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10/9 07:27
af lahn1
You doing a great job EL many thx for all your links.
10/9 07:13
af E L
Xencor yesterday announced they plan to start a trial with their CD3xCD20 in autoimmune diseases by the way... (this is the asset they had in development with JNJ for blood cancers, but where JNJ opted out...)
10/9 07:09
af E L
then again, with ORRs of 95% and CRs of 85%, maybe you don't really need comparisons anymore ;)
10/9 07:08
af E L
it is going to be hard to keep track of all the data releases for Epcoritamab... all the different arms... let alone the comparison with competition...
10/9 06:32
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
10/9 06:06
af transalp
Go morgen .. :)
10/9 06:05
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
10/9 05:48
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
10/9 04:57
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
9/9 23:19
af lahn1
Selvom PFS peger på en fordel til Tagrisso så mangler vi OS data for begge.
9/9 23:17
af lahn1
Solsen, tro ikke der er mange der har store forventninger til Rybrevant i1L selvomeSC Rybrevant havde en brdre AE profil. Men JNJ sigter vel stadigvæk efter 50% mrk shr i 1 L og det er optimistisk.
9/9 20:19
af E L
@lymphomahub CONGRESS | #SOHO2024 | POSTER Lorenzo Falchi @MSKCancerCenter presents data from the phase I/II EPCORE NHL-2 trial of fixed-duration epcoritamab + R2 in 1L FL (updated data from Arm 6) and single-agent epcoritamab as maintenance treatment after SOC in FL (first disclosure of Arm 7). N=41, ORR=95%,CR=85%. (link)
9/9 15:03
af Raun
Altså hvis JnJ ikke opter ind
9/9 15:02
af Raun
Det vil godt nok være en svinestreg af de store. Men JnJ skal vel så også ud og opfinde nye muligheder for CD38...
9/9 14:55
af Plimsoller
9/9 14:54
af Plimsoller
Er der noget der forhindre jnj i ikke at opte ind på Hexa for derefter at komme med et købstilbud på Genmab, og så få fat på det alligevel?
9/9 14:50
af Bulder
Hvis jnj ikke opter in skal vi 200 kr ned. Hvis de gør skal vi 1200 op. Så på den måde kan man da godt sige, at der er mere upside potentiale end det modsatte. Men det fjerner ikke downside risikoen.
9/9 14:48
af Bulder
Hvis ung
9/9 14:47
af E L
certainly is. many articles of Dara in Lupus. maybe we can even allow JNJ to combine teclistamab with Hexabody-CD38 ;-)
9/9 14:17
af Solsen
I know the target is BCMAxCD3 in tec. But CD38 could be interesting if JNJ dont
9/9 14:13
af Solsen
But the Lupus story is very interesting. I belive the CD38 target has lot of potential outside cancers.
9/9 14:09
af Solsen
It explains why market isnt rewarding Genmab.
9/9 14:07
af Solsen
Compare the Amivantamab combo against Tagrisso alone in naive NCSCL pts is not the right comparison. Tagrisso plus Chemo are more realistic (link)
9/9 13:29
af Hugininvest
Der er i hvert fald nogle der ikke kan “regne den ud”, er min salige ;-) påstand. Upside potentiale lige nu, er langt langt højere end downside risiko. Det er da fint, hvis man regner med at købe på et mindre dyk, men ikke sikkert det lykkes, og slet slet ikke sikkert det kommer. Upside derimod er nærmest sikker. Usikkerheden er blot hvornår. Det er altså nu man skal købe. Analytikerne kommer altid på bagkant, så vent ikke på dem.
9/9 13:23
af Solsen
The lupus pts is fantastic. Lupus is bad to have.
9/9 12:46
af E L
Truist sees Genmab stock undervalued despite strong pipeline potential (link)
9/9 11:44
af Raun
Tror bare vi skal væbne os med tålmodighed - belønnigen komme inden så længe føler jeg mig ret så sikker på..... Det er latterlig lav omsætninger vi har set den seneste tid - så det som tidligere nævnt stilstand før storm...
9/9 10:45
af E L
this is the data they saw when buying Profound at Apr3, data cut off is Apr2. So they had clear inside on this AE profile and deemed it safe enough to buy. I think that is a big +
9/9 09:49
af lahn1
First glance seem Rina-S ORR a bit lower than at SITC, but nice 50% at 120mg (MTD 140mg), lots af AE. This must be the data that convinced Gmab take over profound ? beside linker ect
9/9 08:50
af E L
Amivantamab at ESMO - (link)
9/9 08:46
af E L
Cancer drug offers life-changing results for severe lupus patient - teclistamab - (link)
9/9 08:46
af Darvin
Please do :-)
9/9 08:42
af E L
There has been a lot of positive news on Rybrevant, Teclistamab, Talquetamab, even Dara over the last few months, but is has all been neglected. I don't even bother posting most of it anymore...
9/9 08:40
af E L
it is no fun taking this drug looking at the treatment-related adverse events , but they call it 'manageable TRAEs'. Fortunately no ocular toxicity or interstitial lung disease
9/9 08:39
af Darvin
Agree GB. Perhaps the investors are not paying close attention to Genmab at the moment, and have directed their attention elsewhere. The stock should go up, not down.
9/9 08:37
af E L
so, In Part B, ORR for ovarian cancer pts randomized and treated at 120 mg/m2 was 50% (6/12 pts)
9/9 08:30
af E L
ESMO24 - 719MO - A phase I/II study of rinatabart sesutecan (Rina-S) in patients with advanced ovarian or endometrial cancer (link)
9/9 08:30
af GeorgeBest
I thought the nice Rybrevant data could give us a good upward move today. But it shouldn’t be so…
9/9 05:04
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Thanks E L.
8/9 19:45
af E L
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu Oral session at #WCLC24 on targeted therapy chaired by Drs. @drprunellab @LeXiuning starts with Dr. @ShirishGadgeel with an update on MARIPOSA (link)
8/9 19:38
af E L
J&J bolsters Rybrevant-Lazcluze's case against AZ's Tagrisso with survival analysis (link)
8/9 19:15
af E L
WCLC - P4.11E.11 Dosing Regimen for Acasunlimab (DuoBody-PD-L1x4-1BB) In Combination with Pembrolizumab -via (link)
8/9 19:06
af E L
New longer-term data from the MARIPOSA study confirm superior outcomes of chemotherapy-free RYBREVANT® plus LAZCLUZE™ regimen compared to osimertinib monotherapy as first-line therapy (link)
8/9 14:29
af Darvin
Hvem siger det bliver “perifert” ;-)
8/9 14:28
af Darvin
EL 11.22 I clearly assume that Genmab already has a plan B ready if CD38 is not selected by JJ. They've definitely already looked into it. And - yes, it could be, for example, Rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune diseases, which is an extremely large target. But could also be completely different indications. with regard to Rheumatoid arthritis, there are, by the way, a great many co-morbidities linked to it.
8/9 06:43
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
7/9 19:21
af lahn1
LOL Jo for dælen har ikke fået rette mit ark til endnu :D
7/9 19:00
af w
50:50? Er 1046 ikke fully owned minus single %’er
7/9 18:46
af lahn1
Jeg har Epco i DLBCL 25bn DKK i 2035. Gen1046 i NSCLC lægger jeg med 20bn DKK i 2035. Skal så splittes 50/50 og regner med 15% COGS. Så der 19bn DKK på bundlinjen til gmab. er klar over der er mange risks og der kan komme endu mere konkurrence.
7/9 15:51
af NiklasZ
Especially if they come with an offer to buy Genmab.
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