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25/3 17:27
af Solsen
The world are moving in another direction now. But I admire his approach !
25/3 17:10
af E L
From inception he encouraged openness of data and technology, looked for partnerships in academia, healthcare field and with competing pharma / bio. A strategy that backfired to him maybe just a few times to often. I wonder how his worldview has changed the last few years...
25/3 17:10
af E L
On a separate note, I feal somewhat sorry for Jan, who, with a strong academic background where science and ideas are shared in a joint effort to bring technology forward, created a company with much of that idealisme as corner stone.
25/3 16:52
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Jyske Bank: Genmab – Sagsøgt af partneren AbbVie (link)
25/3 16:50
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Genmab trækkes ind i retssag om tyveri af forretningshemmelighed af amerikansk gigant (link)
25/3 13:11
af gentogen
Regarding 12:24 the problem is that the wording is a wrong interpretation of what Genmab is saying. According to Genmab there was no trade secret in the first place (they call it an alleged trade secret several times) so they are not assuming that Abbvie had any innovation at all
25/3 12:56
af E L
At the same time, these are 2 professional parties that should be able to put revenues first and therefore I am not that worried about Epcoritamab, not for current indications, nor for potential future plans for autoimmune diseases. But for now I am assuming the other part of the original deal is dead for now (I already sort of was assuming that...). Just like I don't expect any partnerships with JNJ anymore.
25/3 12:55
af E L
It had already been a question mark for me why there were was nothing coming out of this. I had assumed the 50/50 split could be a potential hurdle for AbbVie to develop with Genmab what they could potentially do cheaper with a royalty deal or themselves. But it doesn't immediately show a deep and strong partner relationship if nothing comes out of it.
25/3 12:55
af E L
Remember from that deal 'The discovery research collaboration will combine proprietary antibodies from both companies along with Genmab's DuoBody technology and AbbVie's payload and ADC technology to select and develop up to four additional differentiated next-generation antibody-based product candidates'.
25/3 12:54
af E L
I also had to think about the remark from Jan at the time of the AbbVie deal, when he spoke about 'AbbVie's next generation ADC technology'. So I assume at that time they studied AbbVie's technology, but were not impressed enough for it to lead to anything. (and why did Genmab only notice that special part of the ADC technology when Profound showed it, and not AbbVie?? Was it even shown?)
25/3 12:54
af E L
I think it is safe to assume they carefully worded their reply lahn , assume it was drafted by lawyers... if it is not something that needs protection (in a business where everything needs protecting) than maybe you don't think it is very valuable...
25/3 12:53
af BioShare
Helt enig lahn1, virker ikke gennemtænkt
25/3 12:51
af E L
yes Helge, it will always be difficult to judge a relationship from the outside, we'll probably never really know what exactly is at play. (link)
25/3 12:27
af lahn1
Jeg havde helst set at de argumenterede at de selv var kommet op med ideen frem for dette.
25/3 12:25
af lahn1
Almost like, maybe we stole your idea, but you never secured it through patent.
25/3 12:24
af lahn1
Does it worry you too, that Gmab is not arguing they come up with idea of using disaccharides to enhance the hydrophilicity. Rather they claim, "according to Genmab, AbbVie has never pursued the development of products using the alleged trade secrets — nor sought to protect them through patents. In Genmab’s view, this raises questions about whether AbbVie is now trying to assert control over innovations it neither commercialized nor legally secured.
25/3 11:35
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
E L, thank you very much for the link10.08. The article provides relevant perspective on AbbVie's lawsuit against Genmab.
25/3 10:43
af E L
Rina-S Elicited Responses With/Without FRα Expression in Ovarian Cancer (link)
25/3 10:36
af E L
Novartis to present new data at AAN, including seven-year disability outcomes and safety analysis of Kesimpta® in people with relapsing multiple sclerosis Mar 25, 2025 (link)
25/3 10:23
Lahn 22:36: Dommerens afvisning 7½ mdr. (15.12.2023 - 29:07.2024).
25/3 10:08
af E L
AbbVie and Genmab: Can a legal battle break a billion-dollar bond? (link)
25/3 10:02
af E L
Bolt Presentation (link)
25/3 10:02
af E L
Bolt Biotherapeutics Reports Full-Year 2024 Financial Results (link) - The Company continues to work with Genmab to discover and develop next-generation ISACs for the treatment of cancer. Genmab and the Company are working together to advance the collaboration’s first development candidate, and the collaboration also continues research and development on additional programs.
25/3 08:09
af E L
Store fremskridt i behandling af knoglemarvskræft (link)
25/3 06:56
af transalp
Go morgen.. :)
24/3 22:36
af lahn1
Abbvie tabte en meget ligende sag mod Adcentrx. Dommeren afviste sagen grundet manglende beviser på en kriminel handling. (link)
24/3 21:36
af Solsen
What a story :-)
24/3 21:07
af Raun
24/3 21:02
af lahn1
Founder of Profound come from Stemcentrx got hired at Abbvie and left and then developed Rina-s which is better tha Elahere double whammy :D
24/3 20:59
af lahn1
Everyone won big time on Stemcentrx except Abbvie. Is IMGN just another failure in the line af disasters by Abbvie ?
24/3 19:25
af E L
Rova-T: the story of AbbVie’s multi-billion dollar failure -I'll have another look at this story tomorrow, but maybe this is also about AbbVie having a grudge with former Stemcentrx employees... (link)
24/3 19:10
af gentogen
24/3 19:09
af gentogen
Den anklagede person er endda officiel medopfinder af ProfoundBios patent, så vedkommende har da ikke skjult sin relation til ProfoundBio, så igen: Abbvie har haft fere år, hvor de kunne have anfægtet patentet
24/3 19:07
af gentogen
Ifølge det tidligere link til omtalen af Abbvies sagsanlæg, så er det sådan, at "ProfoundBio began filing patents and promoting its linker technology in 2021," Så de kunne have anfægtet patentet i flere år
24/3 17:17
af Solsen
hydrophobicity of conjugated exatecan on the ADC, enabling high DAR and efficient delivery of the exatecan payload to tumors while maintaining favorable physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of the ADC.
24/3 17:17
af Solsen
Correct DAR8 - Rina-S is an ADC comprised of a folate receptor-alpha-directed antibody conjugated to sesutecan, ProfoundBio’s novel, proprietary hydrophilic exatecan-based linker-drug, LD038, at a homogeneous drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) of 8. Exatecan is a highly potent, membrane permeable topoisomerase-1 inhibitor with strong bystander effect that has been extensively studied as a small molecule anticancer agent. Sesutecan is a highly hydrophilic stable, cleavable linker designed to mask the
24/3 17:15
af gentogen
Hej Raun. Jeg tænkte sjovt nok lidt det samme, da jeg læste meddelelsen
24/3 17:00
af E L
DAR of 8 I believe
24/3 16:38
af Solsen
Abbvies opfølger IMGN151 er i fase 1 siden december 2022 og har en DAR på 3,5 med deres payload DM21 (link) Rina-S har DAR 6 med topoisomerase 1 inhibitor som payload. Hvilket stof der er bedst må tiden vise. Jeg har ikke fundet data på patienter fra IMGN151.
24/3 15:49
af Raun
Vi kan også sætte det hele på hovedet..... Det kostede 4% i reklamepenge.... Det har afstedkommet at markedet nu for alvor har fået øje på RinaS.... Så skal vi egentlig ikke bare takke Abbvie ;-)
24/3 15:47
af Solsen
Mon det ikke er tidligere medarbejdere i immunogen vi skal søge eller ?
24/3 15:41
af Solsen
Abbvie køber Immunogen 30. november 2023 (link) på SITC 3. november offentliggør Profound data fra Rina-S som de nok burde have været opmærksom på (link)
24/3 15:18
af lahn1
Jeg ville som ledelse også sagsøge Gmab for at dække over mit $10Bn køb som nu ser mindre godt ud. Rart at kunne skyde skylden på tyveri :D
24/3 15:16
af lahn1
Bemærkelsværdigt at de ikke gjorde indsigelser med profounds patentansøgning
24/3 15:12
af GeorgeBest
Keep dreaming
24/3 15:12
af GeorgeBest
Men de fleste ser anderledes på det. Aktien er ned 4% på en pæn positiv dag. Herinde begynder man så at drømme om at nu vil AbbVie pga dette købe Genmab til en saftig overpris, nu da den rolle ikke mere kan tildeles JNJ
24/3 15:03
af gentogen
Abbvies påstand i linket er jo, at fordi A kendte B og B kendte C, der havde en idé, så burde Genmab have vidst, at det hele var baseret på tyveri...
24/3 15:00
af gentogen
Og argumentet er, at en person i Abbvie "had the idea" to use sugars. man kan vel ikke påstå, at en idé er en forretningshemmelighed...
24/3 14:58
af gentogen
Argumentationen er da også pænt tynd, når de siger, at "Genmab... had reason to know....
24/3 14:53
af Raun
Nu skal jeg ikke kloge i, hvad Abbvie har af intention med sit sagsanlæg. - Men kan et sagsanlæg der henvender sig til et stof der er så lang fremme i udviklingen - det kan Abbvie da vel ikke forsinke med et sådan sagsanlæg?..... Hvis der er noget hold i anklagen, så burde det vel være sådan at Genmab skal betale royalties til Abbvie af det eventuelle salg..... Det lyder helt forkert for mig at Abbvie kan stoppe/forsinke processen
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