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Anavex Ny tråd juli 2024

121419 Tasso1 21/7 2024 07:06

Præsentationsvideo 21. juli 2024:

Præsentation juni 2024:

Anavex præsenterer yderligere data fra AD fase 2/3 på AAIC den 28. juli, samt 3-4 yderligere præsentationer mellem den 26. - 30 juli!

Et par milepæle vi er stillet i udsigt resten af 2024:

AD data på AAIC
Peer Review AD
Indsendelse af ansøgning til EMA i AD
AD OLE data 96 uger
Fragile X ny biomarkør
Fragile X opstart fase 2/3 forsøg
Parkinson opstart fase 2/3 forsøg
Rett opstart af nyt fase 2/3 forsøg

Indledende dialog med FDA vedr. AD ansøgning på OLE data.
Udmelding fra EMA om evt. accept af ansøgning - ca. 2 mdr. efter evt. indsendelse?
Afslutning af fase 2 med 3-71 Skizofreni.
Opstart af nyt forsøg med 2-73 i ukendt sjælden indikation.
+ alle mulige andre ting Anavex måtte arbejde på.

Stigende antal "institusional" investorer - nu knap 40 %
17.825.000 shortede aktier, som evt. skal inddækkes?

21/7 2024 11:10 Kyed01 14121430

Godt nok med en ny tråd Tasso, er det den femte eller sjette?

MayoMobile skrev følgende på Stocktwist om videoen:

Dr. Sabbagh describes available atrophy data as a "sneak peak", indicating additional, more intricate data is to be expected shortly.

Additionally, he describes Blarcamesine as complimentary to monoclonal antibodies with co-administrative potential.

The beauty of this approach reduces competition in the market, and opens Blarcamesine up to an even wider audience for greater market penetration. Patients won't have to decide between an antibody or Blarcamesine, they can take both as MOAs do not directly overlap. Furthermore, Blarcamesine will be a sole treatment for many patients with APOE or seizure restrictions, which negates their ability to be prescribed an antibody in the first place due to safety concern.

Very positive, love the video.

Og tilføjer:

To add on, it will be intriguing to see what kind of compounding clinical effect can be achieved by co-administration. Surely the therapies - antibody and blarcamesine combination - produce synergistic benefit which may allow for total disease cessation.

21/7 2024 17:07 LP90 7121434

Tak Tasso er godt med en ny tråd

22/7 2024 14:22 Tasso1 8121440

Anavex Ny analytiker kursmål 46 $.

Anavex initiated with a Buy at EF Hutton

EF Hutton initiated coverage of Anavex with a Buy rating and $46 price target. Anavex plans to submit the company's lead therapy, ANAVEX2-73 for Alzheimer's disease, to European Union and FDA regulators by year-end, which could put 2-73 on the market by 2026, the analyst tells investors in a research note. Given the size of the market, the opportunity for Anavex "is substantial," says the firm.