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9/12 11:59
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
"Karlsen i Danske Bank Markets har overfor E24 delt sine tanker om veien videre for shippingsektorene gassfrakt, tank og tørrlast. Han har overordnet tro på shipping fremover, men som i de fleste bransjer: Det er ingen tvil om at coronautviklingen blir avgjørende. ...
9/12 11:30
af ungeee
Mere (link)
8/12 22:32
af ungeee
7/12 22:34
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 1 t #Shipping #Weekly #DryBulk seasonal headwinds #Oil #Tanker gains from low levels #LNG still going strong #VLGC how high can we fly? #CotW on the low scrapping during 2020 Full free report here: (link)
7/12 19:18
af ungeee
19:13 sejt :)
7/12 19:13
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 12 min Baltic #LPG #shipping index +5% to $99/t (TCE $91k/d) #VLGC $AVANCE $AGAS $BWLPG $LPG(link)
6/12 21:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
LPG aktire på billigsalg: (link)
4/12 09:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Mærsk: Rater fortsætter op til højeste niveauer i mange år (link)
4/12 08:04
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Ballast speed has averaged 2% higher than laden speed in November, reflecting the strong earnings environment, Cleaves said. "It is challenging to say how long these fleet inefficiencies will last, with the Panama Canal delays said to be caused by high traffic, seasonal fog and Covid-19 related issues," the analysts added. "We expect that the delays will abate in the first quarter of 2021.
4/12 08:04
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
This is further adding to the fleet inefficiencies, tying up an estimated 7% of the global VLGC fleet’s capacity," the Cleaves analysts said. Ballast speed picking up One offsetting factor is an increase in VLGC ballast speed as owners hurry to the next deal. Speed averaged 15.1 knots in November, versus 14.3kn in June, the investment bank calculated. This rise represents a 2.5% increase in fleet capacity.
4/12 08:03
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Satellite data shows eight VLGCs were awaiting Panama Canal transit at the start of this week, with an average waiting time of 2.8 days, according to Cleaves. This is down from the 3.8 days average in October, but up from the 1.7 days average between May and August. "With some vessels now using up to nine days to transit the canal (normally around two days), many opt for the 12-days-longer voyage around the Cape of Good Hope.
4/12 08:03
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Exports stay solid "The very strong VLGC spot market reflects solid export volumes, but also significant fleet inefficiencies. Cargoes ex-US are now working towards mid-January laycans due to the lack of available prompt vessels, impacted by turnaround delays at discharge ports and transit delays at the Panama Canal," analysts Joakim Hannisdahl and Peter Michael Christensen said.
4/12 08:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Compatriot investment bank Cleaves Securities said a lack of available tonnage and strong fixing activity in the west saw earnings rally to $81,000 per day on 27 November, a 50% jump on the prior week and 58% on the prior month. "Canal delays are still supportive, but relets could emerge with the US/Asia LPG arbitrage now close to spot rates," the company added. Cleaves puts vessel earnings 3.5 times above cash break-even levels.
4/12 08:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Charterers assess their options "Following the hectic last week, the market has levelled off as charterers have taken a step back to assess options," the analysts said. "However, there are virtually no available vessels for the relevant fixing window which has left transpacific runs at a premium to western rates." Western numbers are estimated at $86,000 per day.
4/12 08:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
The market remains extremely tight in both basins as there is simply not enough tonnage to cater for demand," they said. There are still a few vessels available for December dates in the Middle East Gulf, but Fearnley expects attention to quickly turn towards January, with no tonnage overhang. Rates have continued to tick upwards, with the latest Baltic Exchange assessment coming in at $91.36 per tonne on Wednesday, or $82,300 per day.
4/12 08:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Fra TW: 'Virtually no' VLGCs available as rates stay strong Analysts continue to talk up prospects for large gas carriers as free tonnage dries up Prospects remain bright for VLGCs into 2021 as free tonnage dries up. Norwegian investment bank Fearnley Securities said the market has continued on a "strong note" since hitting five-year highs last week. Analysts Espen Landmark Fjermestad, Peder Nicolai Jarlsby and Ulrik Mannhart see limited headwinds in the near-term.
4/12 07:18
af ungeee
Stigende LPG-futurerater(link)
3/12 18:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
oakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 22 min Baltic #LPG #shipping index +2% to $94/t (TCE $85k/d) #VLGC $AVANCE $AGAS $BWLPG $LPG(link)
3/12 15:05
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
oakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 1 t #DryBulk #Shipping research report early-bird special: Vale published negative guidance revisions for 2021 yesterday (-16%). Although we did not believe Vale's old forecast, it still removes 5% of our Brazil #ironore forecast for 2021 $DSX $EGLE $GBLK $GNK $GOGL $SALT $SBLK(link)
2/12 17:29
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Shipping/Alphaliner: Rederiers driftsmargin stiger til årtihøjt niveau (link)
2/12 09:56
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Her er tråden: (link)
2/12 09:56
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
nvestoren @Investoren8 · 2 t Svarer @JHannisdahl Not true. Several ships have been fixed at these levels. Your view and communication is very biased towards your own recommendations. As an analyst you should be neutral, otherwise ut just looks stupid and not serious. In LPG you have failed, why noy just admit it.
2/12 07:03
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 6 t Although #VLGC FFAs fell back today, w ie Dec -7% to $84/t (TCE $74k/d), rates could rally further as there are ~0 ships available. Remember that astounding rates due to ~0 ships available means ~0 ships lock in these earnings... #LPG #shipping #VLGC $AVANCE $AGAS $BWLPG $LPG
1/12 20:06
af ungeee
19:52 Ratefutures er faldende
1/12 19:52
af Mcjean
Vilde rater i et lavmarked, har ingen Avance, må hellere købe lidt i morgen, 1q 2021 bliver da om noget vildt, men i Norge vil de hellere købe fantasiaktier bare der står grøn i profilen og så er de helt ligeglade med shipping,
1/12 18:30
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 50 min Most significant #oil #tanker #shipping spot movements: #VLCC +7% to $9k/d #Suezmax -33% to $2k/d #LR2 -10% to $9k/d #MR -36% to $2k/d #OOTT $ADSC $DHT $EURN $FRO $HAFNIA $HUNT $INSW $NAT $OET $TNK
1/12 18:29
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
oakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 49 min Baltic #LPG #shipping index +0% to $91/t (TCE $82k/d) #VLGC $AVANCE $AGAS $BWLPG $LPG
1/12 07:18
af ungeee
LPG :-)
1/12 07:13
af ungeee
LGP-futures er historisk meget høje pt.(link)
1/12 07:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
LPG-futures er stigende: (link)
1/12 07:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 6 t Some #VLGC talk of excessive docking schedule in 2021E, but it's actually on track to a very average 2.68% of the fleet's carrying capacity vs a generic 2.74% and 2.80% in 2020E (20 offhire days on intermediate, 30 on special survey) #LPG #shipping #VLGC $AGAS $AVANCE $BWLPG $LPG(link)
30/11 21:30
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Det er jeg da. Har haft aktien lige så længe som Lau Svendsen. Altså fra noteringen. :-)
30/11 21:16
af ungeee
28/11 19:43 Du skal nok blive glad for ZEAL :-)
30/11 21:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
oakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 39 min Baltic Dry Index Falls 0.24% to 1,227 Capesize -0.72% to $12,621 Panamax -0.17% to $11,507 Supramax 58k tons +0.38% to $11,241 Handysize +0.82% to $9,799 #DryBulk #Shipping $DSX $EGLE $GBLK $GNK $GOGL $SALT $SBLK
30/11 21:09
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 35 min Most significant #oil #tanker #shipping spot movements: #VLCC +9% to $9k/d #LR2 -11% to $10k/d #OOTT $ADSC $DHT $EURN $FRO $HAFNIA $HUNT $INSW $NAT $OET $TNK
30/11 21:09
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 36 min Baltic #LPG #shipping index +0% to $91/t (TCE $82k/d) #VLGC $AVANCE $BWLPG $LPG
30/11 19:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
euters @Reuters · 14 min Main economic boost from COVID vaccines will come later, BoE's Tenreyro says (link)
30/11 18:58
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Joakim Hannisdahl @JHannisdahl · 2 t #Shipping #Weekly #DryBulk posting small gains #Oil #Tanker owners take on a bullish stance #LNG flat at high levels #VLGC spot rates exploded, but how long will it last? #CotW on the current VLGC fleet inefficiencies Full free report here: (link)
30/11 09:45
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Det er bedre at du løbende følger futures end at spørge mig. :-) (link)
30/11 09:36
af JuliusFraSmithOvrfor
@Helge - Du skriver at raterne vil falde efter April/Maj. Har du et bud på hvilket niveau de vil falde til?
30/11 07:15
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
LPG: Raterne stiger yderligere: (link)
28/11 19:43
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Jeg har hvad jeg skal have i Novo og Genmab. Zealand har jeg løbende købt en smule mere af de seneste måneder.
28/11 19:42
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
46.000 på så langt sigt er usædvanligt.
28/11 18:15
af ungeee
Ps har både LPG og bio selv
28/11 18:10
af ungeee
Mener egentlig at biotek er værd at gå i igen fx gen, novo, Zealand nu
28/11 18:06
af ungeee
18.02 46000?
28/11 18:02
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Raterne vil falde efter april/maj, men se lige på futures ultimo 2021 fra mit link 16.04. :-)
28/11 17:58
af ungeee
17.53 Enig
28/11 17:57
af ungeee
:-) Helge overdrivelse fremmer forståelsen. De næste måneders ratefutures er snart indpriset i aktiekurserne, hvis ikke de er og resten så er norske supertradere og hype. Spørgsmålet er om det fortsætter efter april/maj 21 - ellers ser vi igen store drop mod de 20 igen.
28/11 17:53
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Det kan de også alligevel. Det norske aktiemarked er meget volatilt - især på rederier. Fald og stigninger på tocifrede procenter på dag- og ugeniveau er ikke ualmindeligt.
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