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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
8/2 14:48
af Plimsoller
Hvis JVW stadigvæk ønsker at holde et potentielt opkøb fra døren med en høj kurs, så vil et solidt tilbagekøbsprogram da være en god ide.
8/2 14:45
af ProInvestorNEWS
Kort video - Demant leverer et solidt regnskab, hvorimod GN Store Nord ikke har haft et godt 2023. Novo køber fabrikker op og Zealand Pharma-aktien tog et dyk. Envidere omtales Chemometec og Genmab. (link)
8/2 14:11
af StockBull
Der vil helt sikkert være højere omkostninger i 2024. De går hånd i hånd med højere omsætning som nok lander omkring 20.5 mia for 2024
8/2 13:18
af E L
A bispecific antibody approach for the potential prophylactic treatment of inherited bleeding disorders (link) // Hemab HMB-001 / (link)
8/2 12:58
af lahn1
De er nødt at få deres development omkostninger til at fremstå som en succes.
8/2 12:57
af lahn1
Ja han har kunne trække kursen op flere gange. Selvom Gmab sikkert ikke føler de har behov for det, er blevet for store/fine til det osv, tror jeg markedet ville sætte pris på at de sælger deres ph 2+3 forsøg i stil med hvordan de mindre biotech gør det.Opdater seneste Jeffries præsentation slide 7med hvad market valuer er for deres ph2+3 indikationer og sæt det på en spids med deres succesrate på 100% godkendelse af ph3 trial på en spids.
8/2 12:47
af Sukkeralf
Det har vel oftes været Jan´s optimisme på efterfølgende CC der har gavnet kursen.
8/2 12:46
af lahn1
Hvad kan der ellers komme af gode nyheder, realistisk ?
8/2 12:29
8/2 12:29
Enig Vitus. Prøv at melde et seriøst aktietilbagekøbsprogram ud, som jo også vil gavne alle de nødlidende waarent. Så stiger værdien af selskabet nok med mere end det aktietilbagekøbsprogrammet koster, altså ren win-win;-)
8/2 12:19
af Vitus
Spændende hvad Genmab melder ud på onsdag. Kan håbe på noget andet end de plejer….det virker jo ikke godt ! Meget højere omkostninger i 2024: uden aktietilbagekøbsprogram vil være noget i retning af gift for aktiekursen. Vi håbe på noget godt…..
7/2 17:26
af E L
Amgen makes progress with its Horizon prize Tepezza, but there's much work left to do (link)
7/2 17:22
af JørgenVarnæs
Primary outcome measured as % of CRs at 30 months. Will take some time before we get there
7/2 17:14
af E L
@gentogen some antibodies may not need an addition to be admistered SC and then genmab can do it itself, depends also on how potent the drug is and how much you will need to dose (like epco, and possibly HexaCD38). But for others i think outside technology will be used, i mean large pharmas also do that
7/2 17:11
af E L
i expect fast recruitment really; epco trials have done well, even during covid. Results for FL with epco are very very good, so i would think any doctor that can get his patient into this regimen for free via a trial will try...
7/2 16:58
af JørgenVarnæs
incidence US = 15k/year
7/2 16:51
af JørgenVarnæs
Nice - full steam ahead. Any ideas as to how easy/difficult recruitment will be?
7/2 16:17
af E L
the Ph3 EPCORE FL-2 trials started recruiting (link)
7/2 14:51
af gentogen
Når nu SC-versionerne juridisk set er helt nye produkter, kan Genmab så ikke bare selv lave dem?
7/2 10:22
af E L
we'll see how that works out for Tepezza SC, we don't know if the contracts are similar, but at at least Genmab now knows how to proceed with a potential arbitrage :-D The news in itself is not real news in that Horizon was looking at SC already in 2020 with Halozyme, but i imagine Xeris Biopharma will run with the deal after this (link)
7/2 09:46
af Sukkeralf
7/2 09:46
af Sukkeralf
Lundbeck igangsætter fase 3-studie med Lu AF82422.
7/2 09:41
af Sukkeralf
But Amgen seems to being doing a good job - thats so good :-)
7/2 09:40
af Sukkeralf
UUHFFF - now we hate these sc versions :-(
7/2 09:01
af E L
The Company plans to initiate a Phase 3 study evaluating the subcutaneous route of administration of TEPEZZA in patients with TED in H1 2024.
7/2 09:01
af E L
In December 2023, TEPEZZA received orphan drug designation in Japan for patients with moderate to severe active thyroid eye disease (TED). A New Drug Application was submitted for TEPEZZA in Japan based on the results from the OPTIC-J study evaluating TEPEZZA in patients with active TED. A Phase 3 study of TEPEZZA in Japan for chronic or low clinical activity score (CAS) TED continues to enroll patients.
7/2 09:00
af E L
AMGEN: TEPEZZA® (teprotumumab-trbw) generated $448 million of sales for the period. TEPEZZA is the first and only FDA-approved treatment for thyroid eye disease (TED). -Sales figures reflect only sales in the period from Oct. 6 2023 through the end of the year, and not the full quarter. (link)
7/2 07:32
af LP90
God morgen :-)
7/2 07:12
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
7/2 06:23
af Plimsoller
God morgen :-)
7/2 06:06
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
6/2 16:31
af Bulder
En vis konkurrence - i 2. linje. 1/3 får grad 3 eller værre problemer med synet.
6/2 16:18
af KWC
GSK’s Blenrep Combo Scores Phase III Win in Multiple Myeloma
6/2 16:18
af KWC
Konkurence ? (link)
6/2 16:18
af Bulder
Sc hex 38 er i hvert fald et nyt statement. Winkel er blevet spurgt flere gange, og sagt, at det var for tidligt at afgøre.
6/2 15:40
af gdn55
Er dette ikke en dansk chat?
6/2 15:23
af Teller
You not only have to be a good scientist and be able to develop new and wonderful drugs. You also and importantly have to be extremely "Street-smart" in a legal sense.
6/2 15:22
af w
Hi Martin, Hexabody CD38 is currently intravenous but can be made to SC by JnJ
6/2 15:22
af w
i asked Carlsen about this, regarding a sub version
6/2 15:17
af Teller
To be honest - My greatest concern is the deal made on super Dara. Was the same lawyers used for this deal??
6/2 14:55
af E L
GEN1046 Safety Trial has gone from Recruiting -to - Active, not recruiting (link)
6/2 13:02
af JørgenVarnæs
When Verdult says he still has respect for GEN leadership - but dara has been gifted to the partner and hexacd38 is closed country, he is really saying - there is not much respect left
6/2 12:59
af JørgenVarnæs
No? I beg to differ
6/2 12:57
af Bulder
Genmab is not to be blamed for the current Price. It’s not Long ago it was +3000. Business hasn’t changed since then.
6/2 12:46
af JørgenVarnæs
Am I completely wrong in saying, that the current GEN valuation is made up ENTIRELY from cash and expected dara-derived royalties?
6/2 12:45
af JørgenVarnæs
Please note, that I'm not questioning the quality of the research - I'm questioning the business decisions following the research
6/2 12:44
af Bulder
You cannot put a finger on the Scientific side of genmab. It’s been an unprecedented world class succes. Their wiilingness to pay out to shareholders however is far from satisfying.
6/2 12:31
af JørgenVarnæs
Its time GEN starts earning its keep for the shareholders
6/2 12:30
af JørgenVarnæs
Seriously - take out dara and cash from the valuation and you are left with dust and tubleweeds. Is that the hallmark of a successful R&D organization?
6/2 12:29
af Sukkeralf
I think you are unbelievable harsh in your criticism of Genmab JV - its still one of the most successful biotechs in Europe
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