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21/7 10:03
af peter12
Lidt søndagslæsning ;-) (link)
21/7 07:05
I artiklen nævner Simon Kirketerp i øvrigt denne lille sjove, men uverificerede historie"Fornyelig landede der eksempelvis en mail fra en af mine kilder i det danske børsmiljø. Han er stødt på en Novo Nordisk-aktionær, som har oplevet netop det: “I hendes aktiedepot ligger kun én aktie, og det er Novo Nordisk. Købt for mange, mange år siden for 2000 kr. De er nu blevet til ikke mindre end 106 mio. kr.” ;-)
21/7 07:02
Interessante tanker SB, men det virker ikke som om at du tager højde for aktiesplit og udbyttebetalinger i din sammenligning af kursudviklingen i Genmab og Novo. Her kan du fx se fra en artikel i Børsen (link)
21/7 04:59
af StockBull
Så ja man kan juble hver gang man køber under 2000 og sælger over 3000 :-)
21/7 04:43
af StockBull
Derudover mener jeg, at det har været mere fordelagtigt at swingtrade Genmab fra 2011 til nu. De færreste køber på all-time high (ATH). I både 2020, 2021, 2022 og 2024 har man kunnet købe Genmab til under kurs 2000 og efterfølgende sælge over kurs 3000 både i 2021 og 2022. Jeg tror også, at man kan nå over 3000 kr senere i 2024 og hvis man er kommet ind under 2000kr er den jo fin nok.
21/7 04:42
af StockBull
@Riss7. Man kan gå tilbage 13 år til 2011, hvor både Genmab og Novo startede omkring 60 kr i januar. Nu ligger Genmab på 1869 og Novo på 906. Lad os se, hvilken af de to der først stiger yderligere med 50% om 6 måneder. Jeg tror, at Genmab når 3000, før Novo når 1500, så Novo stadig er langt bagefter i forhold til 2011, hvor begge kostede 60 kr.
20/7 17:50
af E L
i also always wonder about that, opex days often seem to have impact; surely Genmab is impacted by options on ETFs and indices, but there is really no liquidity / volume on the single stock Genmab options , so always a bit difficult to judge
20/7 09:20
af peter12
Kan se der er handlet 700k afterhours. Måske det hænger sammen med optionsudløb i går ?
20/7 06:31
af transalp
Go morgen.. :)
19/7 21:47
af lahn1
Og på 3 x avg volume , hmm
19/7 20:37
af Raun
i US :-)
19/7 20:37
af Raun
Genmab bliver handlet omkring kurs 1900
19/7 13:51
af E L
Epcoritamab in Previously Treated Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) (link)
19/7 13:49
af E L
A Phase 2 Study of Epcoritamab in Patients With Follicular Lymphoma Not Accomplishing a Complete Response With Upfront Chemoimmunotherapy (link)
19/7 13:49
af E L
2 new small independant epcoritamab trials:
19/7 12:06
af PederT
Funny how the chat converts emojis to question marks. Maybe it's telling me to cut back on drinking :)
19/7 12:05
af PederT
I'd definitely buy one bottle today, but mostly because I'm heavily loaded with Crowdstrike stock ?
19/7 11:51
af E L
:-D maybe it is Helge organising these swings, so he can sell more wine ;-)
19/7 11:16
af gentogen
Well, I suppose there are boht good and bad reasons to open a nice botlle. So the cellar is empty
19/7 10:40
af E L
the more important question is: IF we go above 2000 , will everyone go back to their wine cellar and again pick their best bottle to drink , like they did before???
19/7 10:00
af Riis7
For over 4 år siden var der jubel da vi kom over kurs 2000. nu i h2 i 2024 skal vi stadig over kurs 2000 , det siger vel alt om Genmabs nedtur og hvor lidt market kigger darazalex salgstal efter tabt voldgiftsag .
19/7 09:54
af gentogen
Mit spørgsmål til jer med mere indsigt er altså, om den slags nye godkendelser kun er til fordel for JNJ eller også giver Genmab noget fremadrettet?
19/7 09:29
af gentogen
I det foregående link om Dara omtales en forventning om nye godkendelser i flere indikationer. Det fik mig til at spekulere på, hvordan det egentlig er med patenter og nye indikationer og nye kombinationer. Også lidt apropos voldgiften. Faldt over denne, der ikke er ny, men siger lidt om kompleksiteten: (link)
19/7 08:35
af E L
Strong Buy on Genmab: Robust DARZALEX Sales and Promising Pipeline Drive Positive Outlook TipRanks Jul. 18, 2024, 06:45 AM H.C. Wainwright analyst Ram Selvaraju reiterated a Buy rating on Genmab (GMAB – Research Report) today and set a price target of $50.00. (link)
19/7 06:06
af ProInvestorNEWS
Video med opdatering på Genmab efter Darzalex salgstal (link)
18/7 20:14
af E L
thanks lahn, lets hope it pays off at some point...
18/7 19:42
af lahn1
Thank you EL for all your great findings
18/7 14:21
af E L
and... here we go for the new Phase 3- A Study of Subcutaneously Injected Epcoritamab Plus Oral Lenalidomide Tablets Compared to Intravenously (IV) Infused Rituximab Plus IV Infused Gemcitabine and IV Infused Oxaliplatin in Adult Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (EPCORE DLBCL-4) (link)
18/7 14:19
af E L
always a relieve when i see that GEN1047 is still ongoing, some changes to the protocol, extension of dates, smaller # of patients (400 instead of 500), an estimated trial duration for an individual participant of 8 months (link)
18/7 13:09
af E L
we'll get to 13 bn without solids probably next year at this pace. Time for Jan to state a new number ;-)
18/7 12:10
af ProInvestorNEWS
Video...Pharma- og biotekopdatering uge 29 | Novo, Zealand Pharma, Gubra, Viking, Demant, Genmab (link)
18/7 11:26
af Bulder
13 bn if working in solids,
18/7 11:24
af Bulder
Winkel said 9 bn 8 years ago (link)
18/7 10:50
af E L
@Sukkeralf -don't see that many peak sales estimates for Darzalex, i remember a pharma report from Stifel beginning of the year which had $20bn as the highest i had seen. McJean had it right many years ago when he said $15bn didn't he , when we were all laughing a bit about that number. Very feasable now.
18/7 10:07
af exitnu
Johnson & Johnson CFO talks Q2 earnings, medtech business (link)
18/7 09:22
af E L
novartis q2-2024-investor-presentation (link)
18/7 07:04
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab-partner løfter forvetningerne efter stærkt salg (link)
18/7 07:03
af Solsen
Steget fra $637 mio i Q1. Imponerende vækst.
18/7 07:01
af Solsen
18/7 06:58
af Solsen
Kesimpta $799 mio
17/7 22:24
af Sukkeralf
Sounds great - what are the general expectations for peak sale?
17/7 20:28
af E L
And we had 21% growth. $2.9 billion in sales and 21% growth. So yes, DARZALEX is our single largest asset now for the corporation.
17/7 20:27
af E L
I thought maybe I would just remind you that actually, in this quarter, we delivered four additional positive Phase III studies with DARZALEX across a number of indications, including transplant ineligible frontline, including in the maintenance setting, after transplant, including smoldering condition that is as large as the entirety of diagnostically defying myeloma and in amyloidosis. So the momentum continues with DARZALEX.
17/7 20:27
af E L
we met primary endpoints for two DARZALEX studies, CEPHEUS and AQUILA, where results will be presented in an upcoming major medical meeting.
17/7 20:27
af E L
We continue to drive strong sales growth across our multiple myeloma portfolio. DARZALEX growth was 21.3%, primarily driven by share gains of 4.6 points across all lines of therapy and 9.4 points in the frontline setting, as well as market growth.
17/7 20:26
af E L
(link) Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript
17/7 15:35
af E L
I you are in a negative price spiral like we are with Genmab I notice it always makes you a bit more woriied about upcoming news, thinking maybe the market knows something i don't.... so i was also a bit worried the Dara number would disappoint . I am glad it didn't, I did not think we would see a $3bn quarter yet this year, but chances now are that we will. Quite amazing. Price will hopefully follow at some point
17/7 14:07
af Solsen
Når man tager prisen på Carvykti med i regnestykket er det minimalt med pts, der modtager den behandling. Prisen er vel $4-500.000 pr pts.
17/7 13:42
af Bulder
17/7 13:40
af Solsen
Afrundinger forklarer differencerne til kvartalstotalerne :-)
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