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18/11 03:04
af StockBull
AMA er 1 time men 30 min med 2x playbackspeed.
18/11 02:58
af StockBull
(link) Fantastisk Concordium AMA hvor tunge drenge som IKEA, Volvo, Web3 og stor el leverandør bliver nævnt.
17/11 06:55
af ProInvestorNEWS
The Crypto Contagion Intensifies With More Dominoes To Fall (link)
15/11 04:06
af StockBull
Concordium opdatering (link)
14/11 11:24
af Urban
Kryptokonge 15 milliarder dollar tabt på en dag. (link)
14/11 11:19
af Urban
Der er næsten pr. automatik fokus på nordkoreanske hackere, efter at op mod 662 millioner dollar (4,77 milliarder kroner) på mystisk vis hen over natten forsvandt fra kryptovalutabørsen FTX, som nu er gået konkurs.(link)
11/11 14:53
af Urban
Ifølge Steen Jakobsen, investeringsdirektør i Saxo Bank, tegner FTX' kollaps sig til at blive kryptoverdenens »Lehman-øjeblik«, der kan hive bitcoin ned til 10.000 dollar eller endda helt ned til 5.000. Et Lehman-øjeblik refererer til den amerikanske investeringsbank Lehman Brothers, der med sin konkurs i september 2008 blev det uofficielle startskud på finanskrisen.(link)
10/11 06:50
af ProInvestorNEWS
Kryptocrash: Møder kryptovalutaer nu sit Lehman moment og kender investorerne møntens værdi? (link)
9/11 23:36
af StockBull
FTX deal i vasken (link)
9/11 23:35
af StockBull
Concordium - Web 3 (link)
9/11 23:34
af StockBull
Concordium - Tesla (link)
9/11 21:25
af Solsen
FTX med et hul på $6bn (link)
6/11 11:53
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3 Cryptocurrencies to Avoid Like the Plague in November (link)
29/10 12:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3 Green, Eco-Friendly Cryptos That Could Overtake Bitcoin (link)
29/10 11:55
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Strangely, Noted Crypto-Skeptic Warren Buffett May Soon Become a Backdoor Cryptocurrency (link)
2/10 12:46
af ProInvestorNEWS
1 of the Smartest Investors Says Buy the Dip on This Top Cryptocurrency (link)
2/10 08:52
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Is Ethereum a Buy in October? (link)
18/9 06:01
af ProInvestorNEWS
3 Must-Know Benefits of the Ethereum Merge (link)
15/9 06:43
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
4/9 11:49
af ProInvestorNEWS
September Could Be a Crucial Month for These 2 Cryptocurrencies (link)
4/9 05:46
af ProInvestorNEWS
Why Bitcoin and Ethereum Were Stuck in the Slow Lane on Saturday (link)
4/9 05:42
af ProInvestorNEWS
Money, The State And The Global South: Alternative Roles For Bitcoin (link)
3/9 13:07
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3/9 13:05
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
3 No-Brainer Reasons to Buy More Cryptocurrency Now (link)
3/9 13:04
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Should Ethereum Investors Be Concerned By the Collapse of the NFT Market? (link)
28/8 09:55
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
2 No-Brainer Cryptocurrencies to Buy Before the Bear Market Ends (link)
28/8 06:07
af ProInvestorNEWS
Why Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Solana Dropped on Saturday (link)
27/8 10:27
af ProInvestorNEWS
3 Top Smart Contract Cryptos Not Named Ethereum (link)
23/8 12:46
af ProInvestorNEWS
Should You Buy Ethereum While It's Beaten Down? (link)
21/8 06:15
af ProInvestorNEWS
3 Cryptos That Could Disrupt Financial Services (link)
19/8 14:26
af ProInvestorNEWS
A Bull Market Is Coming: 1 Crypto to Buy Now and 1 to Avoid (link)
19/8 10:48
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Kryptoaktier står til smæk efter bitcoindyk på 7 pct. (link)
18/8 19:09
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
8/8 17:07
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Why Shares of Coinbase, Silvergate Capital, and Riot Blockchain Are Rising Today (link) coinbase-silvergate-capital-and-riot-blockchain-are-rising-today
6/8 11:36
af ProInvestorNEWS
2 Reasons to Invest in Ethereum Right Now -- and 1 Reason to Wait (link)
2/8 12:51
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
24/7 14:41
af ProInvestorNEWS
3 Cryptos to Avoid No Matter What (link)
23/7 11:11
af ProInvestorNEWS
Is Now the Time to Invest in Ethereum? (link)
20/7 10:55
af ProInvestorNEWS
Bitcoin and Ethereum Soar as the Crypto Market Hits $1 Trillion (Again) (link)
19/7 19:56
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Ethereum Surges, but Ethereum Classic Up Much More on Merge Anticipation (link)
15/7 18:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dogecoin Surge, Leading to Questions of Whether Bottom Is In (link)
15/7 15:57
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Crypto Firm Celsius Declares Bankruptcy: What Lessons Can and Cannot be Learned (link)
12/7 11:36
af ProInvestorNEWS
3 Cryptos Beaten Down in 2022 That Are Ready to Bounce Back (link)
10/7 19:25
af ProInvestorNEWS
Crypto Is Trying Out Traditional Finance’s Failures in Hyperspeed, but It’s Going to Be Fine (link)
10/7 11:57
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Cryptocurrency Prices Plummet: What Should You Do? (link)
30/6 22:38
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Why Coinbase, Silvergate, and Cryptocurrencies Are Down Big Today (link)
30/6 22:35
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
19/6 08:03
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Why Crypto Prices Crashed on Saturday (link)
18/6 13:32
af ProInvestorNEWS
We Are in a Crypto Winter. Here's How to Survive (link)
18/6 11:17
af ProInvestorNEWS
Better Buy: Dogecoin vs. Terra Classic vs. Terra (LUNA)? (link)
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