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5/1 14:26
af ProInvestorNEWS
AKER BP: RBC kutter kursmålet til NOK 340 (350), gjentar sector perform.
5/1 14:26
af ProInvestorNEWS
VÅR ENERGI: SEB kutter kursmålet til NOK 38 (42), gjentar kjøp
4/1 14:11
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: Arctic kutter til NOK 380 (420), gjentar kjøp.
4/1 13:53
af ProInvestorNEWS
Jekker ned kursmål på Equinor SEB nedjusterer kursmålet på Equinor til 375 kroner per aksje, fra 410 kroner, og gjentar en kjøpsanbefaling, ifølge en oppdatering fra meglerhuset tirsdag kveld. «Til tross for lavere råvareestimater, forblir vi kjøpere av Equinor på den nåværende verdsettelsen. Vi fortsetter å se selskapet som overkapitalisert og finner verdsettelsen svært attraktiv til om lag 8 ganger fremtidig inntjening. Likevel fører styrkingen av kronen sammen med negative estimatrevidering
4/1 13:52
af ProInvestorNEWS
Jekker ned kursmål på oljeselskaper Jefferies nedjusterer kursmålet på Vår Energi og Aker BP, ifølge Bloomberg News torsdag. Kursmålet på Vår Energi nedjusteres til 40 kroner per aksje, fra 45 kroner, med en gjentatt kjøpsanbefaling. Kursmålet på Aker BP nedjusteres til 360 kroner per aksje, fra 370 kroner, med en gjentatt kjøpsanbefaling.
2/1 13:41
af ProInvestorNEWS
Berge Gerdt Larsen: USD 80. Helge Andre Martinsen, DNB: USD 90. Magnus Nordby, Norwegian Oil Trading: USD 78.
2/1 13:41
af ProInvestorNEWS
Carl Arnet, CEO BW Energy: USD 80. Bjarne Schieldrop, SEB: USD 80. Kristian Johansen, CEO TGS: USD 87. Trond Omdal, Pensum: USD 87.
2/1 13:40
af ProInvestorNEWS
Lars Barstad, CEO Frontline: USD 86. John Olaisen, ABG: USD 85. Torbjørn Kjus: Vil variere mellom USD 69-99. Ståle Kyllingstad, IKM: USD 77.
2/1 13:40
af ProInvestorNEWS
OLJEPRIS 2024: Finansavisen spør en del aktører i oljemarkedet om deres estimat på gjennomsnittlig Brent oljepris i 2024: Herbjørn Hansson, CEO Nordic American Tankers: USD 20-30. Teodor Sveen-Nilsen, SB1M: USD 80.
2/1 13:40
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: Bernstein kutter kursmålet til NOK 400 (420), gjentar outperform.
2/1 08:39
af ProInvestorNEWS
Iran sender fregatt til Rødehavet: Sterk oppgang i oljeprisen Det er bred oppgang i oljeprisen tirsdag, etter at Iran annonserte på mandag at de sender en fregatt til Rødehavet. (link)
29/12 09:35
af ProInvestorNEWS
Expect Volatility to Continue for Oil in 2024 (link)
27/12 20:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
Crude Oil Falls on Technical Selling and Energy Demand Concerns (link)
27/12 12:40
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3 Brilliant Energy Stocks That Could Deliver High-Octane Returns in 2024 (link)
23/12 08:04
af ProInvestorNEWS
Kilde: HFI Research Dec 23
23/12 08:03
af ProInvestorNEWS
Energy investors should position themselves in Canadian E&Ps, whether they’re buying for 2024 or longer, and whether they buy our favorites or something else.
23/12 08:03
af ProInvestorNEWS
Canada is the natural choice here. Canadian production features all these desirable attributes, plus pockets of production growth. A slight drawback for U.S. investors is the 15% withholding tax on dividends, but many Canadian E&Ps are choosing to repurchase shares instead of increasing dividends. Moreover, large U.S. shareholders will be more likely to push them in the share repurchase direction, as well.
23/12 08:02
af ProInvestorNEWS
We expect U.S. shale growth to top out in 2025 and plateau thereafter. If we’re right, investors should begin to get a whiff of this outcome in mid-to-late 2024. Assuming large generalist investors appreciate the ramifications of this development—namely, that global production growth will be harder to come by—they’re likely to seek out high-quality, long-lived assets in investor-friendly nations with at least a well-functioning legal system
23/12 08:02
af ProInvestorNEWS
What will be interesting is the extent to which U.S. generalists recognize that U.S. shale growth is set to top out. At the moment, they’re back into the “shale is growing to the sky” camp, which is holding down both oil prices and E&P stocks.
23/12 08:02
af ProInvestorNEWS
For this reason, we want to be positioned in companies that are big enough to benefit from the initial move into larger-cap names. This isn’t to say that small caps aren’t particularly attractive right now—perhaps even more so than large caps—but we’re only looking out a year, so capital flows will be more relevant to performance.
23/12 08:02
af ProInvestorNEWS
Energy specialists have been all but eliminated from the field, leaving generalists to control the bulk of capital flows into E&P stocks. Generalists will want to see sustained higher prices. They’ll begin allocating to larger names. Only when they’re comfortable with those will they allocate to smaller names.
23/12 08:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
Capital Flow Considerations Another important macro factor for the year-ahead outlook for E&Ps pertains to capital flows. How large fund managers react to events as they unfold and how they approach E&Ps is anyone’s guess. But what’s clear at the moment is that money managers are reluctant to allocate to energy.
23/12 08:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
If, on the other hand, demand outperforms, we’re looking at WTI trading at $90 per barrel or above and 100%-plus returns for many Canadian E&P stocks. This scenario could occur if the Fed cuts as many expect and if the U.S. and China avoid recessions. It would entail an increase in demand of more than 1.5 million bpd. I’ll assign a 20% probability to this scenario.
23/12 08:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
The main known risk in this scenario is what the oil market outlook for 2025 will look like at year-end. Will the 1 million bpd of demand growth in 2024 be enough to support a bullish outlook for 2025? It’s too early to tell, but it could be bearish if the market begins to expect inventory builds in 2025. In any case, it’ll be an important consideration for how E&P stocks perform throughout 2024.
23/12 08:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
’ll assign a 60% probability to this consensus scenario:
23/12 08:00
af ProInvestorNEWS
The more indebted companies would generate enough free cash flow to pay down debt, and several would reach their net debt targets. E&P stocks would perform very well in this environment, particularly given the depressed levels at which they entered the year.
23/12 08:00
af ProInvestorNEWS
In the event demand performs as consensus expects—increasing by around 1 million barrels per day (bpd)— OPEC+ cuts will support oil prices. We would expect WTI to average in the low-to-mid $80s per barrel, which would be supportive for E&Ps and their stocks.
23/12 08:00
af ProInvestorNEWS
’m not an expert in forecasting the macro economy, but I’ll assign a 20% probability to this worst-case outcome.
23/12 07:59
af ProInvestorNEWS
If WTI were to fall into the mid-$60s per barrel range or below and is sustained at those levels, North American E&Ps will run cash flow deficits. E&P stocks would get clobbered, with the more heavily indebted among them faring the worst.
23/12 07:59
af ProInvestorNEWS
Certain known bearish factors complicate matters. For instance, if the U.S. or China enters a recession, demand could weaken to the point at which Saudi Arabia can’t realistically support the market through production cuts. In that scenario, oil prices would have to do the job of balancing the market.
23/12 07:59
af ProInvestorNEWS
Oil Market Considerations Macro conditions will influence the outlook for E&Ps, so we’ll first review the important macro considerations to provide background for the reasoning behind our picks. For 2024, the oil market supply and demand outlook is unusually binary. Since our market balances point to a 500,000 barrel per day supply deficit during the year, demand factors could either tip the balance into larger inventory draws or push the market into inventory builds.
23/12 07:58
af ProInvestorNEWS
The energy sector is about to enter 2024 as the most beaten down, oversold, unloved, and under-owned sector in the stock market. While that’s bad news for 2023 E&P returns, it’s not so bad for the year-ahead outlook. We expect positive returns for the energy sector overall, with the picks discussed below being our favorite ways to play it.
6/12 07:04
af ProInvestorNEWS
Putin på besøg i Emiraterne og Saudi-Arabien: Bruger sjælden rejse til at cementere partnerskab om olie Den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin, besøger De Forenede Arabiske Emirater og Saudi-Arabien i denne uge, og bruger dermed en sjælden rejse ud af Rusland til at styrke styrke partnerskaber med vigtige olieproducenter, skriver Bloomberg
3/12 09:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
XOM, COP, or SLB: Which "Strong Buy" Oil Stock has the Highest Upside Potential? (link)
18/11 06:51
af ProInvestorNEWS
PANORO ENERGY: ABG kutter kursmålet til NOK 36 (40), gjentar kjøp.
18/11 06:50
af ProInvestorNEWS
BW ENERGY: ABG kutter kursmålet til NOK 27 (29), gjentar hold. DNB kutter til NOK 34 (36), gjentar kjøp. SEB kutter til NOK 33 (34), gjentar kjøp.
13/11 07:42
af ProInvestorNEWS
Stor usikkerhed om olieprisen i 2024 - Kan ende mellem 55 og 155 dollar (link)
8/11 22:07
af ProInvestorNEWS
Talos Energy Stock Getting Very Oversold (link)
8/11 22:06
af ProInvestorNEWS
BP Stock Getting Very Oversold (link)
8/11 14:27
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: Societe Generale øker kursmålet til NOK 375 (320), gjentar kjøp. HSBC øker til NOK 350 (306), gjentar hold.
8/11 07:14
af ProInvestorNEWS
Oliepriser: Investorerne tror ikke på en Mellemøstlig spredningsrisiko - Godt nyt for bilister og inflationen (link)
31/10 14:28
af ProInvestorNEWS
BW ENERGY: Namibiske myndigheter vil presse på for at Total og Shell - som har gjort store gassfunn på namibisk sokkel de siste 20 månedene - skal arbeide sammen med BW Energy (som er operatør av Kudo-prosjektet der) for en felles utvikling av hele området.
31/10 14:27
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: Danske Bank øker kursmålet til NOK 385 (370), gjentar hold.
31/10 08:53
af ProInvestorNEWS
Oliekæmpe skuffer på bundlinjen 31.10.2023 08.19 • MarketWire • Olieselskabet BP skuffede med resultatet i tredje kvartal, der blev markant under det ventede. Det viser regnskabet for tredje kvartal. Det ordinære driftsoverskud, EBIT, blev rapporteret til 6,09 mia. dollar, mens analytikere ifølge Bloomberg News havde ventet 7,64 mia. dollar. Nettooverskuddet blev 3,29 mio. dollar - også skuffende, da analytikerne havde forudset 4,05 mio. dollar.
30/10 15:14
af ProInvestorNEWS
VÅR ENERGI: DNB øker kursmålet til NOK 41 (37), gjentar kjøp.
30/10 15:14
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: ABG øker kursmålet til NOK 450 (420), gjentar kjøp. SB1M øker til NOK 405 (360), gjentar nøytral. Pareto øker til NOK 410 (360), gjentar kjøp.
30/10 15:13
af ProInvestorNEWS
AKER BP: Arctic øker kursmålet til NOK 385 (365), gjentar kjøp. DNB øker til NOK 365 (345), gjentar kjøp. Pareto øker til NOK 360 (350), gjentar kjøp. SB1M øker til NOK 385 (370), gjentar kjøp. Danske Bank øker til NOK 270 (335), gjentar kjøp.
27/10 06:17
af ProInvestorNEWS
Equinor slo forventningene Equinor fikk et justert driftsresultat på 8 milliarder dollar og slo analytikernes forventning. Samtidig tar selskapet store nedskrivninger i fornybarsegmentet. (link)
24/10 13:18
af ProInvestorNEWS
EQUINOR: Norne øker kursmålet til NOK 440 (400), gjentar kjøp.
24/10 13:18
af ProInvestorNEWS
AKER BP: Norne øker kursmålet til NOK 350 (320), gjentar kjøp.
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