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9702 le 1/5 2009 11:52

igen en positiv udvikling i marutis bilsalg i indien og da de har mere end 50% af markedet en sikker indikator på at det samlede salg er positivt

så det viser igen at kina, indien og dermed det meste af asien excl japan ikke er ramt af krisen i synderlig grad og vil være lokomotiver i den næste globale opgang

Maruti sales jump 15% in April

1 May 2009, 1206 hrs IST, IANS

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NEW DELHI: The country's largest passenger car manufacturer Maruti Suzuki India Ltd on Friday reported 15 per cent growth in its sales, at 71,748
units sold in April as compared to 62,336 units in the corresponding period previous year.

"This is the fourth consecutive month of sales crossing the 70,000 units mark," a company statement said. The figures include 6,891 units exported.

Maruti Suzuki's volume in the domestic A2 segment (Alto, Wagon-R, Zen, Swift, A-Star) grew by nine percent while in the A3 segment comprising of SX4 and D'Zire, the sales volume grew by 69 per cent during the month as compared to sales in April 2008.

However, sales for Maruti's 800 model dipped 47 per cent to 2,345 units sold in April this year as against 4,458.

The eye-catcher has been the multi-utility vehicle (MUV) sales of the company - Gypsy and Grand Vitara - recording a whopping 1,231 per cent growth. About 905 units of MUV were sold this April as compared to 68 in April last year.

Total domestic sales surged nine per cent with 64,857 units of sale as against 59,539 units in the same period a year before.

1/5 2009 12:02 le 09705

og så er det ikke lutter lagkage, fordi man havde investeret ud fra forventning om meget højere vækst, så investeringerne er reduceret markant, men

det er jo også det jeg siger, investeringerne falder og forbruget stiger

Over 40% factories turn idle as auto market hits slow lane

1 May 2009, 0347 hrs IST, Chanchal Pal Chauhan, ET Bureau

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NEW DELHI: The Indian car market’s failure to expand in size has turned 40% auto factories idle. After a year of flat domestic sales and slow
exports, the $5 billion invested in expansions over the past three years is coming back to bite car companies.

While all car makers are grappling with idle capacity, mid-rung companies like Honda Siel Cars, Ford Motor India, General Motors and Mahindra-Renault are hit harder. Market leader Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai Motor India also have factories that are moderately unutilised.

The Indian market was expected to reach 2.5 million cars by 2009-10, but the economic slowdown is likely to reduce that target by half-a-million units. In FY09, 18.38 lakh vehicles were produced against a combined capacity of 30 lakh units.

With only 60% of the total installed auto capacity being utilised, the slow down in the domestic market is forcing manufacturers to rethink future strategies. The Indian arm of beleaguered American car major GM tops the chart for unutilised capacity. It has utilised just a fourth of its plant capacity in FY09.

“We have built up capacities keeping in view the future demand. Our capacities are split in two plants, the smaller Halol plant will be utilised for bigger cars, while the bigger Talegaon factory is reserved for small cars. We will launch two new cars — Cruze and a compact hatchback — to improve our capacity utilisation," said GM India CEO Karl Slym.

While Maruti and Hyundai clocked their highest domestic sales ever in FY09, companies such as Mahindra-Renault failed to utilise capacities as they did not receive good market response.

Mahindra-Renault’s Nashik plant rolled out just 14,404 cars against an installed capacity of 50,000. Only 13,423 Logans were sold domestically.

“We are putting the idle capacity in use for other Mahindra products such as Xylo and the Scorpio. The economic downturn has impacted us like most of the auto industry and we are examining several possibilities to utilise the capacity which we will share at an appropriate time,” said CEO Nalin Mehta.

1/5 2009 12:10 le 09706

og salget af mortorcykler stiger endnu mere

hero honda i indien har over 50% af markedet så det betyder at salget af motorcykler stiger voldsomt i indien

indien har et af det største forhold mellem bilsalg og salg af motorcykler

med ca 8 mio mc og 2 mio biler

sml med kina 11 mio biler og 17 mio mc, indonesien med ca 5 mio mc og 0.6 mio biler ligger også højt og det samme i vietnam og pakistan mm i asien

så man skal være meget opmærksom på motorcyklens betydning for væksten i asien og behovet for infrastruktur, både veje, værksteder og olieforbrug

Hero Honda April sales up 30%

1 May 2009, 1018 hrs IST, PTI

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NEW DELHI: The country's biggest two-wheeler maker, Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML), on Friday reported 29.5 per cent growth in sales during April at
3,70,575 units as against 2,86,252 in the same month last year.

"Our continuing sales performance once again underscores the success of our business model. We continue to lead the unit volume growth in the industry despite the adverse and challenging environment.

This growth has been driven by our customer-focused approach and our strong brands," Hero Honda Motors Ltd Senior Vice-President (Marketing & Sales) Anil Dua said. The company, however, did not provide the break-up of its motorcycle and scooter sales.

The growth in April sales comes close on the heels of a strong financial performance in the just concluded FY'09. It had reported 12 per cent growth in sales volumes in FY'09 with total turnover of Rs 12,356.88 crore, up 19.22 per cent over Rs 10,364.54 crore recorded last fiscal.

1/5 2009 17:17 le 09741

hyundai salget er også positivt, så er det sikkert at det samlede salg bliver positivt

Hyundai domestic sales up 3.4 percent

New Delhi, May 1 : Hyundai Motor India, the second largest car manufacturer in the country, recorded a 3.4 percent growth in its domestic sales for April 2009 at 22,247 units against 21,510 sold the same month last year.

"As compared to last year we saw a modest growth in April. However, we still feel that the market is far from a complete turnaround and it will be a while before we see healthy double digit growth," Hyundai's senior vice president of marketing Arvind Saxena said in a statement.

However, the company, which is also India's largest automobile exporter, posted a healthy 19.6 percent increase in its export sales - 33,247 (må være en trykfejl) units sold last month as compared to 18,499 sold in April 2008.

The cumulative growth in sales - domestic and exports combined - during the month was 10.9 percent

1/5 2009 21:24 le 09754

bilsalg USA, stadig skidt

Ford, GM posts big sales drops; Chrysler to come
Toyota, Nissan also hand in steep declines amid widespread weakness
By Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch
Last update: 2:07 p.m. EDT May 1, 2009Comments: 33SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) - Ford Motor Co. on Friday posted another big drop in monthly car sales in its home market, punctuating a brutal week for a U.S. industry that saw one of its icons plunge into bankruptcy and signs that a similar fate awaits its biggest player.
General Motors Corp. (GM:General Motors Corp
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Last: 1.81-0.11-5.73%

2:19pm 05/01/2009

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GM 1.81, -0.11, -5.7%) , which faces a deadline at the end of the month to prove its viability, said its light vehicle sales dropped 33.2% in April to 172,150 vehicles.
The company also set its second-quarter production forecast at 390,000 vehicles, down 53% from a year ago as it continues to grapple with lower demand.
Toyota Motor Corp. (TM:toyota motor corp sp adr rep2com
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Last: 79.32+0.16+0.20%

2:13pm 05/01/2009

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TM 79.32, +0.16, +0.2%) and Nissan Motors (NSANY:nissan motors sponsored adr
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2:12pm 05/01/2009

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NSANY 10.37, -0.03, -0.3%) proved once again that it's not just Detroit that's suffering from the prolonged downturn, with both showing steep double-digit percentage declines.
Ford (F:Ford Motor Co
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Last: 5.78-0.20-3.34%

2:19pm 05/01/2009

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F 5.78, -0.20, -3.3%) , the first of the major automakers to report, posted a 31.6% drop in April U.S. sales to 134,401 cars and trucks from 196,385 a year ago. Truck sales slid 33% to 77,435 units with sales of the flagship F-Series pickup down 35.8% to 28,757.
Ford, Lincoln and Mercury combined car sales fell 28.8% to 52,463 units and Volvo brand sales slumped 36.9% to 4,503 vehicles.
"We continue to operate in a very challenging economic and competitive environment," Ken Czubay, Ford's vice president of sales and marketing, said in a statement. The Dearborn, Mich.-based company pointed out that it has managed to grow its retail market share in six of the past seven months.
Ford is the only one of the major domestic car makers not being kept alive on the government dime and has apparently benefited from customers who are reluctant to buy cars from companies on the brink of bankruptcy.
And now that the Obama administration has finally pushed Chrysler into Chapter 11, Standard & Poor's Equity Research analyst Efraim Levy said he sees even more Chrysler customers turning to Ford in a trend that will likely continue if GM (GM:General Motors Corp
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Last: 1.81-0.11-5.73%

2:19pm 05/01/2009

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GM 1.81, -0.11, -5.7%) also files for bankruptcy.
"We believe Ford's estimated retail market share gain reflects the benefit from domestic competitors pain and ... we believe some domestic-oriented shoppers prefer to buy from the relatively more stable brand," he said.
Ford shares have been on a tear so far this year, up 156%. At last check, they were down 2% at $5.86. GM's stock was down 5.7% at $1.81 and has lost 43% since the beginning of the year.
Toyota, Nissan also hit hard
Toyota reported U.S. sales of 126,540 vehicles, down 41.9% from 217,700 a year ago, with equal weakness on both the car and the truck side. Toyota has also benefited from problems over at Chrysler, though stingier incentives have kept some potential buyers from closing the deal, according to data.
Nissan Motors said sales fell 37.8% to 47,190 vehicles from 75,855 a year ago. Car sales dropped 38.3% to 30,249 while truck sales slid 36.9% to 16,941. The company noted that sales of its mainstay Maxima model were up 62.7% to 3,901 last month
Overall, analysts polled by Thomson Reuters are looking for the total April sales rate for the industry, on average, to inch higher to 9.9 million cars and trucks.
Last month, the rate came in at 9.86 million cars and trucks, according to Autodata, easily topping analyst targets of 8.9 million. It was an improvement from 9.12 million vehicles in February, which was the lowest level since December 1981.
Shawn Langlois is a reporter for MarketWatch in San Francisco

2/5 2009 08:16 le 09773

udsolgt, overtid, leveringstider i bilbranchen i europa hos de mindre biler

Renault Deutschland 4/512345500 Dacia pro Tag verkauft
Das Geschäft für Renault Deutschland läuft dank der Abwrackprämie sehr gut. Wie Achim Schaible, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Renault Deutschland AG gegenüber auto moto rund sport bestätigte, seien für das Jahr 2009 inklusive der Dacia-Modelle 160.000 Stück budgetiert gewesen.

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Foto: Achim Hartmann
Der Renner bei Renault: Der Dacia Sandero.
Der Renner bei Renault: Der Dacia Sandero. Der Sandero erhält einen neuen Benziner und einen neuen Diesel. Der 1,2-Liter-Benziner wirkt im unteren Drehzahlbereich durchzugsschwach. Er arbeitet aber kultiviert, die Schaltung agiert hakelig. Der neue 68 PS-Diesel hängt gut am Gas. Der Selbstzünder begünstigt schaltfaules Fahren. Eco2-Typen dürfen im Norm-Fahrzyklus höchstens 140 Gramm CO2 pro Kilometer ausstoßen. Das Raumangebot ist üppig, die umlegbare Rückbank erweitert den Laderaum auf bis zu 1.200 Liter. Klimaanlage, elektrische Fensterheber und ein CD-Radio sind bei den Eco2-Modellen Serie.
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AnzeigeJetzt nach attraktiven Fahrzeug-Angeboten bei suchen

"Wir könnten dieses Jahr alleine in Deutschland 100.000 Autos mehr verkaufen. Das wären dann für Renault und Dacia zusammen insgesamt 260.000 und wir hätten hochgerechnet einen Marktanteil von 6,2 Prozent", sagte Schaible.

Mehr zum ThemaRenault-Bilanz:Renault-Umsatz bricht um knapp ein Drittel ein
Renault Clio Facelift:Überarbeiteter Clio startet Anfang Mai für 11.900 Euro
Renault Clio Campus:Der Basis-Clio geht in eine neue Runde
Renault Clio:Renault holt die Clio-Fertigung zurück nach Frankreich Derzeit würden hierzulande 500 Dacia pro Tag verkauft. Schaible: "Danach könnten Sie Ihre Uhr stellen." Schaible, erst seit vier Wochen als Vorstandsvorsitzender im Amt, versucht derzeit händeringend, sein Kontingent zu erhöhen. Doch gerade bei den kleinen Modellen wie dem Twingo seien die Fertigungs-Kapazitäten ausgereizt.

2/5 2009 08:54 le 09775

bilsalg usa 09 05

ingen tegn på bedring


April Car Sales: Bumping Along the Bottom
Date posted: 2009-05-01 19:18:00.0

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DETROIT — Vehicle sales in April remained at the same 30-year-low levels seen in recent months, but auto executives and analysts believe, just perhaps, the bottom has passed.

In April, automakers in the U.S. sold 818,766 vehicles, down 34 percent from the 1,242,655 sold in April 2008 despite rich incentives, according to's calculations. That put the closely watched Seasonally Adjusted Annualized Rate (SAAR) at 9.5 million vehicles, below analysts' expectations likely due to the negative news of Chrysler's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing.

"We won't truly be able to call the bottom until summer when we can look back at three consecutive months of increase in the annualized rate of sales," said Jesse Toprak, Edmunds' executive director of industry analysis. "We had expected April would be the start of that. And April's SAAR, while lower than March's 9.8 million, still didn't dip to February's low level of 9.1 million."

General Motors sales fell 34 percent from a year ago but had the highest percentage gain from March and its highest market share since December. The four brands it intends to keep — Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac and GMC — showed some promising sales performances.

Ford sales fell 32 percent compared with April 2008, but April still was Ford's best sales month since last August. The Ford Fusion had its best sales month since it was introduced in 2005, in part due to the clearing of 2009 inventory and launch of the redesigned 2010 models.

Chrysler sales dropped 48 percent. Chrysler executives claimed dealer showrooms were busy Thursday, the day the automaker filed for bankruptcy, likely due to President Obama urging Americans to buy American cars.

Aside from Chrysler, Toyota had one of the worst sales performances among automakers, with sales down 42 percent. The Toyota Venza had its best month since going on sale, but the once-popular Toyota Prius saw sales plummet 62 percent despite the richest incentives on it in history.

Conversely, Honda, despite a 25-percent sales decline, had one of the industry's best April performances. The Accord outsold the Camry, which had bigger incentives on it. In contrast to the Prius, the Civic Hybrid saw a sales increase and the new Insight pitched in with more than 2,000 sales.

Nissan had a dismal month, with sales down 38 percent. For only the second time in history, Hyundai and Kia combined beat Nissan, including Infiniti.

Inside Line says: The worst may be over when it comes to car sales, a sign that the overall economy may not be too far behind. — Michelle Krebs, Editor, AutoObserver.

2/5 2009 09:09 le 09776

chrysler ch 11 og produktionsstop

Chrysler To Shutter Plants and Cut Dealers
Date posted: 04-30-2009

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AUBURN HILLS, Michigan — Chrysler hustled to explain the ramifications of shuttering its plants in the wake of a bankruptcy filing on Thursday, saying that it "doesn't mean we aren't going to pay suppliers and pay wages."

Chrysler announced Thursday afternoon that as part of the restructuring, most of its manufacturing operations will be "temporarily idled" starting May 4.

"Normal production schedules will resume when the transaction is completed, which is anticipated within 30-60 days," the company said in a statement. The automaker said that "the new company will produce and support quality vehicles under the Jeep, Dodge and Chrysler brands as well as parts under the Mopar brand." It said Chrysler dealerships will remain open and vehicle warranties will be "honored without interruption."

Chrysler has 12 assembly plants, including eight in the United States. It also owns and operates five North American engine plants, six stamping plants and seven transmission and parts plants. Chrysler has 26,000 UAW workers and 10,000 who belong to the Canadian Auto Workers union.

"We thought that it would be most appropriate to idle these facilities while we work through some of the issues we'll be facing," said [now-outgoing] Chrysler Chairman and CEO Robert L. Nardelli in a press conference on Thursday. "We have done one of the best jobs in the industry getting inventory down already. This gives us the opportunity to come out with as lean an inventory as a company might have seen. We have one of the lowest days' inventory out there. This gives us the opportunity to enhance that. The fact that we idled the factories doesn't mean we aren't going to pay suppliers and pay wages. This is more about how do we orderly [sic] go through this."

The Chrysler shutdown comes in the wake of word from General Motors earlier this month that it will shut down the lines at 13 assembly operations in North America for multiple weeks this spring and summer.

Nardelli said Chrysler is working "in harmony" with General Motors. "We're trying to make sure the suppliers are kept financially sound," he said. "It is one of the big challenges. It is one of the big unknowns as two of the three manufacturers in the U.S. go through this process."

At the same time, Chrysler said it plans to reduce the number of dealers.

"We do not have a concrete list," said James Press, Chrysler vice chairman and president. "We do not know how many it's going to be. It won't be a huge, catastrophic number. But at the same time, there will be a noticeable reduction."

Press said last month that 45 Chrysler dealers went out of business.

Inside Line says: The wheels of much of Detroit's industry grind to a halt in the wake of a massive do-over. — Anita Lienert, Correspondent

2/5 2009 09:41 le 09777

tata nano

det er en skam at deres produktion blev forsinket fordi de skulle flytte fra deres første fabrik pga uroligheder med befolkningen

for så kunne den have bidraget til et globalt opsving her og nu, nu er det jo først engang i 2010 at den bidrager

Waiting List for $2,000 Tata Nano Could Stretch for Years
Date posted: 04-29-2009

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MUMBAI, India — Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin owners, eat your hearts out. The Tata Nano might only have a 35-horsepower 624cc two-cylinder engine and a top speed limited to 65 mph. But in terms of waiting lists — usually the domain of wildly expensive supercars — the tiny, Indian-built four-door is ready to go head-to-head with the world's most luxurious and exotic vehicles.

By some estimates, roughly 1 million customers throughout India have signed up to purchase what is billed as "the world's cheapest car." With a base price of only $2,000, the base model of the Tata Nano city car comes without airbags, power steering, power brakes, a radio and air-conditioning. But despite the Spartan spec — or perhaps because of it — the low-cost Nano has become a sensation.

After making a splashy public debut on March 23 in Mumbai, the Nano officially went on sale from April 9-25. For a fee of around $6, customers could apply to purchase a Nano at more than 30,000 locations in 1,000 cities across India. Orders could also be submitted online.

The response to this unusual booking process appears to be overwhelming, so much so that Debasis Ray, Tata Motors' head of corporate communications, told Inside Line the results are still being calculated days after the order books were officially closed. Several Indian media outlets have reported that Nano bookings could reach 1 million, though Ray said he had "no idea" where these publications were getting that figure.

"Tata Motors has not said anything of the sort," Ray said, adding that "it would be presumptuous of the company" to report such a figure ahead of the official tabulation. But if the estimate of 1 million bookings is even close to being true, the Nano would (at least theoretically) double the annual sales rate of the current best-selling vehicle in the world, the Ford F-Series pickup.

Early unofficial sales indicators point to the Nano being a huge hit in India. "[The Nano] is a new product and a game-changing product," said Ray. "People from every walk of life have been going into showrooms and checking out the car."

A salesperson at Concorde Motors, a Tata Motors dealership in Mumbai, told Inside Line that the showroom was "extremely crowded" during the days the Nano was on sale. He estimated the dealership received up to 400 applications each day the booking process was open.

Limited initial production could make for a long wait. The Nano is currently being built at Tata Motors' factory in the northern town of Pantnagar. With an annual capacity of only 50,000 units, production will fall far short of demand. A larger factory is being completed in Sanand, in the western state of Gujarat. The new facility will come online by early 2010 and have an annual production rate of 350,000 units. This could be increased to 500,000. Yet, even at full capacity, it could take Tata Motors years to meet orders.

The first 100,000 Nano customers will be chosen randomly via a computer system within 60 days of the closure of bookings on April 25. These first 100,000 will also have factory-guaranteed price protection, to prevent greedy speculators from upping the cost.

Customers who don't make the first cut can remain on the waiting list, but are also free to opt out. The first deliveries of the Nano are scheduled for July.

Inside Line says: The world's cheapest car looks to have a waiting list worthy of a Bugatti. — Nick Kurczewski, Correspondent

2/5 2009 09:54 le 09779

bilsalg indien

Utility vehicle major, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) also reported a strong sales growth last month on the back of robust demand for Xylo, a multi-utility vehicle launched in January. Domestic sales of Scorpio, Bolero and Xylo, grew 36 per cent to 18,447 units against 13,560 units sold in the same month a year ago. Car exports form an insignificant part of M&M's sales

2/5 2009 10:04 le 09781

Toyota to Make Selective Output Increases

more in Asia »

Toyota Motor Corp. said Friday it was increasing production of select vehicles
after inventory levels dropped to a point that dealers stepped up orders.

Toyota division executive Bob Carter said the company will boost production of
the Camry sedan and the Rav4 for the next four months. Since last summer, the
company has been ratcheting back ...

2/5 2009 11:22 le 09790

stadigvæk utroligt så mange pick ups de køber også dodge ram

The following are the 20 top-selling vehicles in the U.S.
through April of 2009 as reported by the automakers. Total sales of the top 20 vehicles fell 32.9 percent or 562,918 units to
1,149,560. Following is a list of the top-20 selling vehicles, ranked by total units.
RANK VEHICLE 2009 2008 '08 RANK % Chng
1 Ford F-Series P/U 110,336 192,951 1 -42.8
2 Chevy Silverado-C/K P/U 93,720 160,010 2 -41.4
3 Toyota Camry 92,523 147,018 3 -37.1
4 Honda Accord 84,491 122,430 6 -31.0
5 Toyota Corolla 78,132 99,482 4 -21.5
6 Honda Civic 76,782 111,695 8 -31.3
7 Dodge Ram P/U 64,522 93,068 5 -30.7
8 Nissan Altima 61,670 99,037 9 -37.7
9 Honda CR-V 50,647 69,058 11 -26.7
10 Chevrolet Malibu 50,265 59,133 26 -15.0
11 Ford Fusion 46,799 55,109 20 -15.1
12 Chevrolet Impala 45,047 98,478 7 -54.3
13 Ford Escape 44,626 59,299 17 -24.7
14 Ford Focus 41,747 72,920 15 -42.7
15 Toyota RAV4 39,457 47,002 18 -16.1
16 Hyundai Sonata 35,432 37,472 -5.4
17 Jeep Wrangler 34,786 30,513 +14.0
18 Hyundai Elantra 33,851 26,479 27 +27.8
19 Toyota Prius 32,662 64,664 16 -49.5
20 Chevrolet Cobalt 32,065 66,660 14 -51.9

2/5 2009 14:15 Stinker 09801

Hej Le,

Jeg glæder mig over den nye stil, hvor du selv formulerer en introduktion til dine copy-pastes.
Det gør det meget lettere at finde det stof man selv er interesseret i, ligesom det højner udbyttet gevaldigt.

2/5 2009 18:43 le 09813

her er så en formel omtale af den engelske skrotpræmie

så er det kun spanien, der blandt de større lande i europa indfører sådan en og hvis de alle følger tysklands udvikling, bliver der jo tale om et kæmpeboom i salget af små biler

Yorkshire Post Today Sat, 02 May 2009 00:18 AM PDT
THE head of Pendragon, Britain's largest car retailer, has said that the Government's scrappage scheme to boost vehicle sales would have "very little, if any" impact Trevor Finn, chief executive, spoke as the struggling firm revealed it had agreed a new £530m financing package. (01/05/2009 23:09:08)

2/5 2009 19:04 le 09817

de nævner tax cuts og tilsyneladende en fremgang i salget, uden at levere data for salget i tyrkiet

gad vide hvor meget salget i tyrkiet er steget efter de omtalte tax cuts, men det lyder som om det er nærkbart

* Net profit at 32.86 million lira in Q1

* Sales fall 33 percent percent

* Invested 49.88 million euros in Q1 (Adds details, background)

ISTANBUL, May 2 (Reuters) - Carmaker Tofas (TOASO.IS), a joint venture of Turkey's Koc Holding (KCHOL.IS) and Fiat (FIA.MI), posted a net profit of 32.86 million lira ($20.66 million) in the first quarter, down 60 percent from a year earlier.

The company said sales in the first quarter fell 33 percent year-on-year to 872.46 million lira.

The company's results were expected to be affected by a sharp contraction in both domestic and export demand as the global economic crisis bites.

In a filing posted on the Istanbul Stock Exchange website Tofas said its exports fell 50 percent in the first quarter to 32,678 vehicles. Car exports fell 59 percent in the same period.

The number of vehicles manufactured by Tofas fell to 42,200 in the first quarter from 80,507 last year.

The company said it had invested 49.88 million euros in the first quarter despite serious loss of orders due to the global crisis.

"Despite all these negative factors, our company's domestic turnover jumped 64 percent compared to the previous year. The basic reason for the rise is the special consumption tax cut," the company said.

Tofas posted a net profit of 175.75 million lira last year, little changed from a year earlier.

Chief Executive Ali Pandir has told Reuters 2009 sales were seen falling below 2008's 4.8 billion lira but that Tofas hoped to maintain the same profit level.

Collapsing demand forced Tofas, along with other manufacturers, to temporarily suspend production at the end of last year and the start of 2009, prompting Turkey's government to slash sales tax on cars to 18 percent from 37 percent in a bid to revive consumption.

However, the scheduled end of that incentive in mid-June is expected to trigger a fresh contraction in the market in the remainder of the year. (Reporting by Selcuk Gokoluk; Editing by Valerie Lee)

2/5 2009 19:19 le 09820

væksten i tyrkiet, industriproduktion

de fleste af deres biler eksporteres medens hjemmemarkedet mest er baseret på import

så der skulle være en chance for at skrotpæmierne i europa kan få gang i bilproduktionen igen, der er faldet voldsomt og som er en stor del af industriproduktionen

Turkey's industrial output continues decline, down 23.7 percent in Feb

ISTANBUL - Turkish industrial output fell sharply by 23.7 percent in February, official data showed Wednesday, a further sign of contraction in the economy. (UPDATED)

According to data released by Turkish Statistics Institute (TURKSTAT), production in the mining industry dropped by 16.8 percent, while the manufacturing industry shrank 25.9 percent. Turkey's power, gas and water industry also fell by 9.7 percent, the figures also revealed.

This is the seventh consecutive month of decline due to weak domestic demand and a reduction in exports.

The market had expected a fall of around 20-21 percent.

In January, production had fallen by 21.3 percent, sending the lira to its weakest-ever level in March, when the data was released, and prompting the central bank to support the currency.

The data reinforced analysts' expectations the economy will fall into recession this year and that unemployment was set to continue rising.

Analysts say the figures underline the need for urgent agreement on a loan deal with the International Monetary Fund to shore up the ailing economy. The latest figures also supported expectations of further central bank interest rate cuts.

After the release of the latest data, the lira currency stood at 1.6160 against the dollar, weakening from a close of 1.6085 on Tuesday. The Turkish currency rebounded last month from a record low of 1.82 recorded in March after the release of the latest industrial data for that period.

3/5 2009 07:59 le 09829


de klarer sig godt med kun meget små fald fra et ekstremt højt niveau i 1h 2008

Analysts see better car sales in Q2

CAR sales are expected to improve in the second quarter as the economy begins to recover, say analysts.

Research firm Frost & Sullivan is forecasting vehicle sales to pick up in the second quarter but still expects a decline of 7% to 8% year-on-year, says Kavan Mukhtyar, the firm’s partner and head of automotive and transportation practice for Asia-Pacific.

“While TIV (total industry volume) for the first quarter declined 9.2% year-on-year to 118,681 units, it was still a reasonable performance considering the current economic climate and the higher vehicle sales in the first quarter of 2008.

“However, car sales are likely to pick up in the second half of this year as the economy improves,” he says.

The Exora mul ti-purpose vehicle will only start contributing to Proton ea rnings from the second quart er

A total of 277,973 vehicles were sold in the first half of 2008, up 25.9% compared with the same period in 2007. According to the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), new car sales fell 9% to 118,681 units in the first quarter.

Sales rose to 44,205 units in March from 36,675 in February. The increase was driven by new models, better sales of light commercial vehicles and a longer working month compared with February, MAA says.

According to a recent report by OSK Research, sales for most marques showed positive month-on-month growth, with Toyota and Honda showing strong gains of 33% and 34% respectively.

“Toyota’s strong volume was attributed to its Grand Prix Mania campaign, which was offering interest rates as low as 1.68% for a five-year loan for the Vios.

“Honda’s sales were driven by the new City, of which 5,818 units have been sold year-to-date, while some 6,051 units of Vios were sold,” OSK Research says.

Sales for Nissan, Proton and Perodua also grew 2%, 9% and 17% respectively month-on-month, it says.

An analyst with a bank-backed brokerage says he is optimistic about the first-quarter earnings for Tan Chong Motor Holdings Bhd, the distributor of Nissan cars in the country.

He adds that Perodua’s positive month-on-month sales performance augur well for UMW Holdings Bhd and MBM Resources Bhd.

UMW Holdings, through its subsidiary UMW Corp Sdn Bhd, owns a 38% stake in Perodua while MBM Resources has 20%.

UMW Holdings also holds a 51% stake in UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd, the local distributor of Toyota vehicles.

The analyst says he expects “another disappointing quarter for Proton” due to poor sales data, adding that the launch of the Proton Exora multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) will only factor into the company’s earnings from the second quarter.

Mukhtyar, who concurs, says: “We feel that the Exora will have a positive impact on Proton and the company will see incremental sales.”

He adds that the Exora will also help boost TIV for 2009, albeit marginally.

“It (impact of the Exora on TIV) will not be very significant due to the relatively small MPV segment, which accounted for about 10% of TIV in 2008.”

On another note, analysts believe that the recent hire-purchase interest rate increase on non-national vehicles will affect sales in the coming months.

Hire-purchase interest rates for new non-national cars increased to 3.25% for loan tenures of five years and below, 3.4% for six to seven years and 3.5% for eight- to nine-year loans.

“Taking the top-selling non-national car model Vios as an example (10% downpayment for on-the-road price of RM73,525 and interest rate of 3.25% for five years), that translates into an increase in monthly instalment of RM56,” OSK Research says.

However, Affin Investment Research believes that the interest rate hike will not curtail sales for non-national cars.

“This is because motor vehicle players generally subsidise hire-purchase rates offered by banks, which is detrimental to profit margins,” it says in a report.

3/5 2009 10:52 le 09834

her er så lidt flere detailler om skrotpræmien i england

selvom den på 2000£ er på niveau med den tyske på 2500 EU er det mærkeligt at regeringen kun betaler 1000£ og bilfalbrikken skal betale resten

men med den succes skrotpræmien har haft i tyskland, frankrig og italien er det glædeligt at england nu også er med, så den største del af europa er md i det opsving, der er igang i bilsalget, og jeg ved ikke rigtigt hvad der er af den slags i de andre mindre lande i europa, men tilsammen betyder jo ikke så meget som de 4 store marekeder tilsammen

interessant også at mit forslag om en degressiv stigning på at større biler får større subsidier med en degressiv skala åbenbart er med, men ifølge artiklen er det kun ford intil videre

men nu bliver det virkeligt muligt at måle, hvordan opgangen i bilsalget i europa påvirker konjunkturen, for de største lande skal jo med allesammen eftersom f. ex. det engelske bilsalg i langt højere grad kommer spanien, belgien og tyskland til gode end england selv, fordi biklprodutionen er så integreret i europa og de fleste biler produceret i england går til eksport og importen dækker en stor del af det lokale salg

japan, korea, tyrkiet og østeuropa får også meget ud af det

Buyers line up for old banger scheme, but will it salvage car sales?

As the industry revs up for scrappage, car makers must work out how to pay for it. Sarah Arnott reports

Saturday, 2 May 2009
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Budding car buyers have flocked to showrooms, both real and online, since the Government's cash-for-bangers scheme was announced in last week's Budget. But, as the contracts for participating suppliers were sent out from the Department for Business yesterday, questions remain about how much benefit either the industry or its customers will actually see.

The £2,000 incentive – to be funded half by the Treasury and half by the manufacturer – is for people trading in cars more than 10 years old for new models (see box). For an industry struggling with a 30 per cent slump in demand, anything that entices buyers back into the showrooms is a boon. Based on an average price of £10,000, the £300m scheme means 300,000 new customers. And although it will not be available until 18 May, consumers are showing a hearty appetite for a discount.

Hyundai dealers are reporting a 400 per cent jump in inquiries about its i10 and i20 models since the Budget. Kia, another Korean brand, has seen expressions of interest boom 117 per cent, and one dealer reportedly sold a record 14 cars last Saturday alone. Volkswagen has had 850 online applications on its scrappage page. Citroën's own £2,000 incentive, launched at the start of last month and to be rolled into the government scheme, has been taken up for 15 per cent of the 2,000 cars sold in April.

Some manufacturers are also extending the government package. Nissan, one of the only suppliers to sell small cars built in the UK, has 150 customers signed up since the Chancellor announced the scheme. It is also offering the same terms for slightly newer bangers traded in for new vehicles from its Sunderland factory.

Ford's scrappage web page, put up on Budget day, had more hits in its first four days than the site's previous top page – for the new Ford Fiesta – managed in the whole of March. For the most popular models, such as the Ka and the Fiesta, the incentive will remain at the basic £2,000. But bigger cars will be on a sliding scale up to a total of £5,000 off a seven-seater Galaxy. Ford's calculation is that it will win 20 per cent of the 300,000 new customers, equivalent to its existing market share, and can therefore afford the extension.

Not everyone is so sanguine. After a week of discussions between the Department for Business and the car companies, contracts governing the process were sent out yesterday. The Government will stump up its £1,000 for the manufacturer within 10 days of receiving an eligible claim from a retailer. The car company then has another 10 days to pay the dealer. But the concerns are less about the mechanism for receiving the money, and more about where it will come from. Not all cars have a £1,000 margin and several suppliers, although in support of the incentive, are looking closely at how to fund their share. Prices may be raised elsewhere, other incentive programmes cut, or future discount plans junked.

"The idea of scrappage is great but one pivotal point is not clear and that is where the industry's £1,000 comes from," Trevor Finn, the chief executive of Pendragon, the UK's biggest motor retailer, said. "If the manufacturer just substitutes an existing discount then the customer is not any better off. We want to be associated with an offer that's transparent, not generating a lot of inquiries but leaving us as the deliverer of bad news when it is not quite what it appears."

There are also questions for the beneficiaries of the scheme. The motor industry may see a lift now, but whipping up demand may set up conditions for a future slump. "As a stimulus it will achieve its goal, but there is a price to be paid," Mr Finn said.

The same may be true for the scrappers. Concerns about crashing scrap metal prices are overblown because demand is rising fast enough to soak up the extra supply, according to Graham Price, the manager of Cartakeback, a 250-site network of authorised scrapping facilities. But the plan is no bonanza either. "There will be an acceleration but it is not necessarily new business, just business that is being brought forward," Mr Price said. "And we don't know if that will create a big hole in the future or not."

Scrappage: What, when and how

*Am I eligible?

Providing your car or van weighs less than 3,500kg and is more than 10 years old, yes. It must have been first registered on or before 31 July 1999. It must also have been in your name for more than 12 months, have a valid MOT certificate, and have a UK address on the registration certificate. If your vehicle meets these criteria, you can claim a £2,000 discount on the purchase of a new one once the scheme starts on 18 May.

*What can I buy?

Because the car companies are being asked to put up half of the incentive, they do have the option not to take part. That said, all the major brands have already signalled their commitment. The Government has specified that the incentive must apply to all models, although some companies may offer extra subsidies of their own on bigger models. Ford, for example, is offering a £5,000 scrappage incentive to buy a new Galaxy. The formal conditions for the new purchase is that it weigh less than 3,500kg, that it be first registered in the UK on or after mid-May 2009, and that it has had no former keepers.

*What do I do?

It could be worth finding out the sale value of your banger so you know how much of the £2,000 incentive is a genuine bonus. If you decide to go ahead, you will need to make sure if your local dealer is participating but, as with the manufacturers, the majority should be.

*Do I need to bring anything?

All you will need to provide is the documentation associated with your old car and your own basic personal information. All the processing will be done by the dealer. The £2,000 discount will be recorded on your invoice.

5/5 2009 15:33 le 010039

foreløbig en god indikator på fortsat stigende bilsalg i kina, endda ret meget

GM solgte flere biler end VW i marts i kina og er dermed det største mærke, så det er tal, der betyder noget som indikator

GM's China sales surge 50 pct to monthly record
Tuesday May 5, 6:38 am ET
General Motors' China sales surge 50 percent to monthly record, led by Buicks, minivehicles

SHANGHAI (AP) -- General Motors said Tuesday that sales in China soared 50 percent in April to a monthly record of 151,084 vehicles, thanks to strong demand for Buick brand cars and Wuling minivehicles.

Sales of the Buick Excelle sedan, a staple in GM's Shanghai-produced portfolio, more than doubled from a year ago to 22,078, the company said in a statement.

Overall Buick sales jumped 63.6 percent in April to 38,071 units, it said.

GM's minivehicle joint venture, SAIC-GM-Wuling, has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of Chinese government policies aimed at encouraging purchases of small cars and minivans. Wuling minivehicle sales surged 60.6 percent from a year earlier in April, to 95,544 units, it said.

Vehicle sales in China so far this year have outpaced those in the U.S. If those trends continue, China would replace the U.S. as the world's biggest auto market.

Detroit-based GM, which has received billions of dollars in government financial support, is working on a restructuring plan and has until June 1 to avoid a possible bankruptcy filing.

GM said the record in its monthly sales was helped also by its Regal upper-medium sedan, which was introduced at the end of last year, and its new Chevrolet Cruze compact sedan.

Both have gotten off to a good start, Kevin Wale, president and managing director of GM China Group, said in a statement.

"Our new product offensive, which is still in its early stages, has helped get customers into our showrooms and increase demand across the board," Wale said.

But GM officials said last month at the Shanghai Auto Show that the company intends to keep growing in China regardless of how its current financial situation is resolved.

GM aims to double sales in China to about 2 million vehicles a year within the next five years.

5/5 2009 17:43 le 010048

der er ikke nogen mulighed for at købe scandinavian brake systems

bilsalget stiger fortsat i tyskland i april med denne gang ca 20% til et niveau næsten på højde med marts, så april må have været højere end marts sidste år

med de informationer jeg har samlet incl en skrotpræmie også i england er det sikkert at signingen i ordreindgangen i februar/marts og videre er kommet bag på producenterne og at de var i fuld gang med at reducere lagrene og producerede på et niveau lavere end efterspørgslen

så det har simpelt hen ikke været muligt at levere biler nok og nu er de løbet tør for biler

med stigningen i tysklans i april, der ligger næsten dobbelt så højt som i italien og i frankrig er det ikke foruroligende at bilsalget er faldet i april i frankrig og italien i april med ca 5-7%

især renault havde ikke nogen fremgang i tyskland i marts fordi de simpelt hem ikke kune levere bilerne og havde prioriteret at levere i fankrig i marts

så nu mangler vi bare england og total statiskken for europa, der også indeholder de små lande, som jeg ikke kan får særskilte data fra før totalsalget i europa offentliggøres

FRANKFURT, May 5 (Reuters) - New car registrations in Germany, Europe's biggest auto market, swelled 19.4 percent to nearly 380,000 units in April as motorists continued to cash in on government incentives to junk old cars and buy new ones. That brought new car sales in the first four months of the year to the best level since the record year of 1999 even as demand plummets in other major ...

6/5 2009 00:41 le 010114

Scrapping subsidy lifts German car sales 19%

Automotive News Europe
May 5, 2009 10:46 CET

FRANKFURT (Reuters) -- New-car registrations in Germany rose by 19.4 percent to nearly 380,000 units in April as motorists continued to cash in on a government incentive to scrap old cars and buy new ones.

The increase brought new-car sales in the first four months of the year to the best level since the record year of 1999, data from the VDIK car importers association showed on Tuesday.

The rise follows an increase of 40 percent in March and contrasts with falling sales in other European countries.

Spanish car sales fell 45.6 percent in April compared with the same month last year, while Italian sales were down 7.5 percent and French sales declined by 7 percent.

Bonus boosts small-car sales

The German government's subsidy to pays motorists 2,500 euros ($3,310) to scrap cars at least nine years old if they buy a new model was launched in February.

The scheme has been so popular that the government has agreed to increase it to 5 billion euros from the 1.5 billion first envisioned. It runs until the end of this year.

The incentive has fuelled sales of small cars but has drawn complaints from German retailers that it is sucking demand away from other businesses.

The VDIK said orders on hand showed the German market was set to keep growing briskly in the months ahead.

After Spain's April car sales fell for the 12th month in a row to 67,215, the country's auto association ANFAC repeated its call for the Spanish government to implement scrapping incentives to boost demand.

In Italy, the small April decline to 188,406 was seen as a positive sign that government incentives to buy new, less-polluting cars including a scrappage bonus are reinvigorating demand.

French passenger-car sales fell to 184,706 units in April. Car sales had risen 8.1 percent in France in March, helped by the government's scrapping bonus and environmental taxes aimed at promoting sales of fuel-efficient cars.

7/5 2009 06:32 le 010227

det ser ud til at tyrkiet også har fået 'styr' på deres bilsalg, hvilket yderligere støtter vores bilkomponentaktier i europa bl.a. SBS scandinavian brakes, som jeg ikke kunne købe til modelporteføljen fordi den åbenbart ikke er oprettet

tyrkiet får jeg ike data for hver måned, det er lidt tilfældigt hvad der dukker op selvom jeg kunne have slået op på deres statistiske hjemmeside, der er der et link, men den er forsinket og de har lavet den om, så jeg kan aldrig huske, hvor jeg skal trykke

men efter at bilsalget i tyrkiet faldt med 60% i 08 4q har jeg som sagt ikke haft data for 09 endnu og ved heller ikke præcist hvad de har lavet for at stimulere bilsalget, men salget af personbiler er ligefrem steget i jan-april og samlet er faldet kun 11% og da jeg har svært ved at forestille mig at der ikke stadig skulle have været relativt store fald i januar og februar tyder det på at april og måske marts har vendt udviklingen med plusser

jeg har læst om at de generelt i tyrkiet ville stimulere forbruget så de har sikkert lavet et eller andet for at stimulerere bilsalget og med disse data er det endnu en brik i et samlet boom i bilslget i europa

ISTANBUL, May 6 (Reuters) - Turkish automotive sales fell 11.3 percent in the first four months of the year to 149,099 units, the Automotive Distributors Association (ODD) said on Wednesday.
Sales of light commercial vehicles in the January-April period dropped 30.2 percent to 44,610 units, ODD said in an e-mailed statement.
Passenger car sales rose 0.2 percent to 104,489 automobiles, it said.

7/5 2009 21:20 le 010300

bilsalg kina 09 04

der er ikke tal for vækstraten i april, men det er tydeligvis endnu højere end i

og et salg på 1.15 mio svarer til en årsrate på 13.75 sammenlignet med 9 mio i usa, så det understreger igen at kina er ved at være på størrelse med usa og større i en lang række sektorer

China car sales grew for fifth month in April, set new record 2009-05-07 15:54:03 Print

Special Report: Global Financial Crisis

BEIJING, May 7 (Xinhua) -- China's automobile sales probably reached a
record high of 1.15 million units last month as the government's stimulus plans
began to pay off, estimates from the China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers (CAAM) indicated Thursday.

Official figures for vehicle production and sales are scheduled for release
next Monday.

Assuming the CAAM figures are borne out by official data, April would be the
fifth straight month of growth for the industry.

China unveiled a support package for the auto industry early this year,
cutting purchase taxes for cars with small engine capacities and providing
subsidies to rural purchasers.

The auto market boom showed that the stimulus policies had greatly boosted
consumer confidence, said Huang Yonghe, an expert at the China Automobile
Technology and Research Center.

According to CAAM, sales of minivans and economy cars surged in April, with
SGMW and ChangAn, China's two largest minivan makers, recording sales gains of
more than 50 percent from last year.

Sales of China's Chery, which makes cars with small engine capacities, hit a
record high of more than 42,000 units in April.

China's March auto sales grew 5 percent from a year earlier to 1.11 million

her er mine arkiver fra bilsalget i kina i 08 04

og deraf fremgår det at det var 10% lavere end marts og de data jeg lagde i sidste indlæg viser en stigning fra marts på ca 3-4%, så Y/Y indikerer det en stigning på ca 13%

China's car sales up nearly 18 pct in Jan.-April period
+ - 18:52, May 09, 2008

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Passenger car sales rose 17.84 percent year-on-year in the first four months of 2008, despite the effect of unusually severe winter weather, an industry group said on Friday.

According to the semi-official China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), sales reached 2.46 million cars, including 1.81 million sedans, 75,500 mini-vans and 141,300 sport-utility vehicles.

Sales in April alone totaled 604,900 cars, up 10.83 percent from a year earlier but down 13.65 percent from March.

The figure for March was unusually large, representing the biggest year-on-year rise in seven months, as sales recovered from the extreme weather.

Volkswagen AG's two Chinese ventures -- FAW Volkswagen and Shanghai Volkswagen -- continued to top the sales list last month,as well as in the first four months.

Shanghai GM, the Detroit-based car maker's venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp., sold the third-largest number of cars.

Domestic auto producers sold 463,100 sedans in the first four months, taking up a 25.46-percent share of total sedan sales.

Passenger car sales accounted for more than 70 percent of China's total auto sales.

Auto sales in China are expected to exceed 10 million units this year, which would represent full-year sales growth of 14 percent, CAAM said.

China, the world's second-largest car market, produced 8.88 million automobiles last year, of which 8.79 million were sold.

Auto sales have maintained double-digit growth since the beginning of the year, in contrast to weakening sales in much of the world as a result of the unfolding global credit crisis and soaring energy prices.