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Godt nyt - igen - fra FOM Technologies.

99173 Match 5/12 2021 19:15

Investornyheder fra FirstNorth selskaberne har svært ved at trænge igennem nyhedsstrømmen i medierne. Fredag kunne FOM Technologies meddele godt nyt igen :

FOM Technologies er stolte af at annoncere selskabets første danske kommercielle kunde. Det sker ved indgåelse af ordre på selskabets flagskibs slot-die coater til Haldor Topsøe. Udstyret skal anvendes indenfor udvikling og kommercialisering af Power-to-X teknologien, som omfatter energilagring fra grøn vindmøllestrøm, der derefter omdannes til hydrogen eller andre fremtidige brændstoffer.

CEO for FOM Technologies Michael Stadi udtaler: "Det er en kæmpe ære at skulle levere udstyr til en Danmarks teknologiske nationalklenodier igennem adskillige årtier. Haldor Topsøe er førende i verden indenfor deres felt, og vi ser et spændende fremtidigt globalt potentiale indenfor Power-to-X teknologien, som pt. fortsat er i sin spæde start. Da december står for døren, vil vi gøre vores ypperste for, at vores udstyr bliver leveret inden jul."

Og den 1/12 kunne ViroGates udsende denne meddelelse:

BIRKERØD, DENMARK - ViroGates A/S, a medical technology company developing blood tests for better triaging in hospitals to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs, announces that it has been granted 2.8 DKK million under the Innobooster program by The Innovation Fund Denmark to finalize the development of the company's new point-of-care product, suPARnostic® POC+.

The project aims to finalize product development and bring the product to market by completing validation of the technology in the laboratory, running clinical studies in relevant customer segments, developing algorithms and software for end-users, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

suPARnostic® POC+ is co-developed with Austrian-based GENSPEED Biotech GmbH and will enable the measurement of suPAR and CRP in a blood sample from a fingerprick. The product will expand the addressable market for ViroGates to pre-hospital customers such as general practitioners and others. The initial product launch to the first customer segment is expected in Q2, 2022, following a clinical validation study and an expected CE-IVD approval.

Jakob Knudsen, Chief Executive Officer of ViroGates, says: "We are pleased that The Innovation Fund Denmark has decided to support our project of bringing a fingerprick-blood-based prognostic biomarker to market. We are excited about the product's potential to improve patient outcomes in both our existing acute care segments and in the pre-hospital setting, and the longer-term possibility of raising the level of health information in the general population."