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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Norse skal selge alle Camamu-Almada assets

11443 tjaha 18/5 2009 20:13

Norse skal selge alle assets i Camamu-Almada for å fokusere kun på Santos. Dette inkluderer Manati...

The Norse Energy goes to get rid of all its assets in the Basin of Camamu-Almada. After making right its exit of the BM-CAL-5, the Norwegian oil prepares the sales in package of its participation in the fields of Sardinha and Manati and in exploratório block BM-CAL-6.

The process of sales of the assets of the oil is being lead for the matrix, in the Norway, and the act of receiving of the proposals is marked for June. National companies and foreign participate of road show organized for the company.

The decision of if undoing of the assets of Camamu-Almada integrate the strategy of the oil to concentrate its wallet of projects in the Santos Basin and to reduce costs of operation in Brazil. In the evaluation of the Norse, the potential of the projects of Saints is greater that of the Bahia.

The participation of the oil in the placed assets for sale vary of 10% 20%. In Manati, the only asset of production of the package in operation, the percentage of the company is of 10%.

Who to buy the participation of the Norse in Manati will inherit gas a total production of 5 million /dia m ³, of which the company withholds 500 mil m³ daily. Although the extracted volume to come in recent years falling, the expectation is of growth for 2009.

After the sales of these assets, the portfólio of the Norse in Brazil will be integrated by the projects of Coral, Cavalo Marinho and Estrela do Mar and for blocks S-M-1035, S-M-1036 and S-M-1100, all in the Santos Basin.

19/5 2009 01:40 Kenddinvare 011488

Temmelig overraskende meddelelse.
Hvad mon artiklen er baseret på?
Synes ikke at det virker logisk ud fra et NEC synspunkt med mindre der er noget helt specielt i baghånden.
Man skal tilsyneladende være helt oppe på mærkerne kl 8.30 i morgen tidlig ved Q1.

Ud over dette som i høj grad kan ændre hele indtrykket, havde jeg tænkt især at lægge mærke til i hvor høj grad låneomlægningerne er afsluttet og i mindre omfang om der stadig er bremse på produktionsudvidelsen fra Herkimer.
Naturligvis er der en mulighed for udmelding om Marcellus/Utica, men som det har været skrevet af andre er det mindre sandsynligt set i sammenhæng med at der lige er lavet et bridgelån frem til december.