Embla Medical
Bavarian Nordic
Grønne Aktier
Hansa Biopharma
Amerikanske aktier
GN Store Nord
Zealand Pharma
Smallcap og First North aktier
Banker og Finans
Embla Medical
24/1 06:23 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Godmorgen :-)
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9/1 10:06 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Participant access code: 274982
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9/1 10:05 af ProInvestorNEWS |
To participate in the telephone conference, please use the dial-in details provided below:
DK: +45 78 76 84 90
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9/1 10:05 af ProInvestorNEWS |
The call will include a review of the quarterly and full year results and will be held in English.
Slides used in the presentation will be made available on the company website at the following link: (link)
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9/1 10:04 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical hf: Conference call details for Q4/FY 2024
Reykjavik, Iceland/Copenhagen, Denmark, January 9, 2025. Embla Medical (Nasdaq Copenhagen: EMBLA) will publish its Q4/Full Year 2024 Report on 5 February 2025 at 7:00 CET. A conference call will be hosted on the same day at 9:00 CET / 8:00 GMT / 3:00am EST.
The event will be hosted by Sveinn Solvason, President and CEO, and G. Arna Sveinsdottir, CFO.
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9/1 06:13 af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør |
Godmorgen :-)
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17/12 14:51 af BSinvest |
Modstanden i 36-37 området er meget markant. Aktien bliver holdt i et skruestik i dette niveau. Det virker temmelig påfaldende.
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11/12 06:14 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla i Mio-klubben (link)
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10/12 15:03 af BSinvest |
Tak for analyse. De kommende dage får vi at se om hvorvidt sælgerne fortsat er på banen omkring modstandsniveauet i 36-37 området.
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10/12 08:37 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Rapporten fra Intron Health kan læses her: (link)
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10/12 08:12 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical får indledt dækning med "køb" af Intron Health
i dag kl. 07:47 ∙ MarketWire
Embla Medical
Embla Medical, der tidligere var kendt under navnet Össur, har fået indledt sin dækning med anbefalingen "køb" af finanshuset Intron Health.
Kursmålet for det islandske proteseselskab sættes i samme ombæring til 56 kr., skriver Bloomberg News.
Aktien steg mandag med 2,5 pct. til 36,90 kr., efter at Nordea løftede sit kursmål for aktien til 43,20 kr. fra 41 kr.
.\\˙ MarketWire
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9/12 13:55 af BSinvest |
Der bliver lige som tidligere hældt masse af aktier i niveauet 36-37. På et et tidspunkt må sælgerne nok løbe tør for aktier.
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9/12 13:37 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Buy: Valuation still not demanding, in our view, despite solid run
While the share is up 35% YTD, this on a par with EPS growth. Hence, it still
trades at the low end of its historical 10-year multiple range".
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9/12 13:35 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Plus the call highlighted that
Fior & Gentz provides highly personalised treatment, and thanks to its unique
configurator the company offers ~500,000 potential configurations. This,
combined with the sales synergies, makes us believe that Fior & Gentz is well
positioned to win market shares.
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9/12 13:35 af ProInvestorNEWS |
"Low penetration and attractive competitive situation
With the penetration rate of high-function orthoses being well below 5% in
developed markets, we see ample headroom for growth. The key competitor is
Ottobock while other companies mainly target low-function products, creating
an attractive duopolistic situation, in our view.
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9/12 13:33 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Nordea d. 9/12-2024: Target price
DKK 44.00
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9/12 13:30 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Prøv at kigge denne webcast igennem ved lejlighed. Det er en øjenåbner for hvad Emblas ortoser kan for mennesker med paralyseret lemmer som følge af blodprop, sklerose mv. De får mobiliteten tilbage.
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6/12 15:02 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical: Financial Calendar 2025 (link)
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6/12 09:58 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Interview med Michael Friis som opsummerer 2024, hvor Embla aktien har leveret bedre end det generelle marked og MedTech (link)
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2/12 11:47 af BSinvest |
Men på den anden side...Loftet på 36 giver nye investorer mulighed for at komme med på et rimeligt kursniveau.
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2/12 11:45 af BSinvest |
Tak Helge... Det er jo væksten vi tålmodigt venter på. PS: Samt også på den korte bane, at sælgeren/sælgerne i området omkring slipper jerngrebet på kursen. ;-)
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2/12 11:30 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla havde et ekspertkald på US Medicare reformen. Det er måske en øjenåbner for mange at mindre mobile patienter nu får adgang til bionics via tilskud - det vil hjælpe væksten over de næste 3-5 år, da det er den største ændring på tilskud de seneste 20 år. Se og lyt med her: (link)
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1/12 07:58 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Godmorgen :-)
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29/10 06:15 af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør |
BSinvest..Bruno Japp fra ØU har den samme analyse og kursmål, som du på aktien. I er begge af den gamle skole. ;-)
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28/10 12:42 af ProInvestorNEWS |
"Embla sikker havn ved rødt efterår på aktiemarkedet
Embla Medicals
3. kvartalsregnskab bekræftede investorernes positive syn på selskabet og aktien. På kort sigt forstærkes det positive syn på aktien af, at kursen med en betaværdi på 0,17 er stort set immun overfor en generel nedtur på aktiemarkedet".
Læs hele analysen fra Økonomisk Ugebrev i debatten: (link)
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25/10 16:07 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Selvom regnskabssæsonen ikke for alvor er gået i gang endnu, er der endnu en gang besøgsrekord på ProInvestor.com. Tak for at følge med! I denne pharma- og biotekopdatering kommer Helge Larsen ind på fedmesektoren, bl.a. et nyt studie fra Novo, hvor glp1 i Ozempic kan have en positiv effekt på alzheimers. Slutteligt fortæller han om Embla Medical, som laver proteser, og hvor nyeste skud på stammen er udviklet med kunstig intelligens. Kort video (link)
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24/10 09:44 af BSinvest |
Handles på en p/e på 33,5. Det er vel et fair niveau med de kortsigtede vækstudsigter. Får bionik-proteserne for alvor et gennembrud vil kursen ryge gevaldigt i vejret. Det bliver spændende at følge.
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24/10 09:32 af BSinvest |
Likviditeten er ikke særlig stor i Embla. Svært at samle en større portion op uden at aktien stiger for meget.
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24/10 06:09 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical – Recording of Q3 2024 result presentation (link)
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23/10 08:20 af ProInvestorNEWS |
HCAs event i dag - Embla Medical – Presentation of Interim report Q3 2024 (link)
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23/10 08:18 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical får hævet kursmålet til 41 kr. fra 36,40 kr. hos Nordea (link)
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22/10 07:47 af Stroka |
To actively participate in the Q&A session of the call please use following link for dial in options (link)
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22/10 07:45 af Stroka |
Konference call: (link)
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22/10 07:43 af Stroka |
Turnarounden efter nogle dårlige år må siges at være mere end godkendt. :-)
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22/10 07:36 af B.Andersen |
Positivt med fremgang på alle markeder.
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22/10 07:34 af B.Andersen |
Et stærkt regnskab helt som forventet.
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22/10 07:14 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Embla Medical ser frem mod udvidet dækning i USA efter stærkt tredje kvartal (link)
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22/10 07:13 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Medwatch: Embla Medical vokser encifret i tredje kvartal
Den islandske proteseproducent kan se frem til udvidet dækning i USA. (link)
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22/10 07:09 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Læs hele meddelelsen: (link)
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22/10 07:09 af ProInvestorNEWS |
2024 outlook
We reiterate our full year guidance of 6-8% organic sales growth and ~20% EBITDA margin before special items.
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22/10 07:08 af ProInvestorNEWS |
A global team of elite para-athletes who wear Össur’s renowned prosthetics won 22 medals and set five new Paralympic Records during the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, with the company’s iconic carbon fiber Cheetah sports blades, easily identifiable by their distinctive yellow stripe, dominating several categories of Athletics competition
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22/10 07:08 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Other highlights
During the third quarter we introduced the third generation of our Naked Prosthetics finger device portfolio, while our newly launched bionic knee solutions, NAVii® by Össur and Icon® by College Park continue to be rolled out in selected markets as part of our limited launch program. A full launch of NAVii and Icon is expected early 2025, as previously announced.
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22/10 07:07 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Net profit grew by 58% and was USD 22 million with a net profit margin of 10%, compared to 7% of sales in Q3 2023.
Cash generated from operations amounted to USD 52 million or 24% of sales, compared to 17% of sales in Q3 2023.
Free cash flow amounted to USD 33 million or 15% of sales, compared to 9% of sales in Q3 2023. Free cash flow was strong in the third quarter with solid operating results.
NIBD/EBITDA before special items was 2.8x at the end of Q3 2024. Share buybacks continue to be pause
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22/10 07:06 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Gross profit margin was 63%, compared to 62% in Q3 2023. The increase in gross profit can partly be ascribed to cost reduction initiatives in manufacturing implemented during Q1 as well as better product mix and manufacturing efficiency.
EBITDA amounted to USD 47 million, and EBITDA margin was 22% of sales, compared to 19% in Q3 2023. Increasing gross profit margin and continued cost control contributed to increased profitability
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22/10 07:06 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Highlights Q3 2024
Sales amounted to USD 214 million and organic growth was 7%, compared to 7% in Q3 2023. In local currency sales growth was 10% increase including acquisitions and 11% reported growth (USD growth).
Prosthetics & Neuro Orthotics sales grew by 9%, Patient Care grew 9%, while Bracing & Supports grew by 1% (all organically). EMEA continued to contribute strongly during Q3, whereas performance in Americas remained soft. APAC delivered good growth.
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22/10 07:05 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Our EBITDA margin came in strong for the quarter at 22%. We continue to see the positive effects from the cost reduction initiatives implemented in manufacturing earlier this year as well as contribution from better product mix and cost control.
We are executing well on our Growth’27 strategy and reiterate our full year guidance of 6-8% organic sales growth and ~20% EBITDA margin before special items.”
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22/10 07:05 af ProInvestorNEWS |
As of September 1, 2024, US Medicare has expanded access to advanced bionics for K2 patients. Healthcare professionals are currently assessing first patients as part of the replacement cycle through medical documentation that a bionic knee would improve the patient’s functional health outcomes.
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22/10 07:05 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Interim report Q3 2024
22 October 2024
Sveinn Sölvason, President and CEO, comments:
“We delivered solid sales in the third quarter amounting to USD 214 million. Organic sales growth was 7% and local currency growth was 11%. The strong momentum we have seen in EMEA throughout 2024 continued driven by strong performance in Prosthetics & Neuro Orthotics and Patient Care. In our Bracing & Supports business growth was more modest for the quarter
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21/10 10:44 af HanneP |
Spændende virksomhed. Bionik-teknologien er helt enestående i forhold til de gammeldags mekaniske proteser.
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21/10 08:08 af Stroka |
+3,25% i åbning.