale noget af gaelden kommer fra reduktion af udbyttet med 30% i 2019 og fra frasalget af noedder/Planters til Hormel tidligere i aar.
Kraft Heinz Completes Sale of Nuts Business
Kraft Heinz Announces Agreement to Sell Its Nuts Business to Hormel Foods
Fitch sendte denne presse-meddelelse ud 11. februar, der indikerer, at junk bond dagene maaske faar en ende inden for en overskuelig fremtid:
Fitch Revises Outlook on Kraft Heinz to Positive; Affirms IDR at 'BB+'
"We would upgrade KHC to 'BBB-' if it improves its operating trajectory relative to its pre-pandemic results profile and sustains gross debt/EBITDA at around 4.0x. This which would require the company to pay down around $7.0 billion in debt from cash on hand and asset proceeds, given our base-case EBITDA projection of $5.3 billion in 2022 following announced divestitures and a normalized consumer spending environment."
Der blev sagt foelgende om gaelden ift EBITDA ifm seneste Q2-tele-konference 4. august:
Carla Casella -- JPMorgan -- Analyst
Hi. You mentioned that you're maintaining your leverage target of below 4 times, and you're currently at 3 times. Would you ever think of changing that target to lower it? Or are you leaving that flexibility just given your outlook for either the business or other potential either M&A or shareholder-friendly activity?
Paulo Basilio -- Chief Financial Officer
We are -- thanks for the question. We are keeping -- we are not changing the target of leverage to be below 4 times in a consistent way. Let's remember also that this 3.1 times that we closed, there is -- that would go to 3.4 times if we adjust by the EBITDA that we lost -- that we're going to lose, right, the pro forma adjusted for the EBITDA of Nuts that was the of -- that we divested. But yes, the idea is to keep the same policy and to give us more flexibility to accelerate our strategy. And again, we are going to operate with flexibility going forward.

Interessant. Følger ikke en aktie på den måde, men da Kraft Heinz blev købt af Buffett og nogle brasilianere (var det ikke ?) fyldte man da ikke op med gæld ?

TeamGarlic Ja, det er korrekt, at Berkshire og brasilianske 3G sammen koebte Heinz i 2013 og sammen fusionerede Heinz med Kraft i 2015, og den samlede gaeld i den forbindelse blev oeget en smule.
Denne tabel fra deres 10-K fra 2015 opsummerer gaelden foer og efter fusionen:
Buffett har flere gange efterfoelgende udtalt, at de betalte for meget for Kraft. De har ikke rigtig realiseret de synergi-effekter, der blev snakket om, inden de blev lagt sammen, og margenerne er ogsaa gaaet en smule tilbage.
Warren Buffett: Berkshire Hathaway 'overpaid' for Kraft
Buffett: We paid too much for Kraft
Warren Buffett on Kraft Heinz performance
Denne tabel fra deres 10-K fra 2015 opsummerer gaelden foer og efter fusionen:
Buffett har flere gange efterfoelgende udtalt, at de betalte for meget for Kraft. De har ikke rigtig realiseret de synergi-effekter, der blev snakket om, inden de blev lagt sammen, og margenerne er ogsaa gaaet en smule tilbage.
Warren Buffett: Berkshire Hathaway 'overpaid' for Kraft
Buffett: We paid too much for Kraft
Warren Buffett on Kraft Heinz performance