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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
121378 Kinesiske myndigheder sætter Wegovy i en gunstig position 17/7 2024 08:55 troldmanden 8
Den 26. juni annoncerede Kina en 3 års "action plan" for at imødegå den hastigt stigende omfang af fedme i Kina. Fra 1990 til 2020 steg andelen af overvægtige fra 20% til 50%. Og det tal forventes at komme tæt på 70% i 2030, hvorved fedmerelaterede sygdomme estimeres at kunne udgøre op mod 22% af
81269 Corona - update. 30/1 2020 09:59 TheNote 0
Intern youtube, en fakta OG stemningsberetning: Interessant om biotek/healtcare fra China morning post: mvh
42377 Sterling jumps sharply due to inflation ! 12/5 2011 05:23 MaxProfit 0
Sterling jumps sharply today as BoE raised it's inflation forecasts in the quarterly inflation report. The report projected that UK inflation would likely hit 5% in 2011 and stay above it's 2% target throughout 2012... Sterling jumps sharply today as BoE raised it's inflation forecasts in the q
42376 Sterling jumps sharply due to inflation ! 12/5 2011 05:23 MaxProfit 0
Sterling jumps sharply today as BoE raised it's inflation forecasts in the quarterly inflation report. The report projected that UK inflation would likely hit 5% in 2011 and stay above it's 2% target throughout 2012... Sterling jumps sharply today as BoE raised it's inflation forecasts in the q
19589 Chinese key figures from August 11/9 2009 07:50 jobono 1
From the business report news2biz CHINA 11 September 2009:Industrial output up 12.3% in AugustChina's economic recovery gained more momentum in August as industrial output expanded 12.3% year-on-year in the month, speeding up from 10.8% in July and 10.7