Tesla afholdt generalforsamling torsdag. Her er de spoergsmaal fra Q&A, der blev besvaret, hvoraf nogle var gode og andre knap saa gode:
1:04:04 Is there any guidance on when Cybertruck production will begin and at what rate the ramp up will happen?
Maaske i 2022 og maaske stort volumen i 2023. Forsyningskaede-begraensninger.
1:05:23 With $TSLA stock price back into the $700-800 range, and likely heading higher. Would you consider another split to allow retail investors to continue adding shares at a decent, per share, price.
1:05:43 Are we going to see 4680 battery cell this year in Texas? If not what part of production is holding up?
1:07:26 As construction is nearing completion in Texas and Berlin, will Tesla kick off construction of more factories soon? Will it continue with two at a time, or increase it exponentially to 4 new factories being built at a time? Thanks.
1:09:12 Does Tesla plan to offer any dividends to it shareholders in next 2 years?
1:09:43 Can Tesla provide Quarterly update on Energy business along with automotive reporting deliveries and production?
Maaske naeste aar.
1:10:42 Any updates on the Model 2?
1:11:13 You've stated that Gigafactories are getting bigger with each iteration. Can you talk about the planned max capacity for Berlin & Austin? With the large amount of land purchased in Austin, is this location planned to be the final US facility without any other US factories needed?
1:12:55 In the past you have stated that one of your biggest limiting factors to growth is limited engineering talent. Has your talent acquisition strategy evolved over the years and are there any specific knowledge & experience areas from which you would like to see more applicants?
1:14:37 Can you elaborate on plans for a Tesla Minibus van camper? Because VW seriously dropped the ball on bringing back an EV minibus. A Tesla Van that could be used as a camper would be amazing!
Maaske laengere ude i fremtiden.
1:15:30 From an external point of view, Solar Roof progress continues to seem slow relative to the rest of Tesla's products. Shareholders understand the difficulty with Solar Roof, but when can we except Solar Roof to realistically become a significant business line? (>50 MW per quarter)
1:19:43 Are we on track for FSD beta 10.2 tomorrow night? Will this be the single stack update? What's the rollout plan going forward for new FSD beta testers? How long is it expected to take to open beta up to anyone with an 80% safety score or higher?
Ja, til de cirka 1000 kunder med en perfekt score paa 100.
Spoergsmaal fra salen:
1:21:37 When will we not need to do anymore mining for batteries?
1:25:12 How many years before Tesla's first off planet factory?
1:25:47 What is my safety score?
Ved ikke.
1:26:47 ?
1:28:40 Target capacity for the Mega Factory?
40 GWh.
1:29:23 Tesla insurance?
Det er myndighedernes skyld, at det gaar langsomt ifoelge direktoeren. Maaske naeste aar. I mellemtiden er Rivian allerede klar:
1:31:22 CyberTruck and ATV?
1:32:21 What about electric planes?
Her en negativ opsummering:
In 2022:
No Cybertruck
No Semi
No Roadster
No Robotaxis
No mud batteries
No dry electrodes
No 4680s
No Tesla Bot
Her en positiv opsummering:
As expected, little new came out of $TSLA AGM:
1/ TSLA will move its HQ to Austin
2/ No stock split anytime soon
3/ Austin/Berlin will open in 4Q with limited production
4/ TSLA will start search for new factory in 2022
5/ CT will begin production late-2022
6/ No comment Model Q
1:04:04 Is there any guidance on when Cybertruck production will begin and at what rate the ramp up will happen?
Maaske i 2022 og maaske stort volumen i 2023. Forsyningskaede-begraensninger.
1:05:23 With $TSLA stock price back into the $700-800 range, and likely heading higher. Would you consider another split to allow retail investors to continue adding shares at a decent, per share, price.
1:05:43 Are we going to see 4680 battery cell this year in Texas? If not what part of production is holding up?
1:07:26 As construction is nearing completion in Texas and Berlin, will Tesla kick off construction of more factories soon? Will it continue with two at a time, or increase it exponentially to 4 new factories being built at a time? Thanks.
1:09:12 Does Tesla plan to offer any dividends to it shareholders in next 2 years?
1:09:43 Can Tesla provide Quarterly update on Energy business along with automotive reporting deliveries and production?
Maaske naeste aar.
1:10:42 Any updates on the Model 2?
1:11:13 You've stated that Gigafactories are getting bigger with each iteration. Can you talk about the planned max capacity for Berlin & Austin? With the large amount of land purchased in Austin, is this location planned to be the final US facility without any other US factories needed?
1:12:55 In the past you have stated that one of your biggest limiting factors to growth is limited engineering talent. Has your talent acquisition strategy evolved over the years and are there any specific knowledge & experience areas from which you would like to see more applicants?
1:14:37 Can you elaborate on plans for a Tesla Minibus van camper? Because VW seriously dropped the ball on bringing back an EV minibus. A Tesla Van that could be used as a camper would be amazing!
Maaske laengere ude i fremtiden.
1:15:30 From an external point of view, Solar Roof progress continues to seem slow relative to the rest of Tesla's products. Shareholders understand the difficulty with Solar Roof, but when can we except Solar Roof to realistically become a significant business line? (>50 MW per quarter)
1:19:43 Are we on track for FSD beta 10.2 tomorrow night? Will this be the single stack update? What's the rollout plan going forward for new FSD beta testers? How long is it expected to take to open beta up to anyone with an 80% safety score or higher?
Ja, til de cirka 1000 kunder med en perfekt score paa 100.
Spoergsmaal fra salen:
1:21:37 When will we not need to do anymore mining for batteries?
1:25:12 How many years before Tesla's first off planet factory?
1:25:47 What is my safety score?
Ved ikke.
1:26:47 ?
1:28:40 Target capacity for the Mega Factory?
40 GWh.
1:29:23 Tesla insurance?
Det er myndighedernes skyld, at det gaar langsomt ifoelge direktoeren. Maaske naeste aar. I mellemtiden er Rivian allerede klar:
1:31:22 CyberTruck and ATV?
1:32:21 What about electric planes?
Her en negativ opsummering:
In 2022:
No Cybertruck
No Semi
No Roadster
No Robotaxis
No mud batteries
No dry electrodes
No 4680s
No Tesla Bot
Her en positiv opsummering:
As expected, little new came out of $TSLA AGM:
1/ TSLA will move its HQ to Austin
2/ No stock split anytime soon
3/ Austin/Berlin will open in 4Q with limited production
4/ TSLA will start search for new factory in 2022
5/ CT will begin production late-2022
6/ No comment Model Q


Jeg er forresten short Tesla. Det, der bekymrer mig mest, er den forbedrede brutto-margen trods faldende gennemsnits-salgs-pris pr enhed; se vedhaeftede figur. Hvis det lykkes dem at faa folk ansat i Berlin uden for fagforening til en loen, der (permanent) er 20% lavere end konkurrenterne i Tyskland, saa er det lidt traelst.
Sluserne til FSD 10.2 bliver aabnet lidt mere paa fredag. Jeg er ret overbevist, at det virker lige saa daarligt som FSD 10.1, men vi kommer aldrig til at faa det at vide paa en transparent/oplyst maade. Jeg tror aldrig, at Tesla faar FSD til at virke med den nuvaerende hardware.
Sluserne til FSD 10.2 bliver aabnet lidt mere paa fredag. Jeg er ret overbevist, at det virker lige saa daarligt som FSD 10.1, men vi kommer aldrig til at faa det at vide paa en transparent/oplyst maade. Jeg tror aldrig, at Tesla faar FSD til at virke med den nuvaerende hardware.


Jeg tror ikke, at du og jeg kommer til at se den foerste ekstraterrestriske fabrik med mindre nogle af de mange "longevity" start-ups faar stor succes ;-D
FSD er en forkortelse for "full self driving", som er et misvisende navn, da det kun er niveau 2 autonomt, ligesom f.eks. Super Cruise og Ultra Cruise fra GM, og jeg tror i oevrigt aldrig, at Tesla opnaar niveau 3 med deres nuvaerende hardware. Beta version 10.2 bliver frigivet til yderligere tusind personer med en perfekt "safety score" paa 100 denne weekend.
Wikipedia om FSD:
Self-driving car
Tesla goer fremadrettet kun brug af kameraer:
Transitioning to Tesla Vision
Tesla Autopilot:
Waymo (ejet af Google) og Cruise (ejet af GM) goer begge brug af baade kameraer, radar og lidar. De har som de eneste (ud over Nuro) lige faaet godkendt deres robo-taxier af en af to myndigheder i Californien (CPUC-godkendelse mangler stadig):
Alphabet's Waymo and GM's Cruise get California DMV approval to run commercial autonomous car services
The permits mean the companies are one step closer to offering services to the general public outside of a testing program, but they still need approval from the California Public Utilities Commission.
GM har i denne uge afholdt deres investor-begivenhed "FROM AUTOMAKER TO PLATFORM INNOVATOR":
GM Details Plan to Double its Revenue, Drive Even Higher Margins
9:25 inde i denne video fra GMs investor-dag kan du se Cruise klare nogle situationer, som jeg aldrig har set Tesla klare. Praesentationen varer kun ~40 minutter. Jeg kan 100% anbefale den.
Cruise's Dan Ammann at GM Investor Day
Jeg kan derudover anbefale foelgende laese-materiale om teknologi og virksomheder som et godt sted at starte:
Argo AI:
$VLDR Velodyne Lidar:
$LAZR Luminar Technologies:
$OUST Ouster
$FR.PA Valeo:
Why radar is doomed
Why LiDAR is Doomed
FSD er en forkortelse for "full self driving", som er et misvisende navn, da det kun er niveau 2 autonomt, ligesom f.eks. Super Cruise og Ultra Cruise fra GM, og jeg tror i oevrigt aldrig, at Tesla opnaar niveau 3 med deres nuvaerende hardware. Beta version 10.2 bliver frigivet til yderligere tusind personer med en perfekt "safety score" paa 100 denne weekend.
Wikipedia om FSD:
Self-driving car
Tesla goer fremadrettet kun brug af kameraer:
Transitioning to Tesla Vision
Tesla Autopilot:
Waymo (ejet af Google) og Cruise (ejet af GM) goer begge brug af baade kameraer, radar og lidar. De har som de eneste (ud over Nuro) lige faaet godkendt deres robo-taxier af en af to myndigheder i Californien (CPUC-godkendelse mangler stadig):
Alphabet's Waymo and GM's Cruise get California DMV approval to run commercial autonomous car services
The permits mean the companies are one step closer to offering services to the general public outside of a testing program, but they still need approval from the California Public Utilities Commission.
GM har i denne uge afholdt deres investor-begivenhed "FROM AUTOMAKER TO PLATFORM INNOVATOR":
GM Details Plan to Double its Revenue, Drive Even Higher Margins
9:25 inde i denne video fra GMs investor-dag kan du se Cruise klare nogle situationer, som jeg aldrig har set Tesla klare. Praesentationen varer kun ~40 minutter. Jeg kan 100% anbefale den.
Cruise's Dan Ammann at GM Investor Day
Jeg kan derudover anbefale foelgende laese-materiale om teknologi og virksomheder som et godt sted at starte:
Argo AI:
$VLDR Velodyne Lidar:
$LAZR Luminar Technologies:
$OUST Ouster
$FR.PA Valeo:
Why radar is doomed
Why LiDAR is Doomed


Jeg har selv fravalgt FSD i min Tesla. Jeg tror ikke på at det er pengene værd og bliver det i min tid som bilist.
Så jeg nøjes med standard "følg bilen foran og hold dig inde for stregerne".
Så jeg nøjes med standard "følg bilen foran og hold dig inde for stregerne".