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23/5 13:37
af Jan Van de Winkel
Genmab is currently a magnet for talent and despite a challenging labour market, it is still hugely attractive for top-talent. We have never been in a better position to find new team members who all believe in a bright future with the company.
23/5 13:37
af Sukkeralf
In a recent Medwatch article about the royalty loss to Janssen you said "..In the future, it will become clear why we didn’t chase an appeal...". Could you elaborate on what you mean by that sentence?
23/5 13:38
af Jan Van de Winkel
No further comments.
23/5 13:38
af Sukkeralf
Have Genmab/Janssen done any preclinical work with HexaCD38 compared to daratumumab in RA or solid tumors?
23/5 13:39
af Jan Van de Winkel
No, such work has not been performed with HexaBody CD38. We are currently testing it clinically in MM.
23/5 13:40
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Thank you for joining us and thank you for the many fullfilling answers to our questions. We look forward to seeing you back here on after Q2.
23/5 13:40
af Jan Van de Winkel
We thoroughly our interaction and cannot wait for the next one.
23/5 13:40
af Jan Van de Winkel
23/5 13:40
af Jan Van de Winkel
Stay healthy and looking forward to speak soon.
23/5 13:41
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This Q&A have ended.
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