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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 5 Marts kl 14.00 Læs mere her
6/2 06:15
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
6/2 05:44
af Sukkeralf
6/2 05:44
af Sukkeralf
Novartis bud på Morphosys
5/2 20:11
af JørgenVarnæs
Haha - det svar er der ikke meget KYSO over! Tak for indsatsen w
5/2 19:17
;-) = ?
5/2 19:16
til bestyrelseslokalet, men jeg er villig til at lade mig overraske?
5/2 19:16
Det er et "da mand økseskaft" svar og "Vi værdsætter vores investorers og interessenters tillid og fortsatte støtte" står i skrigende kontrast til den måde selskabet behandler sine aktionærer på. Hvis der er en grad af sandhed i det Carlsen slynger ud, så bør næste uges udmelding omkring årsrapporten være et solidt aktietilbagekøbsprogram. Det vil kunne understøtte kursen og en høj aktiekurs er det bedste værn mod et fjendtligt bud på selskabet. Den erkendelse tror jeg desværre ikke er nået ind
5/2 18:13
af w
Havde nok ikke forventet andet svar:/
5/2 18:12
af w
Mvh A Carlsen
5/2 18:11
af w
Det er vigtigt at holde sig for øje, at bioteknologiske investeringer er langsigtede og kræver tålmodighed. Markedets usikkerhed reflekterer ofte den komplekse natur af vores industri, hvor signifikante videnskabelige gennembrud kan tage tid at realisere fuldt ud. Vi er forpligtede til at kommunikere transparent og regelmæssigt om vores fremskridt og potentielle udfordringer. Vi værdsætter vores investorers og interessenters tillid og fortsatte støtte, da vi navigerer i denne komplekse og sk
5/2 18:11
af w
cashflow forudsigelser for 2030, er det vigtigt at understrege, at der er en betydelig grad af usikkerhed forbundet med sådanne estimater. Dette skyldes en række faktorer, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, den fortsatte forskning og udvikling, markedsgodkendelser, konkurrence, prisfastsættelse og markedsadgang. Med eller uden et CD38 stof i behandlingen af multipelt myelom (MM), arbejder Genmab kontinuerligt på at udvikle og forbedre vores pipeline af innovative behandlinger, der kan bidrage
5/2 18:10
af w
Kære Martin, Tak for din henvendelse og din interesse i Genmab's fremtidige udsigter. Vi forstår godt, at usikkerheden omkring voldgiftssagen og potentiel opt-in af JnJ på HexaBody-CD38 kan have skabt bekymring og uro på markederne. Det er vigtigt at anerkende, at investering i biotekindustrien indebærer en vis grad af risiko, især på grund af den høje variabilitet i udviklingsprocessen af nye lægemidler samt de regulatoriske godkendelsesprocesser. Når det kommer til langsigtede prognoser som
5/2 17:51
af JørgenVarnæs
funny how there has been a complete lack of M&A chatter about GEN for a very long time. I wonder if part of the drive up to 3300 was due to the Pfizer acquisition of SGEN?
5/2 17:47
af JørgenVarnæs
talk doesn't really seem to cut it anymore. Investors are growing very dissatisfied with the lack of development activities and clinical progress.
5/2 17:43
af E L
i judge Jan to be an honest guy after all these years, so i see merit in his words. but we all know he can be a bit enthusiastic some times and don't forget that his job also is to motivate his employees and to try to keep his shareholders happy/ =talking up the price
5/2 17:41
af Riis7
yeah we need some car talk again:-)
5/2 17:41
af E L
5/2 17:41
af JørgenVarnæs
only if you leverage your down-payment heavily
5/2 17:40
af E L
and hopefully it won't be a second hand, 20 year old Subaru ;)
5/2 17:40
af JørgenVarnæs
absolutely, I know my bias is very negative at the moment. However, Jan waving KYSO in our faces and delivering next to nothing to stockholders, is hard to watch
5/2 17:39
af E L
looking forward to the day someone starts to talk about the make of his new car again here ;-)
5/2 17:38
af E L
yes, that looks rather shitty today... hence the bad mood here sometimes ... and the mood drives the price again , it is a nasty circle...
5/2 17:30
af JørgenVarnæs
speaking of track record - GEN has a compounded RoI of 9% since IPO
5/2 17:29
af JørgenVarnæs
Something does not add up
5/2 17:28
af JørgenVarnæs
As I recall, GEN had a stock emission first time the stock hit 1000 and diluted investors by 10%. That was almost 10 years ago and the rationale was to bolster the coffers and secure funds for investments. We've heard that song ever since, but investments have been precious few
5/2 17:26
af E L
i also would like to see something done with their newer tech, like hexelect
5/2 17:26
af ProInvestorNEWS
Novo lægger mere end en Genmab til markedsværdien efter opkøb (link)
5/2 17:25
af E L
don't get me wrong, i am also impatient and would love to see more, but i do still like their track record, albeit some with the help of JNJ
5/2 17:23
af E L
we both remember the time they had to fire staff, long time ago...
5/2 17:23
af E L
and they have been able to hire the staff to do that
5/2 17:22
af E L
but you have to be fair in that only the last few years they have been able to spend real money based on Dara earnings...
5/2 17:21
af JørgenVarnæs
again, indeed you need early stage clinical trials for that - but this is a company going on it's 24rd year, promising breakthrough R&D. And we are still only talking about 1st generation mabs.
5/2 17:20
af E L
let alone HuMax-IL8 or MAGIC-8 by BMS, when is the lat time we heard anything from them, i think they almost have 10 trials in clinic with that ab
5/2 17:19
af E L
look at how long it takes for Lundbeck's Lu AF82422 of Novo's mim8...
5/2 17:18
af E L
and to start a Ph3 you really need to think you have a winner, i know everyone thinks they have too much money, but they are very costly...
5/2 17:16
af E L
you need ph1 and 2 first JV, you can't skip a stage unfortunately...
5/2 17:16
af E L
i their defence, the epco approval was record speed
5/2 17:16
af JørgenVarnæs
but perhaps worse - there is a profound lack of phase 3 programs in the pipeline
5/2 17:15
af E L
well we are waiting for GEN1042 /46 data, these are overdue, like HexaCD38 seem all a bit delayed. Not sure if that is due to covid
5/2 17:15
af Raun
Tak for din vurdering @Solsen :-)
5/2 17:15
af JørgenVarnæs
So far we've seen nothing from the Biontech collab but vailed hints about synergistic effect. I can't point to a single thing in the pipeline with the potential to break through
5/2 17:13
af JørgenVarnæs
EL, indeed. But where are all the other programs showing clinical promise?
5/2 17:12
af E L
that is not something you hope for in advance offcourse, ideally these would have gone further allready
5/2 17:11
af E L
they stopped a few programs, eg HexaBody-DR5/DR5 , DuoHexabody-CD37, DuoBody-CD3x5T4 ,
5/2 17:10
af E L
JV, epco was 50/50 after initial development
5/2 17:09
af E L
but we haven't seen anything with Abbvie really besides epco
5/2 17:09
af E L
on ADC; to be honest, i had expected something from their collaboration with Abbvie there, Jan was very enthusiastic at the time on Abbvie's ADC technology
5/2 17:07
af JørgenVarnæs
how is KYSO the same as the need to enter 50/50 partnerships to get something off the ground?
5/2 17:05
af Sukkeralf
Thats a good thing I think - different targets needs different tech
5/2 17:05
af JørgenVarnæs
Apart from hexa - when was the last time we saw results from the clinic on new programs?
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