Zealand Pharma
Bavarian Nordic
Amerikanske aktier
Grønne Aktier
GN Store Nord
Hansa Biopharma
Banker og Finans
Zealand Pharma
Embla Medical
10/11 11:46 af exitnu |
@Sørensen - forventer (måske) en pæn kursreaktion, enten en del op eller måske lidt ned!
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10/11 12:51 af EliotSpitzer |
CSørensen - Jeg forventer at vi høre noget om at EASE 2 studiet status. Jeg forventer at høre noget om BI 456906 og hvad Boehringer Ingelheim vil videre. Vil også se efter Protagonist Therapeutics milepælsbetaling. Jeg froventer dette bliver positivt.
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10/11 12:54 af EliotSpitzer |
Jeg har ikke noget godt overblik over hvad Boehringer Ingelheim skal betale for at gå ind i fase 3 og det bliver interessant at høre om hvad tidshorisonten er på dette projekt.
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10/11 14:32 af exitnu |
Og så er der fest i US (CPI) ;)
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10/11 15:00 af Svingtraderen |
kom så ZP
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10/11 15:01 af exitnu |
Zealand Pharma Announces Financial Results for the First Nine Months of 2022
Financial results for the first nine months of 2022
• Revenue: DKK 80.1 million (DKK 95.1 million in the first nine months of 2021).
• Net operating expenses: DKK -675.7 million (DKK -652.8 million in the first nine months of 2021).
• Net operating result: DKK -596.2 million (DKK -568.7 million in the first nine months of 2021).
• Net financial items: DKK -53.4 million (DKK 21.5 million in the first nine months of 202
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10/11 15:02 af exitnu |
10/11 15:03 af exitnu |
Financial guidance for 2022
The company will no longer provide guidance on net product revenue, reflecting the completion of the asset purchase agreement for V-Go® with MannKind Corporation and the completion of the global license and development agreement for Zegalogue® with Novo Nordisk.
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10/11 15:03 af exitnu |
.... In 2022, Zealand expects revenue from existing license agreements. However, since such revenue is uncertain in terms of size and timing, Zealand does not intend to provide guidance on such revenue.
Net operating expenses in 2022 are expected to be DKK 1,000 million +/-10%*. This is unchanged from our updated guidance issued on March 30, 2022.
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10/11 15:04 af exitnu |
9M 2022 Interim report
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10/11 15:06 af exitnu |
Zealand Pharma Q3: Fastholder forventninger til driftsomkostninger
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10/11 15:06 af exitnu |
Zealand Pharma fastholder forventningerne til regnskabsåret 2022 om nettodriftsomkostninger omkring 1000 mio. kr., mens selskabet har suspenderet forventningerne til produktsalget.
Det fremgår af biotekselskabets regnskab for tredje kvartal af 2022.
.\\˙ MarketWire
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10/11 15:08 af exitnu |
Upcoming events
• Initiate Phase 1b MAD trial of ZP8396, a long-acting amylin analogue in development for obesity by the end of the fourth quarter 2022.
• Interim Phase 3 data from EASE-SBS 2 and 3 long term extension trials of glepaglutide expected by the end of the fourth quarter 2022, and first quarter of 2023, respectively.
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10/11 15:09 af exitnu |
.... • Potential submission of new drug application (NDA) with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for dasiglucagon treatment in the management of CHI in the first half of 2023, based on data from the full Phase 3 program.
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10/11 15:12 af Svingtraderen |
ser i noget "breaking"?
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10/11 15:14 af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør |
ZEAL - Financial Results for the First Nine Months 2022 (link)
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10/11 15:14 af exitnu |
Nej intet "breaking".
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10/11 15:15 af Svingtraderen |
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10/11 15:16 af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør |
Non event.
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10/11 15:17 af exitnu |
Alt kurspåvirkende skal jo også meldes ud til markedet på forhånd ;)
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10/11 15:19 af exitnu |
Zealand Pharma hosted a conference call on November 10 at 4pm CET (10am ET) to present third quarter results for 2022.
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10/11 15:20 af exitnu |
"hosted" skal vel være "to host" :)
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10/11 15:59 af exitnu |
CC nu!
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10/11 16:01 af EliotSpitzer |
Jeg er klar
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10/11 16:28 af EliotSpitzer |
Der var ikke mange spørgsmål "fra salen" men det kan skyldes at operator havde problmer med forbindelsen.
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10/11 16:29 af exitnu |
Teknisk fejl - øv!
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10/11 16:29 af EliotSpitzer |
Ingen overraskelser i det C
onference call
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10/11 16:30 af Svingtraderen |
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10/11 16:30 af exitnu |
Operator virkede da også uøvet
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10/11 16:31 af EliotSpitzer |
Det var en fin lille gennemgang af situationen. Finacial targets bliver fastholdt og ingen overraskelser. Jeg troet at BI var lidt længere fremme end det som blev fremlagt. Men det er min fejl at jeg ikke havde styr på dette.
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10/11 16:32 af exitnu |
Tydeligvis en glitch - desværre.
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10/11 17:00 af exitnu |
Luk i 189,50 & -1,66%. God aften :-)
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10/11 18:13 af ProInvestorNEWS |
Zealand Pharma Q3: Omsætning dykker og underskud vokser (link)
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11/11 06:21 af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør |
Godmorgen :-)
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11/11 06:29 af Stroka |
God morgen :-)
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11/11 07:32 af exitnu |
God morgen :-)
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11/11 07:45 af ungeee |
22.21 - ikke for at lave ballade, men hvilken planet er du på? Eller er du ude på sjov :-)
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11/11 08:04 af exitnu |
"Jeg kan, på ingen måde, se at selskabet skulle være en investering værd"
JA der er fx sket alt for lidt i Q3:
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11/11 08:04 af exitnu |
Announced positive topline results from the pivotal Phase 3 EASE-1 trial of glepaglutide, a long-acting GLP-2 analogue designed for subcutaneous delivery via auto-injector, in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS).
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11/11 08:04 af exitnu |
Reported results from the Boehringer Ingelheim-sponsored Phase 2 clinical trial of BI 456906, a glucagon receptor/glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GCGR/GLP-1R) dual agonist, in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) at the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
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11/11 08:04 af exitnu |
Presented results from the Phase 3 clinical trial of dasiglucagon in congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) at the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE).
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11/11 08:05 af exitnu |
Completed dose escalation in the ongoing Phase 1a single ascending dose (SAD) trial of ZP8396, a long-acting amylin analogue.
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11/11 08:05 af exitnu |
Announced a global license and development agreement with Novo Nordisk to commercialize ZEGALOGUE® (dasiglucagon) for injection.
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11/11 08:07 af exitnu |
Personligt synes jeg at Zealand Pharma har overpræsteret. Alt går deres/vores vej ...
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11/11 08:08 af exitnu |
@Pensionisten - gider du venligst uddybe - tak!
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11/11 08:12 af exitnu |
Plus disse fire begivenheder:
Presented preclinical data at the Annual Meeting of the Obesity Society (Obesity Week). Reported results from the Boehringer Ingelheim-sponsored Phase 2 clinical trial of BI 456906 (GCGR/GLP-1R) in patients with T2D at Obesity Week. Phase 2 trial of BI 456906 in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Received gross proceeds of DKK 786 million from a directed issue and private placement.
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11/11 08:18 af ProInvestorNEWS |
11/11 08:27 af Svingtraderen |
morning i klubben:)
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11/11 08:29 af Svingtraderen |
22:21 synes det er væltet ind med nyheder i min Q3 - aktien er steget fra 75 til 190. Er op ca 30% i år mens markedet er ned 20%. Kan ikke liiige se hvad der mangler:)
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11/11 08:30 af Svingtraderen |
og tak @exitnu