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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

Hvilken type investor er du i volatile markeder?

85086 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 11/7 2020 10:50

"Volatile markets can strike fear into any investor.

However, Ken Hevert, a senior vice president at Fidelity Investments, said that people appear to be handling the coronavirus downturn with less panic than the financial crisis of 2008.

"We've seen actually like a 50% reduction in people selling out of their investments this time around versus 2008," Hevert said. He said a key reason is that many of those investors have a plan they trust.

Not cashing out allows investors to recover and eventually grow their portfolios, according to Hevert.

Some people, on the other hand, use downturns as a chance to take advantage of cheaper prices. Hevert is already seeing evidence of a specific subset of people who are cashing in on the current market. He calls them "bold investors.

Check out this video to see two other types of investors, and to learn more about the strategy you need to be a bold investor":

13/7 2020 02:19 PMPirate2 185108

Tak for en kort men god video.

Jeg er nok i den sidste af de tre kategorier af investorer nævnt "the bold investor". Det kunne jeg tydeligt se under Covid-19 panikken i markederne.

Jeg hverken købte eller solgte aktier eller obligationer i denne periode. Men i nogle råvaremarkeder, hvor jeg handler aktivt, så jeg langt større spreads. Så her øgede jeg min aktivitet, og det gav mig en fin ekstra profit.

Når spreads kommer op omkring 10 procent p.g.a. usikkerhed er der gode penge at tjene ved at have åbne ordrer på både købs- og salgs-siden, hvis man ellers ved hvad man gør.