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Zealand Pharma er snart live på Q&A Spørg løs allerede nu!

Facebook går gennem bunden

57171 21/5 2012 16:05

Boblen varede ikke længe, med en p/e på 112 selv efter 12 % fald, er den stadig meget dyr.

21/5 2012 18:42 troldmanden 057179

Det var også toppen af grådighed prisen blev skreuet så meget op. Ikke blot i den øvre range. Nej de sendte lige et helt nyt interval ud.

Spørgsmålet er om dette vil få nogen konsekvens på Sillicon Valley? Valueringerne ned igen.....

21/5 2012 21:06 057206

nej valueringerne går op nu. For nu får alle de oprindelige investorer cashet ind og skal igang med nye ventures.

22/5 2012 23:23 troldmanden 057255

De oprindelige investorer er mig bekendt låst af lockup. Så de casher ikke ind.

En af medstifterne af Podio som stadig sidder i San Fransisco vurdere også det får negative konsekvenser på IT selskaberne i sillicon valley

23/5 2012 09:20 RoxyTrooper 057269

de store investorer er låst indtil august ... dér begynder de første store aktiesalg for alvor ...

23/5 2012 09:24 057271

Noget kan være låst op, men der har været heftig cahing in op til IPO.

23/5 2012 22:24 457301

"Data Explorers, a firm that tracks short-selling data, ranks Facebook's stock a 10 in terms of its cost to borrow on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the most expensive. No S&P 500 stocks have a rating of 10, Data Explorers said.

Wednesday marks the first day that Facebook's securities are officially on loan due to the three-day settlement rule for U.S. securities. However, some managers began shorting the stock shortly after trading started on Friday.

"We got a small allocation in the IPO and sold it immediately and then shorted on Friday and Monday," said one hedge fund manager, who said he went short without knowing the cost of borrowing.

When contacted by Reuters on Wednesday morning, the manager said he was told by his broker that he was charged a negative rebate of 55 percent. On Friday and Monday, Facebook shares were hard to borrow because there was a limited supply of the stock to lend, he said.

Now, the supply of Facebook shares to borrow has increased a lot, reducing the cost.

"There's a huge amount of supply now, especially lots of retail supply," the hedge fund manager added, noting that he was planning to hold his short position.

"There's a lot of bad news and finger-pointing around this and the markets are still weak," he said.

Approximately 18 million shares of Facebook's stock were on loan for short selling as of May 22, according to Data Explorers. Facebook shares on loan for short sellers represent about 4 percent of the Free Float, though that figure will change as more data becomes available in coming days."

Hmm, Ganske interessant, for shortede han noget, han endnu ikke havde adgang til, eller??? - Valør dage er noget gøgl, med uanede muligheder for "de smarte - (mæglerne)" til at gå "Naked"!

Hele artiklen kan læses her:

24/5 2012 10:56 157322

Sørgelig display fra private investorer der ikke har styr på deres risiko profil.

Specielt denne kommentar. “Short term fluctuations don’t bother me,” said Charles Landry of Sacramento, California, who bought 1,000 shares on May 18. “Facebook has the potential to be, in the long term, one of the iconic companies in Silicon Valley, a la Google, a la Apple.”

Det kan da meget vel være at Facebook bliver et Ikon, jeg vil nok hævde at det allerede er det, men 100 mia Dollar i market cap. No way! Så er du well over et ikon. Så er du et indtjeningsmonster. Ligesom Apple, Ligesom Google