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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her
29/5 16:45
af Investorbro
What is the status on Elsiglutide? Is there an investigator sponsored phase 2 trial coming up?
29/5 16:45
af Investorbro
When can we expect the first pre clinical data from the collaboration with Alexion?
29/5 16:46
af Emmanuel Dulac
First, the discontinuation of elsiglutide was announced in March 2019, along with the selection of ZP 7570 as a new clinical candidate..
29/5 16:48
af Emmanuel Dulac
Second, the Alexion-Zealand working teams are off to a good start. We hope to have data on the C3 complement inhibitor by the end of 2019 so that Phase 1 initiation could be possible next year. But there are three more candidates to this deal and more milestones attached to advancing them..
29/5 16:49
af Emmanuel Dulac
And third, Boehringer Ingelheim will decide on development progress for GLP-1/GLU. We expect results from Phase 1 this year, which of course will inform if development will continue into Phase 2.
29/5 16:50
af Stroka
Zealand Pharma has yet not found a new CFO. When do you expect to be able to announce this position occupied?
29/5 16:51
af Emmanuel Dulac
Filling the CFO position has been one of my immediate tasks upon starting at Zealand, as well as a priority for the Board of Directors. We are in discussion with several candidates and hope to make an announcement as soon as possible .
29/5 16:52
af Jakob440
Finally, does Zealand Pharma participate in Investordagen in Aarhus June 11th?
29/5 16:53
af Emmanuel Dulac
Unfortunately, we will not participate in the June event this year. We are hoping to join Investordagen in Copenhagen this September.
29/5 16:54
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Emmanuel Dulac..Thank You for joining us and thank you for the many fullfilling answers to our questions. We look forward to to seeing you back here on after Q2.
29/5 16:54
af Emmanuel Dulac
Thank you again for having me. I look forward to our next discussion.
29/5 16:55
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This session is ended.
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