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26/2 10:27
af JørgenVarnæs
...or perhaps he is feeling the suffocating feeling from a drowning warrant program
26/2 10:25
af E L
26/2 09:46
af Solsen
JW is perhaps playing the game by telling investors that Genmab could be without dara (anti cd38) royalty in the 30’th - either is he saying to JNJ ”we can do it without you” or he is preparing investors on a takeout by JNJ because many cant see value in Genmab after dara. Or perhaps he realised that the will not take place. Or none of it ;-)
26/2 09:35
af JørgenVarnæs
indeed I do. Hexacd38 is a red herring
26/2 09:34
af Solsen
You dont take hexa38 in account. JNJ could very well be interested in hexa38 but only if they can buy the whole co.
26/2 09:31
af JørgenVarnæs
Ownership structure in GEN would all but guarantee an easy buy-out - but dara and the heavy and unproductive cost base are effective poison pills for any investor
26/2 09:30
af JørgenVarnæs
Still lacking strategic rationale - why pay 2x for an already fixed royalty stream?
26/2 09:30
af Solsen
But speculations.
26/2 09:29
af E L
lol royal, sorry ;-)
26/2 09:28
af Solsen
But it cant explain the all.
26/2 09:27
af Solsen
The shareprice is 25% down from last year.
26/2 09:27
af royal
Spelbreker. ;-)
26/2 09:19
af E L
Also, if the number of staff rises by a certain % you could expect a similar % change in awards (although this is unlikely to be linear, not everyone gets share based comp). And staff # has gone up +- 35% p/y last years
26/2 09:19
af E L
If a certain employee has a contract where it states that, for example, 10% of his total pay will be in the form of shares, he will get more shares if the share price is lower. Eg employee gets 10.000 dk from every 100.000 of salary in shares; in Feb 23 he got +- 10.000/2700 = 3.7 shares ; in Feb 24 het gets 10.000/2000 = 5 shares.
26/2 09:19
af E L
i always like take-over rumors, but, on the RSu's and warrants: keep in mind that the number will be a function of the share price and the number of employees.
26/2 09:13
Lad os endelig få en afsmittende effekt fra festen i Zealand;-)
26/2 08:54
af Teller
kurs 4000 - 5000 ved et køb er vel niveauet?
26/2 07:33
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
26/2 07:33
af LP90
Godmorgen :-)
26/2 07:04
af Stroka
God morgen :-)
26/2 06:01
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
25/2 13:34
af Solsen
Det giver ligesom ingen mening, at JW kommer med så forskellige meldinger med så kort mellemrum. Der kan dog være sket andre ting end det jeg gætter på ;-)
25/2 13:32
af Solsen
Har JNJ sagt enten køber vi eller også er det no go til
25/2 13:31
af Solsen
Måske er JW i gang med de forhandlinger. Først siger han, at hexa38 giver mirakler. Kort derefter siger han, at Genmab godt kan leve uden dara og dens afløser…
25/2 13:28
af Solsen
Og så er jeg stadig af den tro, at hvis hexa38 er virkelig god (mirakuløs) så skal JNJ købe.
25/2 13:27
af Solsen
Det var den store stigning i uddeling af retricted stocks der fik mig til at tænke, at det måske var sidste gang at gaveboden var åben. Normalt uddeles mange restricted stocks i februar. Men i år er det var 420.000 mod sidste års 180.000 stks.
25/2 11:27
af royal
Raun: Tror Solsen, som en del af os, stadig håber på overtagelse. :-)
24/2 14:12
af Raun
@Solsen kl. 7.50.... Hvad mener du med takeout?
24/2 10:15
af E L
Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Papadakis reiterated a Buy rating and DKK2,750.00 price target on Genmab
24/2 10:14
af E L
Deutsche Bank Reiterates Buy Rating on Genmab A/S (GEN:DC) (GMAB)
24/2 09:50
af E L
So i read this as -there are four potential antibodies under investigation. Reminder: For the discovery research partnership, Genmab will conduct Phase 1 studies for these programs. AbbVie retains the right to opt-in to program development.
24/2 09:49
af E L
As of December 31, 2023, all four product concepts have been selected for research and development. As part of the continued evaluation of deferred revenue related to the AbbVie collaboration agreement, Genmab’s classification of deferred revenue reflects the current estimate of co-development activities related to these product concepts as of December 31, 2023. - - (513mio dkk)
24/2 09:48
af E L
During the first quarter of 2022, Genmab and AbbVie entered into the aforementioned research agreement that governs the research and development activities in regard to the product concepts.
24/2 09:47
af E L
From the annual report: Deferred revenue was recognized in connection with the AbbVie collaboration agreement. [ ] The revenue deferred at the initiation of the AbbVie agreement in June 2020 related to four product concepts to be identified and subject to a research agreement to be negotiated between Genmab and AbbVie.
24/2 09:46
af E L
I was looking for some additional info on the Abbvie collaboration, besides Epco, In the original deal it read: The discovery research collaboration will combine proprietary antibodies from both companies along with Genmab’s DuoBody technology and AbbVie’s payload and ADC technology to select and develop up to four additional differentiated next-generation antibody-based product candidates, potentially across both solid tumors and hematological malignancies.
24/2 07:52
af ProInvestorNEWS
Støt vort arbejde med kr. 8 pr. måned. Bliv Plus-profil med professionel bundbar og få reklamefri chat. (Som Plus-profil får du en blå bolle med et plus på dit navn/alias. Det viser, at du er en supporter). (link)
24/2 07:50
af Solsen
Man kan håbe at den omgang warrants og restricted stocks er belønningen inden et takeout. Det var i hvert tilfælde en betydelig mængde.
24/2 07:48
af ProInvestorNEWS
Besøgstallet på seneste 30 dage er fra forrige uge steget med 1.500 til 111.500 unikke besøgende. Samlet antal sidevisninger i chats landede på 389.000. Engangementtid i gennemsnit 3,4 min. Størst i Genmabchatten med 10,29 min. Bavarian Chat derefter med 5,39 min.
24/2 07:44
af bibob
God morgen. :-)
24/2 07:36
af ProInvestorNEWS
Transactions with shares and linked securities in Genmab A/S made by managerial employees and their closely associated persons (link)
24/2 07:35
af ProInvestorNEWS
Grant of Restricted Stock Units to Management and Employees and Grant of Warrants to Employees in Genmab (link)
24/2 07:26
af Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør
Godmorgen :-)
23/2 14:15
af E L
Barclays analyst Emily Field Reiterates Overweight Rating on Genmab A/S (GEN:DC) (GMAB)
23/2 14:13
af E L
Cowen sänker riktkursen för Genmab till 2 119 danska kronor (2 131), upprepar market perform
23/2 13:57
af Sukkeralf
Guldkornene skal nok komme - ville bare være rart hvis et af stofferne i den tidlige pipeline viser potentialet. Forhåbentlig kommer MiM8 med i puljen fra sent 2025.
23/2 13:55
af Sukkeralf
Lahn det er jo ikke til at vide - enten kan Jan forsøge at forberede investorerne om et liv uden CD38 indkomst eller som du skriver rette fokus mod alt hvad der ellers sker. Han har tidligere ligeledes sagt, at investorer skulle se mere på hele Genmab. Ligeledes forbi de fleste ansatte i Genmab ikke arbejde med CD38, så det er jo lidt at negligere alt hvad de laver.
23/2 13:43
af E L
share price drives sentiment. with the current disappointing price, comments are easily explained in a negative way. And people become frustrated and search for negatives. It is what it is. It happens the other way around as well offcourse, when price goes up fast, suddenly everything is great again. it doesn't look like we will experience that anytime soon, but who knows, i didn't expect the huge fall either...
23/2 13:28
af lahn1
Hvor er det Jan har udtalt at vi ikke skal fokusere eller som nogle herinde skriver forvente så meget af HEXCD38. Jeg læser han kommentar under Q4 som om han prøver at trække pipeline frem i lyset. Det har vi jo efterlyst, altså at de påviser værdien af deres R/D omkostninger og fremtidens revenues. Det var bare lidt underspillet efter min smag og nogle misforstod som om han er ved at gøre parat til livet efter DAR. Det er så den absolut negative læsning at den kommunikation.
23/2 13:22
af ProInvestorNEWS
Janssen Pharma's Carvykti Gets Positive CHMP Opinion For Earlier Multiple Myeloma Treatmen (link)
23/2 13:05
af Raun
@Riis7 .... Den gode del af Biotek og Pharma, har det faktisk okay.... Så jeg ser bestemt ikke at det skal være en plausibel forklaring på Genmab's kursudvikling..... Derimod føler jeg mig overbevist om at usikkerheden omkring Superdara overskygger alt på nuværende tidspunkt. - Det gælder også logikken om at Genmab godt kan klare sig uden JnJ opter ind...
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