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23/10 20:08
af Bulder
laver= lazertinib
23/10 20:07
af Bulder
Thx for the tremendous job finding all this E L. To conclude: succes in the narrow exon 20 indication. Succes in second Line in the broader EGFR-indication after Tagrisso. And we’ll have to wait for OS- data to conclude on Ryb + laver vs Tagrisso + chemo.
23/10 19:55
af E L
This story was updated to include new information from the Rybrevant studies and an interview with J&J's Mark Wildgust.- ESMO: J&J's Rybrevant combo beats Tagrisso on lung cancer progression. Should AZ worry? (link)
23/10 19:17
af E L
(link) Dr Cho onFirst-Line Amivantamab Plus Lazertinib in EGFR-Mutant NSCLC
23/10 19:11
af E L
New First-Line Standard for Lung Cancers With EGFR Exon 20 Insertions — Adding amivantamab to chemotherapy improved PFS, induced more rapid and durable responses (link)
23/10 19:08
af E L
Highlights on amivantamab after progression on osimertinib in EGFR-mutated NSCLC: MARIPOSA-2 (link)
23/10 17:57
af Solsen
Det er skrevet tidligere af bibob, men jeg linker igen (link) (link) Roche køber et antistof i fase 2/3 for ikke mindre end $7,1 bn - og kun til rettigheder i US og Japan. Det er vildt !
23/10 17:38
af Darvin
Thank's E L - i Think the coming years will show that mariposa is more competitive than it was initially assessed.
23/10 17:16
af E L
MARIPOSA-2 (link) (link) (link)
23/10 17:12
af E L
someone else pointing to subcutaneous amivantamab should improve tox (link)
23/10 17:05
af E L
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu #ESMO23 Dr. @APassaroMD presents the MARIPOSA-2 trial: phase III study of amivantamab (EGFR-MET bispecific) plus chemotherapy (with or without lazertinib) vs chemotherapy in #EGFR mutant NSCLC after osimertinib. (link)
23/10 16:55
af E L
plus lazertinib compared to osimertinib, with a nine-month improvement in median DOR (25.8 vs. 16.8 months).1
23/10 16:55
af E L
approximate what would be seen in other trials, was also explored in MARIPOSA. The median PFS when censoring CNS-only first progressions was 27.5 months for the combination of RYBREVANT® and lazertinib, compared with 18.5 months for osimertinib (HR=0.68; 95 percent CI, 0.56–0.83; P<0.001). The median duration of response (DOR), or the length of time that a tumor continues to respond to treatment without the cancer growing or spreading, was significantly longer for patients receiving RYBREVANT®
23/10 16:54
af E L
I think JNJ in the MARIPOSA press release already tried to counter the critics by pointing at the different PFS definition used - The MARIPOSA study required all patients to have serial brain imaging with MRIs in order to detect or monitor brain metastases, a measure not implemented in most prior studies for EGFR-mutated NSCLC. The primary endpoint of PFS in MARIPOSA included these central nervous system (CNS) events detected by serial brain MRIs. Extracranial PFS, which may more closely
23/10 16:52
af lahn1
@ Solsen enig det er flot, men deres repons ser lidt “light” ud og toxprofilen lidt grov i sammenligning med PDS0101. Men hook er spændende også pga meget lille Mcap.
23/10 16:45
af E L
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu #ESMO23 Dr. Byoung Chul Cho @cbcbc1971 presents the MARIPOSA trial: phase III study of 1L amivantamab (EGFR-MET bispecific) plus lazertinib vs osimertinib (vs lazertinib) in #EGFR mutant NSCLC. (link)
23/10 16:44
af E L
23/10 16:25
af Solsen
Second line efter Tigresso er i det mindste åben. Tror vi skal kigge mest på safety, hvor kombi Tigresso med kemo måske er kombiens achilleshæl. Men husk at Novods sammenligning mellem forsøg ikke er gangbar videnskabligt.
23/10 16:15
af E L
still waiting for the presentations...
23/10 16:09
af GeorgeBest
The other day MARIPOSA killed us, not much relief we get today ;-)
23/10 15:58
af E L
In lung cancer, J&J data amount to latest salvo against AstraZeneca (link)
23/10 15:57
af E L
Phase 3 MARIPOSA-2 Study Shows RYBREVANT® (amivantamab-vmjw) Plus Chemotherapy Given with or without Lazertinib Reduced Risk of Disease Progression or Death by 56 and 52 Percent Respectively in Patients with EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer who Progressed on or after Osimertinib (link)
23/10 15:57
af E L
Landmark Phase 3 MARIPOSA Study Shows RYBREVANT® (amivantamab-vmjw) Plus Lazertinib Resulted in 30 Percent Reduction in Risk of Disease Progression or Death Compared to Osimertinib in Patients with EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (link)
23/10 15:53
af E L
Amivantamab plus chemotherapy with and without lazertinib in EGFR-mutant advanced NSCLC after disease progression on osimertinib: Primary results from the phase 3 MARIPOSA-2 study (link)
23/10 15:48
af E L
Professor Ignace Vergote reports on key results from ESMO Congress 2023 on the innovaTV 301 trial (link)
23/10 15:17
af Solsen
En fordobling af ORR er jo super godt. Og pænt højt i solide tumore. Men forsøget er lille og der er flere faktorer, som afgør om et stof er en succes. OS, PFS og bivirkninger blot for at nævne nogle flere afgørende data.
23/10 12:44
af lahn1
@Solsen hvis du følger Hookipa, har du så en holdning til PDSBs HPV16+ HNSCC, better or worse ?
23/10 08:39
af E L
Phase 3 innovaTV 301 Trial Shows Potential of Tisotumab Vedotin in Cervical Cancer (link)
23/10 08:18
af E L
Overlæge: Rybrevant og kemoterapi kan blive ny standard mod EGFR Exon 20-muteret NSCLC (link)
23/10 08:04
af ProInvestorNEWS
Shortpositioner på danske aktier mandag d. 23. oktober 2023 (link)
23/10 08:04
af Klarussen
Short-% falder yderligere, fint, fint. Åbenbart ikke så meget tiltro til yderligere kursfald
23/10 07:14
af bibob
Roche køber biotekselskab for 50 Mia. Med Watch
23/10 06:55
af ProInvestorNEWS
Genmab fremlægger positive data fra fase 3-studie med middel mod livmoderhalskræft (link)
23/10 06:38
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
23/10 05:59
af Klarussen
Godmorgen :-) @Solsen: meget interessant
23/10 05:48
af ProInvestorNEWS
Aktier: Det er renten, som er problemet! (link)
23/10 05:37
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
23/10 05:26
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
23/10 05:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
22/10 20:09
af peter12
Også en af de biotech der er faldet 50% det sidste halve år. Det er dog et lille forsøg (n=20) (link)
22/10 19:55
af Solsen
Deres middel går netop efter HPV, hvorfor det måske også er relevant i cervival. Måske et billig opkøb;-)
22/10 19:52
af Solsen
Lidt fra meddelelsen: Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common viral infection estimated to cause about 5 percent of the worldwide cancer burden. This includes up to 60 percent of head and neck, 89 percent of cervical, 78 percent of vaginal, 88 percent of anal, 67 percent of vulvar and 50 percent of penile cancers.
22/10 19:41
af Solsen
22/10 19:41
af Solsen
Winkel er bestyrelsesfmd for Hookipa, som er kommet med dette fase 2 delresultat (link) Selskabet er værdisat til $40 mlm
22/10 18:46
Sikkert GB :-D
22/10 18:09
af gdn55
Til Pensionisten. Måske, men den plejer jo normalt at falde på gode nyheder. Ved ikke om den vil stige på dårlige nyheder, men hvad ved jeg.
22/10 17:57
af mobbyduck1
sammen med et nyt kursmål på 1200
22/10 17:51
af GeorgeBest
Mon ikke Novod i morgen meddeler at det er mindre respons end han havde forventet ;-)
22/10 17:30
af Pensionisten
@gdn55 - fornemmer jeg, bare en smule, negativ indstilling ;-)
22/10 16:45
af E L
Tisotumab twitter reactions (link) (link) (link) (link) (link)
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