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16/6 15:29
af lahn1
Thx , har vi et sammen ligningsgrundlag vs glofi combi (gemOX) ?
16/6 14:50
af GeorgeBest
Yes, but the comparison epco vs glofi would have been more relevant and interesting. glofi is the most potent of the Roche cd3/cd20
16/6 13:47
af lahn1
Epco gonna make gmab look like a f^#ing legend!. Worse pre treated pts popl. More covid and comes out better .
16/6 11:22
af E L
Epcoritamab versus mosunetuzumab in patients with R/R FL: findings of a MAIC (link)
16/6 08:10
af ProInvestorNEWS
Roche : Phase III Study Of Columvi Combo Extends Survival In Relapsed Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (link)
15/6 21:34
af Solsen
Umiddelbart ser Genmab/Abbvie ud til at stå med en fordel her de næste år.
15/6 21:32
af Solsen
Gad vide om de med det fase 1b samt involvering af et yderligere stof kan konvertere alle evt godkendelser i Glofitamab til sc-versionen ?
15/6 21:18
af GeorgeBest
Tusind tak
15/6 21:14
af Bulder
Studiet ser ud til at være færdigt om et år.
15/6 21:10
af Bulder
15/6 21:05
af Solsen
Iam not updated. But looking at Halozymes presentation at Roches last Q report Glofitamb/Columvi are not mentioned in a sc versions.
15/6 20:03
af GeorgeBest
How far away is Roche to get a subcutaneous formulation for glofitamab? Or have they given up on that?
15/6 19:09
af Solsen
Very good with the sc outpatient regime. Competitive advantage.
15/6 18:16
af E L
15/6 18:16
af E L
Lymphoma Hub @lymphomahub CONGRESS #EHA2024 | Umberto Vitolo reports 1st results from EPCORE NHL-1 FL cycle 1 optimization (C1 OPT) cohort investigating mitigation strategies for CRS with no mandatory hospitalization in pts with R/R FL receiving epcoritamab. (link)
15/6 18:13
af E L
The Lancet - Epcoritamab monotherapy in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (EPCORE NHL-1): a phase 2 cohort of a single-arm, multicentre study (link)
15/6 13:24
af E L
Felipe Peña Muñoz @HematoRules #EHA2024 BiTEs and #CART in #Lymphoma- (link)
15/6 13:03
af E L
Lymphoma Hub @lymphomahub CONGRESS | #EHA2024 | David Lavie, Hadassah Medical Center presents first data of SC administration of epcoritamab + POLA-R-CHP for the treatment of first-line DLBCL. ORR 100%, CR 88.6%, median duration of CR not reached, Grade 3/4 TEAE 76%, neutropenia 65% (all GR 3/4), CRS 49%, CRS resolution 100% (link)
15/6 13:03
af E L
would certainly hope so
15/6 12:47
af Bulder
Ja, når dara kan, kan superdara vel også?
15/6 12:16
af gentogen
15/6 12:11
af E L
another 180 patients into the EPCORE™FL-2 trial (link)
15/6 11:59
af E L
The Lancet Oncology @TheLancetOncol · 26 m Presenting now at #EHA2024 ⬇️ Long-term follow-up of CASSIOPEIA: Bortezomib, thalidomide & dexamethasone with or w/o daratumumab and followed by daratumumab maintenance or observation in transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple (link) (link) (link)
15/6 11:57
af E L
incidentaly they have not yet removed BNT313/GEN10533 from their pipeline, but i guess they will soon do that. We did get fair warning at the last call around Profound bio from Genmab that they would be even more rigoureus looking at the assets in their pipeline given the additional assets they are taking on
15/6 11:54
af E L
BioNTech at ASCO 2024 presentation / acasunlimab (link)
15/6 11:38
af E L
15/6 11:28
af E L
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof @Yuz6Yusof #EULAR2024 LBA0007 More evidence on deep Bcell depletion in #lupus. Open label trial of Daratumumab, anti-CD38 plasma cell Ab showed rapid reduction in biomarker endpoint, dsDNA, as well as SRI-4 & CLASI-A at Wk12. No SAE but longer F/U needed since IgG reduced by 6g/L (link) abstract (link)
15/6 06:14
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
15/6 06:10
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
14/6 20:26
af Solsen
Thanks EL. Epco looks very promising.
14/6 20:21
af E L
:-D i am sooo sorry , i really don't want to push the price down, but i can not find enough bad news to keep it up ;-)
14/6 19:14
af lahn1
EL, are you censoring the news. You only seem to report good news ?
14/6 18:11
af E L
TALVEY® (talquetamab-tgvs) demonstrates highly durable, longer-term responses in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (link)
14/6 15:57
af E L
are we expecting new data at EHA, or have we seen all at ASCO? haven't compared the abstracts...
14/6 15:56
af E L
#EHA2024 Epcoritamab (link) (link)
14/6 15:46
af bikube
$ kursen er fint oppe, men det VIXen også +10%
14/6 15:34
af gdn55
Det er godt nok ærgerligt, at vi ikke mere kan se hvem der køber og sælger.
14/6 15:29
af E L
We haven't lost focus, BioNTech insists (link) / acasunlimab
14/6 14:40
af Darvin
Nu har vi haft en l…. Kurs i lang tid . Hvad betyder en kort tid mere ? Der er så meget fundamentalt gods i Genmab, at efter det har været ned ad bakke, så skal vi snart op ad bakke - nyd turen når den kommer, om det så varer lidt. Det kan ikke ryste mig og God weekend herfra :-D
14/6 11:18
af Riis7
Der er ellers god dollar medvind igen, men det hjælper ikke rigtigt mere
14/6 11:10
af w
11.18, der er jo ingen shorts af betydning
14/6 10:27
af concillado
Juni måned har historisk altid været en hård nyser for GEN. Ren agurketid ;-)
14/6 10:18
af lahn1
Der arbejdes hårdt på at få kursen ned. Flotte savhakker med lavere bunde hver gang.
14/6 10:06
af Raun
@gentogen kl. 22.10 - Det vil godt nok være en svinestreg. - Med mindre at budet kommer samtidigt....
13/6 21:10
af gentogen
Hvis de vil give et bud, så opter de vel først ud...
13/6 20:55
af Sukkeralf
Bare det ikke ender med “The best did never come”
13/6 20:54
af Sukkeralf
Hhhmm og 1056 er vel også død. Synes det kniber for HexaBody teknologien :-(
13/6 20:48
af Solsen
Gen1053 terminated due to strategic evaluation (link)
13/6 19:26
af Solsen
Inden nytår ;-)
13/6 19:16
af lahn1
Nåå, ja ja det vil være det mest logiske :-) Og så hepper vi lidt på Sarclisa, så JnJ er tvunget til at opt in.
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